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Fantasy SuperNatural High School

Rey chuckled slightly before slipping his hands in his pockets "Any reason why she's hiding ?" He asked softly while looking at Patience.
Patience only chuckles, flying towards his ear and whispers "She's very shy" before flying back over to the ghost. Adeline looks at him before at Patience and then back at him before hiding behind Patience again when Patience turns into a human size fairy
"Right well me and Victor have to be heading off, Adeline can show you a tour of the school and whatever you need to know. I shall be seeing you both later" and with that said, Patience and Victor leaves, leaving the two alone. Adeline watches before looking at him, "....H-i" she stutters out, having a small smile
Rey stopped twisting it and then lifted it up into view "Uh.... I'll tell you later.... If there is a later" He said quietly.
Rey smiled "Its no problem" He said softly while looking across at the school that lay ahead, it was a large place for Rey's standards but he didn't know if it was large for the ghost's standards.
(.... I'll just say yes then)

Rey nodded before taking a small note pad from his jacket pocket and opening it "Its all here" He said softly while looking at the writing and scrawling that occupied the other pages.
Looking at his dorm number, she started to glow a light yellow as it was the same but calming down when his classes were the same but different. She smiles at that
( xD you really want him to be her boyfriend don't you ?)

Rey smiled and closed the note book before slipping it into his jacket, he then flipped his hand and the small metal disk came flying. Stopping infront of him it lowered itself to the ground for him to step onto it.
( xD Strange huh lel

Watches him speechless, she didn't know what to think. ( xD Reminds me of Fantastic Four Rise of the Silver Surfer) She tilts her head to the side, glowing a dark purple of curiosity

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