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Fantasy SuperNatural High School

Ruvel was silently following the two, looking around warily. Patience was sitting on a bench outside the school, her wings wrapped around her as she looked down sadly. Dean nods and goes to show her, after waiting for her to get dressed. Verenity looks at him, "You think you can beat our father?" She asks confusingly
Victor was still running around in the school like a lunatic, eventually after he'd basically run through every coridoor of the school at least once he decided to look outside, he slammed open the entrance doors, getting many strange looks, he looked around frantically for Patience, and eventually he saw her, sitting on a bench looking down into the ground, he ran towards her and once he reached her he emraced her in a hug which he didn't intend to end until he'd finished with his apologize. "I'm sorry Patience, I'm so so sorry, you're right I am an ass and it was very stupid of me to insult you in that way with such an unnecessary comment and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me" Once he'd finished he let go and knelt down in front of her, his hands on her shoulders whilst looking up towards her.
Melody sighs and turn around. "You going to help us or not? Where's the cafeteria? We're starving." She huffs a little and her wings tense up.

Jameson laughs. "Don`t get your feathers in a twist Mel."
Patience smiles a bit in the hug, before looking up at him and nods "Of course I can forgive you...." she smiles at him, before hugging him again as she lay her head on his shoulder softly
Victor smiles as well, "Thank you Patience, I-I love you" He whispers to her, and then kisses her on the cheek.
[QUOTE="Celeste Kingston]Melody sighs and turn around. "You going to help us or not? Where's the cafeteria? We're starving." She huffs a little and her wings tense up.
Jameson laughs. "Don`t get your feathers in a twist Mel."

Ruvel narrows his eyes a bit, before motioning them to follow as he shows them where the cafeteria is

Patience pulls away, only to blush a light pink "I...love you to Victor" She smiles happily, as her wings flutter
Melody smiles. "Thanks? I`m sorry if me and Jameson were too loud last night. That`s how we normally are, truth or dare and all."

Jameson laughs and tips back his head. "That sounded so wrong Mel."
Ippy shook her head. "I don't know where I put my clothes. Let's go!" She stated, leading Dean to the door.
Ruvel shrugs and then stops in front of the cafeteria, looking back at them "I didn't hear a thing.." he replied bluntly

Dean made a chuckle of amusement, "You can't go to class looking like that ippy..."
Twisting her face into a scene of childish stubbornness, Ippy frowned. "Says who?" She demanded, her tail stiffening up behind her.
"Then you`re a deep sleeper. Umm thanks for showing us. We`ll see you tonight? Or around the halls." Melody smiles and squeezes Ruvel`s hand and follows Jameson into the cafeteria.
Dean crosses his arms, his wings coming out as he had a sword in his left hand "Says the state...."

Ruvel didn't react to the hand squeezing, but follows after them once his stomach growls loudly that could be heard 2 distance long
Ippy gave a sigh. "I forgot where I packed my clothes away, though!" She complained, stroking her own tail to loosen it up again. She looked at down at her pyjamas, a grey furry onesie with paws on the hands and feet, along with cat ears atop it's hood. Not to forget a tail, however it is used as a 'glove' for her real tail. On the back, there is a strange symbol that looks a little bit like a claw mark. The only other thing she was wearing that was visible was a red leather collar, a little tight, with golden embroidery in runic markings.
Melody smiles at him and gets a tray. She puts the food she wants on her plate and goes to find a table for her and Jameson.

Jameson turns to Ruvel. "For the Lucifer's daughter she`s kinda nice ain`t she?"
Dean went silent, "You forgot where you packed clothes?" he merely face palms but didn't "Why can't you just look for them? And I could write an excuse note that you will be with me so you don't have to go to your classes today.."

Ruvel stayed silent as he gets a tray, his food gets served and then he goes to the back part of the cafeteria as he sits in a table alone that is covered by darkness so no one could see him
"Well, I tried looking for them last night, but what I mean, is I think I forgot to pack them in the first place when coming here.. What I was wearing yesterday is being cleaned... But I think that was it.." Ippy seemed a little ashamed, giving an upset sigh. "I can do woodwork in this... Right?" She asked, doubtful of the answer herself.
Melody sees Ruvel on his own and motions to Jameson for them to move. She stands up and walks to his table and sits down. "So..what`s this school like?"
"Then... No classes today, either?" She asked with a sad expression on her face. "I was looking forward to having a proper lesson... My sister proba-" Ippy got cut off by her own thought. "I... I will be right back!" She suddenly bolted straight out, phasing through the wall, deploying soft white feathery wings flying directly east, appearing in an alleyway that looks to be occupied by a few homeless people.
Ippy looked around the alleyway, spotting a small girl asleep in a box. "Psst!" She whispered, the girl muttering awake a little, before going back to sleep. Ippy gave a frustrated sigh, and scribbled down something on a stray piece of paper, putting it in the box and closing it as it was. She went to fly back to the school, before spotting Dean watching her from a distance. She gave an awkward wave, as she flew over. "You uhh... Saw nothing, please?" She was almost begging him to ignore it all.

(Sorry, I got mock exams in the morning, almost midnight. Goodnight! I will try to reply in the early morning when i get up, so @tag me in your reply)
Ruvel looks at her, "That's the thing.....I don't like to talk..." he then went back to eating. Dean smiles and hugs her, patting her head "Oh ippy, what am I going to do with you.." he chuckles as his wings wrap around the two in a warm embrace @LuttyNetto

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