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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"He had me brain washed and was going to marry me." She said. "Right now I don't know if he could really change."
"Roxie killed a lot of people and technically betrayed us." He said. "Look you don't have to forgive him. But your also not the only person who has the potential to forgive him." He said. "He turned my brains into soup remember?" Ben returned home after they had lost Void. "Hey Maddy. Sorry we let him get away." He said walking past her.
"Roxie killed a lot of people and technically betrayed us." He said. "Look you don't have to forgive him. But your also not the only person who has the potential to forgive him." He said. "He turned my brains into soup remember?" Ben returned home after they had lost Void. "Hey Maddy. Sorry we let him get away." He said walking past her.
"Yeah I know. Hey ben, it okay" she said
The beam tore through the bow of Wisp's patrol boat after which a grid appeared on the fog wall showing Wisp's grid, and the location of the hit

"Lucky shot, fire!" she ordered

Wisp's destroyer opened several missile tubes and launched corrosive warheads towards the starboard side of Chucks battleship (they would only count as one hit, so don't worry)
Chuck scoffed and had his battleship perform evasive manuvers and had his Sub fire several missiles at the patrol boat sinking it.
Chuck scoffed and had his battleship perform evasive manuvers and had his Sub fire several missiles at the patrol boat sinking it.

A few missiles impacted the starboard side of his battleship, causing small singularities that disintegrated chucks out of the ship, but it remained floating

"Moving your ships is cheating!" Wisp shouted "if your going to play that way then fine!" She added angrily and the wall of fog vanished as Chuck could see 100s of missiles heading for his ships

As torpedoes and cannon fire peppered his side

Then before he could move his ships out of the way a massive beam of graviton energy tore through the deck of his carrier

(Btw these are all attacks from the anime, I will show you clips if you want)
A few missiles impacted the starboard side of his battleship, causing small singularities that disintegrated chucks out of the ship, but it remained floating

"Moving your ships is cheating!" Wisp shouted "if your going to play that way then fine!" She added angrily and the wall of fog vanished as Chuck could see 100s of missiles heading for his ships

As torpedoes and cannon fire peppered his side

Then before he could move his ships out of the way a massive beam of graviton energy tore through the deck of his carrier

(Btw these are all attacks from the anime, I will show you clips if you want)
Chuck smiled as their powers would switch due to her breaking her own stated rules. "you never said I couldn't and you should've known even if I was unless you were cheating meaning I win by default."
Chuck smiled as their powers would switch due to her breaking her own stated rules. "you never said I couldn't and you should've known even if I was unless you were cheating meaning I win by default."

Everything disappeared and they were back in Wisp's castle "the standard rules of battleship stated that once you positioned your ships, and the game starts, you can not change their position, you broke the rules, so you lose" she stated

(Also the agreement was that their powers would switch if he won at chess)
Everything disappeared and they were back in Wisp's castle "the standard rules of battleship stated that once you positioned your ships, and the game starts, you can not change their position, you broke the rules, so you lose" she stated

(Also the agreement was that their powers would switch if he won at chess)
(And she changed the game but not the conditions) "don't try to use my powers against me you didn't specify that and we were not playing standard battleship."
(And she changed the game but not the conditions) "don't try to use my powers against me you didn't specify that and we were not playing standard battleship."

"I didn't specify that we could move our ships either, so your argument is void" she replied

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