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Fandom Superheros and Villains

(In hayden's mind)
"FACE IT! YOU CAN'T WIN BATTLES WITHOUT YOUR SUIT! Too bad your friends can't save you now..."
Hayden puked blood as his shadow looked at him like he was a ant...
"Your...wrong...Peter,Joey,Ben,Fate,Karma and all the rest can help me... I cannot become you..."
Shadow kicks him down as Hayden is half dead
"It won't be long I just need to make sure we can swing by." He called Zadock. Drumonkey Drumonkey

Ben smiled. "I'm always here for you." He said.
Zadock picked up and tentatively said " hello?" In the background was screeching and wailing and the occasional sound of fire and a grunt from Zadock.
Zadock picked up and tentatively said " hello?" In the background was screeching and wailing and the occasional sound of fire and a grunt from Zadock.
"Hey I found a girl with a weird curse. She needs to consume a soul each day to survive. What's weird is that unlike with other cursed people the artificial souls make her sick rather than help." He said. "I need a second opinion. As in I'm very out of my league here."

Violet nods. "Thanks for finding Karma" fate smiled as the two had their cats by thier side
"I was somewhat keeping an eye out for any signs of you." Be admitted
"Hey I found a girl with a weird curse. She needs to consume a soul each day to survive. What's weird is that unlike with other cursed people the artificial souls make her sick rather than help." He said. "I need a second opinion. As in I'm very out of my league here."

"I was somewhat keeping an eye out for any signs of you." Be admitted
Violet nods. "So what now?" Fate shrugged. "I'm thinking of going to look for the other pieces."
Hayden was nearly dead, he remembered how he read peter's comics as a kid and became friends with the group, killing puppet master, his origin, the fight with legion,carnage,crusher. everything up till now was now his final chapter
" that was then sure and you can get back to that.I know you can." She said going over and hugged him
Drive sighed before hugging her back "I'm glad someone is sure of that."
"Don't worry ill guide you through it" she smiled and took him outside
Dash smiled and let his girlfriend lead him outside to show him some magic.
"Hey I found a girl with a weird curse. She needs to consume a soul each day to survive. What's weird is that unlike with other cursed people the artificial souls make her sick rather than help." He said. "I need a second opinion. As in I'm very out of my league here."

"I was somewhat keeping an eye out for any signs of you." Be admitted
Zadock made a sound of surprise then said "it looks like I can find some souls from some other universe until I find a way to cure that curse or find a suitable substitute. When is the last time she ate?"
Drive sighed before hugging her back "I'm glad someone is sure of that."
Dash smiled and let his girlfriend lead him outside to show him some magic.

Zadock made a sound of surprise then said "it looks like I can find some souls from some other universe until I find a way to cure that curse or find a suitable substitute. When is the last time she ate?"
This morning." Jace said.
This morning." Jace said.
Zadock started muttering to himself and then he cursed in a foreign language and Jace could hear something dying painfully in the background and then "yeah I'll be back sometime between a few minutes from now and like an hour. I'm a few dimensions over and time gets weird in between."
Zadock started muttering to himself and then he cursed in a foreign language and Jace could hear something dying painfully in the background and then "yeah I'll be back sometime between a few minutes from now and like an hour. I'm a few dimensions over and time gets weird in between."
"Alright." Jace said.
"Alright." Jace said.
After five minutes of waiting a hooded figure with a veil of smoke covering their face stepped out of a portal. Behind them was a place that looked like hell. The figure seemed to stare at Jace and took a step towards Jace.
After five minutes of waiting a hooded figure with a veil of smoke covering their face stepped out of a portal. Behind them was a place that looked like hell. The figure seemed to stare at Jace and took a step towards Jace.
Jace stood calmly. "Greetings." He said
(I'm writing the superhuman registration stuff. I have two lists. Registered and Still At Large)

Stephen Strange appeared behind Hayden. (Bear with me. I only really know the MCU version of Doctor Strange)
(>MCU Strange
For starters, the Eye of Agamotto is it's own thing in the comics, meanwhile in the film it is replaced with the time stone. If you want to do comics Strange, I can do it.)

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