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Fantasy SuperNatural High School

Suzumaki takes one more random turn and sees a couple of people, one person is carrying the other. She continues walking towards them at a casual pace and eventually passes by; footsteps are heard speeding up so she turns around quickly and watches the people grow further from herself.

Chewing on the filter of her cigarette, "Tch, can't say hi?" she continues wondering aimlessly around, "maybe have a speaking problem..."

Eventually she ends up back to where she started.

Furious, she throws all of her bags off and onto the ground and gives one of them a hard kick then steps outs the door and lights her cigarette and begins smoking.
(Umm I`m new.. so my name is Luna and I`m an angel)

Luna stands in the entrance to the school, her backpack on her shoulder. She has no clue where to go, and no one to ask.

(IS this a boarding school or normla school?)
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character](Nice)
((I have too many ocs to remember how tall my characters weigh........ I have no life.... *sits in a corner and crys*..... Lol))

((Lol xD I always play by one character and one character only. I'm new to this website though but not to RP.))

((My characters name is always what I have now and the appearance is always the same. I just change certain things depending on the RP.))
[QUOTE="Celeste Kingston](Umm I`m new.. so my name is Luna and I`m an angel)
Luna stands in the entrance to the school, her backpack on her shoulder. She has no clue where to go, and no one to ask.

(IS this a boarding school or normla school?)

((Did u make a character? And also... Idk))


[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]((Lol xD I always play by one character and one character only. I'm new to this website though but not to RP.))
((My characters name is always what I have now and the appearance is always the same. I just change certain things depending on the RP.))

((Welp... time to delete some of my 3010 ocs....))
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]((Did u make a character? And also... Idk))

How do I do that? This is like my first rp on here so I have no clue what to do)
((Oh its simple. Just click on the tab that says "Character sign-up". Its below the Rp's name. The owner has put up a character sheet. Its the very first post. Follow the sheet and you should be good))
Suzumaki walks back inside after finishing her cigarette then stands in place at the door, pondering at which way she should go to find her dorm room; her eyes on fixed on her bags that are sprawled out in the floor though.

"Tch...I'll go left." She heads in the opposite direction of where she went last time, her anger has calmed down but she's still bothered.

"It's not supposed to be this hard to find a damn room!" She continues walking for a minute then slows down to a stop; tightening her hands into fists as they lay by her side she realizes that she left her bags laying in the floor.

With a quick turn, she stomps back to the door, grabs all three bags, and continues on from where she stopped just a second ago.
Ippy looked up, it seems she was going to be left alone again... "I guess i'll see you guys later..." She said in a melancholy tone. Ippy decided to just lay down in the middle of the floor outside to collect her thoughts and bearings.

(She's laying outside in the school grounds... someone do something? .n.)
Victor stood up and stumbled a little from his head spinning, "Uhmm, could you point me to the Showers?" he felt that he was sweaty, probably from his running around earlier

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(I posted it so I`m guessing I`m through)

Luna stands in the door, her suitcases and bags by her legs.

Jameson stands beside her, his suitcase and bag in his hands. "Guess we better find someone to shwo us the way, huh?"
[QUOTE="Celeste Kingston](I posted it so I`m guessing I`m through)
Luna stands in the door, her suitcases and bags by her legs.

(Actually, you gotta wait for @InsaneKiller19 to accept your character app. Shouldn't take long, just to make sure it's not against any rules or any plans, idk... just checking)


[QUOTE="Celeste Kingston](I posted it so I`m guessing I`m through)
Luna stands in the door, her suitcases and bags by her legs.

Jameson stands beside her, his suitcase and bag in his hands. "Guess we better find someone to shwo us the way, huh?"

(Oh also... Sorry for being pushy, but "The door" Could mean anywhere... and nobody would know if they could be near enough to meet her... I suggest being a bit more specific, like... "The door to the principal's office" Or... "The door to the cafeteria")
Suzumaki finds herself standing inside the Janitor's Closet.

"I don't even know anymore...I'll go ask someone."

She begins heading in the direction of where she had seen two people before; one was carrying the other.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Kikuchi_Makoto_full_1582707.jpg.bc836ac591b7ea39a32b293dd5921b11.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58188" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Kikuchi_Makoto_full_1582707.jpg.bc836ac591b7ea39a32b293dd5921b11.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Kikuchi_Makoto_full_1582707.jpg
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Since it didn't seem like Patience was going to answer him at the moment so did Victor decide to find the bathroom himself, he started exploring the dorm, after looking around for a little while he found the bathroom, he entered, undressed and jumped into the shower.
minismurf said:
Victor stood up and stumbled a little from his head spinning, "Uhmm, could you point me to the Showers?" he felt that he was sweaty, probably from his running around earlier
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Patience smiles and nods with a small chuckle, "Sure.." she helps him, as she showed him towards the shower


minismurf said:
Since it didn't seem like Patience was going to answer him at the moment so did Victor decide to find the bathroom himself, he started exploring the dorm, after looking around for a little while he found the bathroom, he entered, undressed and jumped into the shower.
Ass xD
LuttyNetto said:
Ippy looked up, it seems she was going to be left alone again... "I guess i'll see you guys later..." She said in a melancholy tone. Ippy decided to just lay down in the middle of the floor outside to collect her thoughts and bearings.
(She's laying outside in the school grounds... someone do something? .n.)
(Anyone please?)

(Uhh... i gtg sleep now, tag me in your reply and im gonna reply in few hrs)
Jameson huffed. "Let`s just grab someone and go along from there, alright? The worst that can happen is they say no."

Melody nodded. "Okay." She set down her bags and tapped on a guys shoulder.
[QUOTE="Celeste Kingston]Jameson huffed. "Let`s just grab someone and go along from there, alright? The worst that can happen is they say no."
Melody nodded. "Okay." She set down her bags and tapped on a guys shoulder.

(( Which guy? lol

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