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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Jeremy took all of Scout's weapons and tied him to a bed before going downstairs again. Peter was watching Eris sleep. He looked exhausted but also determined to stay awake.
Dana handed Peter a cup of coffee. "If your trying to stay awake you might need this." Kala had sent her shadow to watch scout. She yawned a bit tired, using all that magic wore her out.
Dana handed Peter a cup of coffee. "If your trying to stay awake you might need this." Kala had sent her shadow to watch scout. She yawned a bit tired, using all that magic wore her out.
He took it and took a sip. "I know she's safe in here but I just can't relax." He said. "Not after everything I saw."
He took it and took a sip. "I know she's safe in here but I just can't relax." He said. "Not after everything I saw."
" I can believe it. Kala mentioned people seeing their worst nightmares out there" Dana nods. Hearing that mention the symbols on Kala's skin reappeared, kala shook her head muttering something and they vanished. Maddy walked into the living room. "Eris has a good idea"
" I can believe it. Kala mentioned people seeing their worst nightmares out there" Dana nods. Hearing that mention the symbols on Kala's skin reappeared, kala shook her head muttering something and they vanished. Maddy walked into the living room. "Eris has a good idea"
"Yeah. Sleeping is a smart idea. You should." Peter said.

Scout woke up. "WHAT DA FUCK!" He said struggling against the ropes.
" look..we grew up together. I know how she fights even as a monster. We got parried up to spar all the time. So of course we are good in battle..think of that fight as a truce. A truce where I don't shoot her with an arrow and dragged back to our family." Hunter said. "She should have never left."
"But that was her choice." He replied. "Just because she's not a part of the family business doesn't mean she should be exiled." He pauses. "Maybe it's the opposite. You don't hate her at all. You were just told to not like her because of 'Da Rules'."
"Yeah. Sleeping is a smart idea. You should." Peter said.

Scout woke up. "WHAT DA FUCK!" He said struggling against the ropes.
"yeah I'll try" Maddy said walking to her room. Dana nods. "Take medic's medicine if you need to." Maddy didn't reply not bothering to question how Dana knew.

Kala's shadow waved at him.
"yeah I'll try" Maddy said walking to her room. Dana nods. "Take medic's medicine if you need to." Maddy didn't reply not bothering to question how Dana knew.

Kala's shadow waved at him.
"Let me put!" Scout yelled sturggling. "Let me out or kill me!" His yells could be heard throughout the house. Jeremy sighed.
"But that was her choice." He replied. "Just because she's not a part of the family business doesn't mean she should be exiled." He pauses. "Maybe it's the opposite. You don't hate her at all. You were just told to not like her because of 'Da Rules'."
" she ran away and fought several people on the way out. She even caused someone to lose an eye." She sighed. "Tyson one major rule of our family is you can't leave. As any of those heroes in that house and im sure they know it."
" she ran away and fought several people on the way out. She even caused someone to lose an eye." She sighed. "Tyson one major rule of our family is you can't leave. As any of those heroes in that house and im sure they know it."
Tyson sighs and looks away for a second, realizing they're somewhat more similar than he thought. "Why not? You have the right to make your own decisions. You shouldn't be living as slaves to a rulebook." He looks at her. "Suppose you did manage to drag her back to your family. Would she be happy? Would you?"
" I can believe it. Kala mentioned people seeing their worst nightmares out there" Dana nods. Hearing that mention the symbols on Kala's skin reappeared, kala shook her head muttering something and they vanished. Maddy walked into the living room. "Eris has a good idea"
"Then do what the Medic and dat demon couldn't and finish da job.
Joey and Demy were unconscious on the street. A small trail of blood leaked from their arms and met in the middle of them.
Joey and Demy were unconscious on the street. A small trail of blood leaked from their arms and met in the middle of them.
Chuck walked by and waved his hands making the blood work the words "I live dangerously." Without intterupting the connection. Jane also walked by after Chuck and she patted Joey's face "are you ok there?" Suddenly it would start to rain and she of course didn't have an umbrella.
Chuck walked by and waved his hands making the blood work the words "I live dangerously." Without intterupting the connection. Jane also walked by after Chuck and she patted Joey's face "are you ok there?" Suddenly it would start to rain and she of course didn't have an umbrella.
Joey opened his eyes "Yeah... just a cut... shit is it raining?" He looked around for his helmet "Shit I got to get out of here."
Tyson sighs and looks away for a second, realizing they're somewhat more similar than he thought. "Why not? You have the right to make your own decisions. You shouldn't be living as slaves to a rulebook." He looks at her. "Suppose you did manage to drag her back to your family. Would she be happy? Would you?"
" I would be fine with it. she wouldn't be happy." Hunter turned towards a apartment building and went inside.
"I'm not killing you." She said
"Yeah well den you're as stupid as da rest. Hey maybe when I get out I'll shoot a few people." He said in an obvious attempt to anger her. He gave up and looked at the ceiling."Fine untie me and turn off Medic's machine I'll do it myself."
"Yeah well den you're as stupid as da rest. Hey maybe when I get out I'll shoot a few people." He said in an obvious attempt to anger her. He gave up and looked at the ceiling."Fine untie me and turn off Medic's machine I'll do it myself."
"Not doing that either. Why do you want to die" kala asked
"Not doing that either. Why do you want to die" kala asked
"What, you a psychologist or somethi- ugh." Scout said remembering. "Why'dya think? I started at of dis. I kidnapped Diana. I turned Maddy inti a giant wolf monster. And I ain't even the real version of me. I'm a recreation. A bad copy."
"What, you a psychologist or somethi- ugh." Scout said remembering. "Why'dya think? I started at of dis. I kidnapped Diana. I turned Maddy inti a giant wolf monster. And I ain't even the real version of me. I'm a recreation. A bad copy."
" I'm sure thy both have forgiven you for that." She said making a chair appear and sat down. "You might be a clone of Jeremy but that doesn't mean you have to be him."
" I'm sure thy both have forgiven you for that." She said making a chair appear and sat down. "You might be a clone of Jeremy but that doesn't mean you have to be him."
"Don't give me dat crap. Da whole 'you're your own person' speech is idiotic. I have the same face. The same brain. The same body. The same memories. The same fricken accent." Scout said. "I'm a bad copy, who did bad things."

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