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Fantasy SuperNatural High School

Victor finally finds a t-shirt, a pair of underwear and jeans, once dressed he finally calms down, "Ahem, there we go, well then, what are you doing here, are you bored or did you just want to take a peek?" Victor asked her with an annoyed face.
Patience quickly gets what she needs, "I just wanted to get something, why do you have to be such an ass" she had a hurt expression, leaving quickly slamming the door and heading towards her class. Dean was on patrol like always, he notices Ippy while working and made a small sigh "What are we going to do with you?" He chuckles a bit, his wings come out after calling for someone to take his place. Dean walks up to her and picks her up, on the ground making sure no one was around. He walks inside the building carrying her, he heads towards his dorm and lays her in his bed after entering the room. Dean then stayed with her until she wakes up
Simon sighed as he walked up to the steps of the school with his hands in his pockets looking around him always on guard paying attention to every little detail as he opened the doors he walked slowly into the building aimlessly walking down the halls. "I wonder what today's going to be like" he asked himself pretending to know where he is going
Victor scratched the back of his head, she was right, it was wrong of him to make such an assumption, he'd just been so shocked to see her there as he'd recently gotten out of the shower, he sat down on the bed and started thinking of a way to apoligize.

(Sorry Lutty, it seems like someone got to Ippy before me, and it's late here so I'm going to bed. Goodnight everybody)
InsaneKiller19 said:
Dean was on patrol like always, he notices Ippy while working and made a small sigh "What are we going to do with you?" He chuckles a bit, his wings come out after calling for someone to take his place. Dean walks up to her and picks her up, on the ground making sure no one was around. He walks inside the building carrying her, he heads towards his dorm and lays her in his bed after entering the room. Dean then stayed with her until she wakes up
Ippy felt movement, looking up she saw Dean near her as she was on the bed. "What..?" She asked, sitting up. She scratched the back of her head, giving a self-annoyed sigh of frustration. "I'm probably late..." She muttered to herself, realizing she was still in her pyjamas from when she left mid-sleep. "Uhh... Can you please help? I don't know what i'm doing here... I mean, I know why i'm at the school, but not what I need to do... This is my first time ever going to a school, so I need a bit of help..."

LuttyNetto said:
Ippy felt movement, looking up she saw Dean near her as she was on the bed. "What..?" She asked, sitting up. She scratched the back of her head, giving a self-annoyed sigh of frustration. "I'm probably late..." She muttered to herself, realizing she was still in her pyjamas from when she left mid-sleep. "Uhh... Can you please help? I don't know what i'm doing here... I mean, I know why i'm at the school, but not what I need to do... This is my first time ever going to a school, so I need a bit of help..."
( First time? xD

( It made it seem as her first day of school long ago wasn't her first day and this was xD
Dean nods with a small smile, "Good to see you are awake, just like old times right Ippy?" He asks before nodding again, "Sure thing.."


[QUOTE="James foxflame](Gadda drive home if someone would quote my post with another post I will post when I get home)

( Mkay, hold on


[QUOTE="James foxflame]Simon sighed as he walked up to the steps of the school with his hands in his pockets looking around him always on guard paying attention to every little detail as he opened the doors he walked slowly into the building aimlessly walking down the halls. "I wonder what today's going to be like" he asked himself pretending to know where he is going

Verenity was walking through school, looking around for her brother Malice with a frustrated sigh. They were already late, so she couldn't risk getting another notice
InsaneKiller19 said:
Dean nods with a small smile, "Good to see you are awake, just like old times right Ippy?" He asks before nodding again, "Sure thing.."

( Mkay, hold on


Verenity was walking through school, looking around for her brother Malice with a frustrated sigh. They were already late, so she couldn't risk getting another notice
Spotting someone walking in the hall where he is his eyes meet her his body tenses as if he took a defensive posture from the attempts on his life by human and demon alike stopping as she gets close
Verenity looks at him, she then walks up to him and scratches the back of her neck "Hey..have you seen a maniac, demon with a hood running around?" She asks, hoping he didn't kill anyone else
InsaneKiller19 said:
Verenity looks at him, she then walks up to him and scratches the back of her neck "Hey..have you seen a maniac, demon with a hood running around?" She asks, hoping he didn't kill anyone else
"Demon?" He asked his fox like ears twitching gently as if he didn't know what that word ment "I don't think I saw him I just got here I'm new" he said holding out his hand for a handshake "my name is simon I might be able to help you find him if you want" he said as his posture stays a bit defensive

(Sorry didn't mean to quote ya)
Verenity nods, "Thanks..." she shakes his hand smiling at him in a friendly way "I'm Verenity..the demon is my big brother Malice." She then started to walk again, waiting for him to follow
(;-; i feel left out ;-; you reply to me plz? ^u^)


LuttyNetto said:
Ippy felt movement, looking up she saw Dean near her as she was on the bed. "What..?" She asked, sitting up. She scratched the back of her head, giving a self-annoyed sigh of frustration. "I'm probably late..." She muttered to herself, realizing she was still in her pyjamas from when she left mid-sleep. "Uhh... Can you please help? I don't know what i'm doing here... I mean, I know why i'm at the school, but not what I need to do... This is my first time ever going to a school, so I need a bit of help..."
InsaneKiller19 said:
Dean nods with a small smile, "Good to see you are awake, just like old times right Ippy?" He asks before nodding again, "Sure thing.."
(Didn't see that... .n.)

Ippy grinned. "Can you read that to me?" She asked, handing him the timetable she had for the day. "I can roughly read the time.. It's.. Two... Two... Four?" She checked, getting it wrong by hours.

Damn, gtg school in a few hours, so ima go sleep now... check back in right before i leave. @tag me in your reply :D _)
LuttyNetto said:
(Didn't see that... .n.)
Ippy grinned. "Can you read that to me?" She asked, handing him the timetable she had for the day. "I can roughly read the time.. It's.. Two... Two... Four?" She checked, getting it wrong by hours.

Damn, gtg school in a few hours, so ima go sleep now... check back in right before i leave. @tag me in your reply :D _)
Dean nods and takes it, starting to read it through to her so that she may understand what he is saying @LuttyNetto
Simon smiles a bit and starts fallowing her as he calls out for verenity's brother mispronouncing the name then looks to her "so he has killed?" He asked as if it was just a standard question not being used to being in the presence of someone who is not attacking him
Simon tilted his head still prying not knowing when to stop asking these questions "was he attacked? Because when I am attacked I make sure they can't hurt anyone again all I know is defend for my life so conversational things like this kind of baffle me" he said in a straight forward tone

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