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Fantasy SuperNatural High School

Ruvel looked at the two, as if he was looking into they're souls which is somewhat true. He was they're roommate, but he doesn't say much or anything for that matter. He just looked at them
Melody snapped her fingers in his face. "Can you like maybe show us to our dorm? We just arrived. We're in the same dorm so it should only take a few minutes."

Jameson stayed with their bags, ready to jump to protect his friend if the guy appeared to be a danger.

(What does he look like?)
He copied her movements with a cold, emotionless stare. Before walking towards the dorm, he arrived earlier than the two. So he has a photo mental map in his head, memorizing every door and everyplace.
Ruvel stops and waits for them, he was in a bit of a rush to leave since he has an excuse unlike some beings. His scythe as his left hand/half arm while his other was a full human one. He was in his reaper form, so you could obviously tell what his rushing is about

Ruvel just didn't respond and showed them to they're dorm before walking off to go soul searching ( Spiderman: my spidey bad pun senses are tingly)
Comes back after a while and sits on his bed, changing into his human form and grabbing the carton of paint. He drew a background of utter darkness, with reapers, phantoms, spirits, blood, judgment by his father, and him in his reaper form standing next to his father with an emotionless expression
InsaneKiller19 said:
Patience smiles and nods with a small chuckle, "Sure.." she helps him, as she showed him towards the shower

Ass xD
Not sure whether that's an insult or a comment on me getting undressed xD
[QUOTE="James foxflame](Hey I'm new to the site but I'm no stranger to rp and I find this rp interesting and was wondering if I could join in?)

(Go to the top of the page, where it says "Character Sign Up" Read the first post there, use that as a template for creating your character, post it in the same tab. Then wait for insanekiller to accept, then you can participate! :D )

(In the meantime... Can someone pls notice the young cat girl 'sleeping' on the ground outside in plain view?)
LuttyNetto said:
(Go to the top of the page, where it says "Character Sign Up" Read the first post there, use that as a template for creating your character, post it in the same tab. Then wait for insanekiller to accept, then you can participate! :D )
(In the meantime... Can someone pls notice the young cat girl 'sleeping' on the ground outside in plain view?)
(Thank you I was on another rp forum and this one is laid out so differently so I appreciate it)
After ten or so minutes Victor had finished showering and he exited the shower, he grabbed a towel to dry himself off, as he exited the bathroom he was still drying his hair with the only towel he'd found, he walked over to the window, which reached up to his bellybutton, as he looked out he noticed a girl who pointed out from the crowd, she seemed to be sleeping in the middle of the school grounds. "Hm, I should go and check if she's okay, that's not a very common or recommended resting place" However as Victor turned back around he could feel his entire face turn bright red, standing right across the room was Patience, Victor had just assumed that she'd left for a lesson. He quickly shoved the towel down to his 'lower area', "Wh-what are you still doing here? D-don't you have a lesson to be at or something!?" Victor started fumbling around the room, looking for his clothes.
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minismurf said:
After ten or so minutes Victor had finished showering and he exited the shower, he grabbed a towel to dry himself off, as he exited the bathroom he was still drying his hair with the only towel he'd found, he walked over to the window, which reached up to his bellybutton, as he looked out he noticed a girl who pointed out from the crowd, she seemed to be sleeping in the middle of the school grounds. "Hm, I should go and check if she's okay, that's not a very common or recommended resting place" However as Victor turned back around he could feel his entire face turn bright red, standing right across the room was Patience, Victor had just assumed that she'd left for a lesson. He quickly shoved the towel down to his 'lower area', "Wh-what are you still doing here? D-don't you have a lesson to be at or something!?" Victor started fumbling around the room, looking for his clothes.
Patience enters only to notice Victor and blushes furiously


minismurf said:
Not sure whether that's an insult or a comment on me getting undressed xD
Insult in a friendly way xD

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