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Fandom Superheros and Villains

(I mean't late middle but yeah sounds right)
(Trust me, around this time, you'll be like the Hulk. Fuse shorter than Napoleon Bonaparte and a blood pressure that could terrify a doctor. This stuff usually finishes by around age 17 and 18 and then everything stabilizes. I mean hey, homo sapiens ain't perfect.)
Hayden looked at Strange, "You got a problem magi-Help me... (I wish I was a homo-superior...at least then puberty gave me superpowers)
(Trust me, we are decades away from that level of biomedical engineering... though it would only be 5 years if you get rid of human rights and do some inhumane shit.)
( Dragunov Dragunov ok, i want my character arc for this arc to end...I decided I want to remove his shadow because A.Using it would not qualify him as a avenger
and B.Too OP!)
(Everyone: Wow, my character seems too OP with his power, guess I gotta nerf!
Me looking at my character who has access to infinite everything and can harness said power with proper training:
(I was thinking of making a Cross Dimensional suit which Hayden and Joey can make together ? Why? Because Hayden needs more Marvel comics)
(Anyways, I have more ideas for Sacred's suit at a later date, I might make the Civil Warrior Suit which is for Civil War, Keep in mind that's the suit nickname not a actual hero)

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