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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Karma Ross stared off into space, lost in some distant memory of as happier time, when laughter and love filled his life, but reality always snapped back eventually, and karma was reawoken to the dingy alleyway he currently called home. Opening a pocket book he was carrying on him, he markeed off another name, a street thug he had just defeated. Slumpin against the a wall, he slid down, putting his head between his knees, awaiting the moment memories came flooding back again.
The void goo or fluid seems like to be blank canvas but with the right tools or person the void goo seems to be possible to grow, shape, teleport even become anything if there's enough of it.
"Interesting." He poked it with a pair of tweezers to see how it would react.
Karma Ross stared off into space, lost in some distant memory of as happier time, when laughter and love filled his life, but reality always snapped back eventually, and karma was reawoken to the dingy alleyway he currently called home. Opening a pocket book he was carrying on him, he markeed off another name, a street thug he had just defeated. Slumpin against the a wall, he slid down, putting his head between his knees, awaiting the moment memories came flooding back again.
Roxie was walking the streets when she noticed him. "hmm"
Roxie was walking the streets when she noticed him. "hmm"
Karma did not notice The curious person walking by his dingy alley, with a closer inspection he was inspecting a bag of change on the ground in front of him with a glazed but somewhat saddened look.
Karma did not notice The curious person walking by his dingy alley, with a closer inspection he was inspecting a bag of change on the ground in front of him with a glazed but somewhat saddened look.
"Something wrong?" Roxie asked turning to him.
"Something wrong?" Roxie asked turning to him.
Karma's attention was pulled to the stranger who had taken an interest in him. He quickly covered up the little amount of money on the ground in front of him and looked up. His face was filthy, but it was still easy to see that he was young. In response to the stranger's question he simply responded, "The world."
"Oh tell me." She said.
"It's like... Thinking putty with the right tools or mind it can fake on any shape. Except it also takes on physical aspect literally being able to form into an object." He said.

Karma's attention was pulled to the stranger who had taken an interest in him. He quickly covered up the little amount of money on the ground in front of him and looked up. His face was filthy, but it was still easy to see that he was young. In response to the stranger's question he simply responded, "The world."
(geez this guu be edgy AF)
"It's like... Thinking putty with the right tools or mind it can fake on any shape. Except it also takes on physical aspect literally being able to form into an object." He said.

(geez this guu be edgy AF)
(Lol I'd hope that's what I was going for. I'm a sucker for character development and going from edgy to not edgy is a quick way to cement a character.)
"Something wrong?" Roxie asked turning to him.
Karma's attention was pulled to the stranger who had taken an interest in him. He quickly covered up the little amount of money on the ground in front of him and looked up. His face was filthy, but it was still easy to see that he was young. In response to the stranger's question he simply responded, "The world."

With a screech, a bike slid to a sudden halt beside them. In his ridiculously brightly colored costume, Bee-man stepped off his transportation, adjusted the kickstand, then turned to face them. "Hey man, you look like you seen better days, huh?" He reached for his pocket, but couldn't find it. After a few moments of fidgeting with his costume, he finally found his wallet, and handed over a Ten "Hopefully this helps out a little"

(And here comes my character, night and day difference, lol)
Karma's attention was pulled to the stranger who had taken an interest in him. He quickly covered up the little amount of money on the ground in front of him and looked up. His face was filthy, but it was still easy to see that he was young. In response to the stranger's question he simply responded, "The world."
With a screech, a bike slid to a sudden halt beside them. In his ridiculously brightly colored costume, Bee-man stepped off his transportation, adjusted the kickstand, then turned to face them. "Hey man, you look like you seen better days, huh?" He reached for his pocket, but couldn't find it. After a few moments of fidgeting with his costume, he finally found his wallet, and handed over a Ten "Hopefully this helps out a little"

(And here comes my character, night and day difference, lol)
Roxie was about to say something when she saw the guy in the brightly colored costume. She held in her laughter as it was one of the most ridiculous costume she had seen and she had seen a good number of them from facing heroes.
"It's like... Thinking putty with the right tools or mind it can fake on any shape. Except it also takes on physical aspect literally being able to form into an object." He said.

(geez this guu be edgy AF)
"I can see why Erika wants us to make her a body out of the armor. The goo could just become one with it." She said. "I have a sketch on my work station of what we could do."
With a screech, a bike slid to a sudden halt beside them. In his ridiculously brightly colored costume, Bee-man stepped off his transportation, adjusted the kickstand, then turned to face them. "Hey man, you look like you seen better days, huh?" He reached for his pocket, but couldn't find it. After a few moments of fidgeting with his costume, he finally found his wallet, and handed over a Ten "Hopefully this helps out a little"

(And here comes my character, night and day difference, lol)
Karma Has a hard time trying to figure out why he's so popular all of a sudden. After all, this world has taught him that the only person you can depend on is yourself. Even then it sounded Hypocritical though, seeeing as he himself had worked as a hero. Still he accepted the money without hesitation. "Thank you sir, I'll put it to good use." Karma takes the money gratefully and puts it in a tin container. If one had quick enough eyes they may have even seen a worn family photo in said container. "Why do you choose to help someone else?"
"I can see why Erika wants us to make her a body out of the armor. The goo could just become one with it." She said. "I have a sketch on my work station of what we could do."
Peter looked at the sketch. Sans really didn't need Allyson looking over his notes so he translated everything to Wing Dings. He wanted his work kept private.

Karma Has a hard time trying to figure out why he's so popular all of a sudden. After all, this world has taught him that the only person you can depend on is yourself. Even then it sounded Hypocritical though, seeeing as he himself had worked as a hero. Still he accepted the money without hesitation. "Thank you sir, I'll put it to good use." Karma takes the money gratefully and puts it in a tin container. If one had quick enough eyes they may have even seen a worn family photo in said container. "Why do you choose to help someone else?"
Jackson flew buy and saw Roxie. "Uh-Oh."

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