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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"We won...You're safe..." Eris says and then falls on the couch and falls asleep for the first time in five days.

Tyson's Phoenix form dissipates and he returns to normal. The blade wound that pierced through his torso is still fresh. The tome stops glowing and so does he.
Diana smiles. "Thanks." Dana had woken up a few minutes earlier. She smiled and grabbed a blanket from the hall closet.

Hey you okay?" Maddy asked.
Diana smiles. "Thanks." Dana had woken up a few minutes earlier. She smiled and grabbed a blanket from the hall closet.

Hey you okay?" Maddy asked.
Tyson twitches a bit. He's fading in and out of consciousness between exhaustion and his injuries.
"I'll...be fine. Just another flesh wound. It happens."
Tyson twitches a bit. He's fading in and out of consciousness between exhaustion and his injuries.
"I'll...be fine. Just another flesh wound. It happens."
" Still let me help " she said changing back to her normal form. She started healing him. Hunter said nothing and watched, blood dripping down her arms where she got slashed.
"Don't listen to her. She's being stubborn." He said.
"Yeah I know" Maddy said as she finished healing him. "That should do it." She went over to Hunter. "Hunter please, let me help." Hunter turns away. "As I said battle is over I don't need your help. We arnt working together anymore."
"Yeah I know" Maddy said as she finished healing him. "That should do it." She went over to Hunter. "Hunter please, let me help." Hunter turns away. "As I said battle is over I don't need your help. We arnt working together anymore."
Tyson hops up.
"And why not? It's not like she's gonna hold it over your head. Just because you don't need her help doesn't mean you shouldn't let her." He said.
"We did it!" Maddy smiled, she saw the Phoenix crash and went over. Hunter looks around noticing scout leave. "Guess you don't want to celebrate?"

Diana looked at Eris. "How did it go?"
"Oh please the people here don't want me around."

"We won...You're safe..." Eris says and then falls on the couch and falls asleep for the first time in five days.

Tyson's Phoenix form dissipates and he returns to normal. The blade wound that pierced through his torso is still fresh. The tome stops glowing and so does he.
Jeremy smiled. "Thank god."
"Oh please the people here don't want me around."

Jeremy smiled. "Thank god."

Tyson hops up.
"And why not? It's not like she's gonna hold it over your head. Just because you don't need her help doesn't mean you shouldn't let her." He said.
Hunter shrugged hearing Jeremy. Maddy frowned. "Just cause we arnt in battle you won't let me help you..wow Hunter..just wow..come on your bleeding." Hunter looked at Tyson. "I'm not letting her. In battle it would be different." Before she could say anything else Maddy grabbed her arm, her hand glowing brightly. She really didn't care if Hunter didn't want her to, she was still going to help.

Dana covered Eris with a blanket. "Yeah that's good"
Hunter shrugged hearing Jeremy. Maddy frowned. "Just cause we arnt in battle you won't let me help you..wow Hunter..just wow..come on your bleeding." Hunter looked at Tyson. "I'm not letting her. In battle it would be different." Before she could say anything else Maddy grabbed her arm, her hand glowing brightly. She really didn't care if Hunter didn't want her to, she was still going to help.

Dana covered Eris with a blanket. "Yeah that's good"
Tyson walks up to them.
"See how easy that was? Sometimes you gotta know when to turn off that pride."

Eris snuggles under the blanket.
Tyson walks up to them.
"See how easy that was? Sometimes you gotta know when to turn off that pride."

Eris snuggles under the blanket.
"I'm heading home" Hunter said forcing her arm out of Maddy's grasp. She started walking. Maddy smiled ."see ya"

Dana chuckled before heading to the kitchen.
Hunter shrugged hearing Jeremy. Maddy frowned. "Just cause we arnt in battle you won't let me help you..wow Hunter..just wow..come on your bleeding." Hunter looked at Tyson. "I'm not letting her. In battle it would be different." Before she could say anything else Maddy grabbed her arm, her hand glowing brightly. She really didn't care if Hunter didn't want her to, she was still going to help.

Dana covered Eris with a blanket. "Yeah that's good"
The Mercs all walked in. "Okay removing the zhe clone machine." Medic said. "Where's Scout?" Jeremy asked. Medic pointed to the the teleporter. "He believes it's best if he leaves you all alone. My guess is only Diana and Maddy vill convince him ozherwise." He said. "Why Maddy?" Jeremy asked. "Because... You had feeling for her at on point did you not?" Musicnotes Musicnotes
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"I'm heading home" Hunter said forcing her arm out of Maddy's grasp. She started walking. Maddy smiled ."see ya"

Dana chuckled before heading to the kitchen.
"Well since SOMEBODY won't say it..." Tyson says as he looks at Maddy. "Thanks." He says as he spreads his wings and flies off beside Hunter.
The Mercs all walked in. "Okay removing the zhe clone machine." Medic said. "Where's Scout?" Jeremy asked. Medic pointed to the the teleporter. "He believes it's best if he leaves you all alone. My guess is only Diana and Maddy vill convince him ozherwise." He said. "Why Maddy?" Jeremy asked. "Because... You had feeling for her at on point did you not?"
Allyson shrugged. " well its his choice. I'm sure we will see him around." Diana looked at Jeremy. "You can try talking to him." She said before she went over to thank the mercs for helping.
Allyson shrugged. " well its his choice. I'm sure we will see him around." Diana looked at Jeremy. "You can try talking to him." She said before she went over to thank the mercs for helping.
Jeremy walked outside and Scout stepped on the teleporter. "Yo..." He said.

"Yo." Scout replied glancing at him.

"So... Ya gonna come in and celebrate?" Jeremy asked.

"Nope." Scout replied sticking some bubble gum in his mouth. "Sorry but last I checked I ain't welcome here. And you all really think I deserve to be around here you're all dumbasses who are too forgiving." He said.

"Maybe you just ain't forgiving enough." Jeremy pointed out.

"Oh please. Da last guy who should be forgiving anyone is me." He raised his forearm pointing to where they had fought Arkalas. "Or did you forget dat I'm da primary cause of dis. Ya might have had more time to- ya know what nevermind." He said pulling out his phone.

Medic picked up his own and sighed sadly reading the text. "Fine Scout if that's vhat you really want. Allyson. I need your help. I need to turn off zhe cloning machines for a bit."
Jeremy walked outside and Scout stepped on the teleporter. "Yo..." He said.

"Yo." Scout replied glancing at him.

"So... Ya gonna come in and celebrate?" Jeremy asked.

"Nope." Scout replied sticking some bubble gum in his mouth. "Sorry but last I checked I ain't welcome here. And you all really think I deserve to be around here you're all dumbasses who are too forgiving." He said.

"Maybe you just ain't forgiving enough." Jeremy pointed out.

"Oh please. Da last guy who should be forgiving anyone is me." He raised his forearm pointing to where they had fought Arkalas. "Or did you forget dat I'm da primary cause of dis. Ya might have had more time to- ya know what nevermind." He said pulling out his phone.

Medic picked up his own and sighed sadly reading the text. "Fine Scout if that's vhat you really want. Allyson. I need your help. I need to turn off zhe cloning machines for a bit."
" scout is going to shoot himself isn't he.." Allyson said going to the machine
"He... Doesn't want to hear what Jeremy has to say." Medic said. "Are zhis point all I can hope is zhat he finds peace in the next life."
" maybe someone should take that baseball bat of his and knock some sense into him.. Hmm wonder what happens to Nyx" she said since last they saw her she had fallen into a portal.
" maybe someone should take that baseball bat of his and knock some sense into him.. Hmm wonder what happens to Nyx" she said since last they saw her she had fallen into a portal.
"Perhapse-" Medic began suddenly. "MEDIC IF YOU TURN DAT GODDAMN MACHINE OFF I WILL KICK YOUR ASS!" Jeremy yelled with an unconcious Scout slung over his shoulders. "Kala. Gotta mental patient for ya!"
"Why harbor such animosity towards Maddy when you're not in battle?" He asks. "You're a great tactical team player. Do you just hate her as a person?"
" look..we grew up together. I know how she fights even as a monster. We got parried up to spar all the time. So of course we are good in battle..think of that fight as a truce. A truce where I don't shoot her with an arrow and dragged back to our family." Hunter said. "She should have never left."

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