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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Gregg frowned. It was not quite the costume he wanted, as he held it up and stared at it. "Well, that's what you get, ordering the first cheap suit you saw on Ebay…" he muttered to himself, putting it on.
This was the big day, the first time he would officially 'patrol the streets'.
Walking down the sidewalk, Beeman adjusted his belt, making sure his uniform wasn't too uncomfortable.

17 years old

Cage bo-linaj

Code name: Black Dragon

Abilities: to control dragons that are bound to find by tattoos. Stealing souls.

Weaknesses: reflection

Appearance: black short hair, black eyes, cuts all over his face and body, with a black and red robe not showing his bear feet.

He came from a fostor home where the woman who ran it injected him with a serum she perfected to make children mind during a satanic ritual I was blessed with the power of dragons. But the care taker took advantage of me and when I did not corroperate beat me with a leather whip so hard she would cut my skin and the more I fought the more I got until I killed her swallowing her soul living her body lifeless

(Also consider changing the weakness a little, this is a city and there's reflective surfaces everywhere, and maybe describe how its a weakness for me?)
Takeshi smiled and followed Maya out of her house
Gregg frowned. It was not quite the costume he wanted, as he held it up and stared at it. "Well, that's what you get, ordering the first cheap suit you saw on Ebay…" he muttered to himself, putting it on.
This was the big day, the first time he would officially 'patrol the streets'.
Walking down the sidewalk, Beeman adjusted his belt, making sure his uniform wasn't too uncomfortable.

Maya smiles looking round. "Guess there is a new hero in the city"
Peter arrived in the basement carrying some supplies. "Alright. Question. What are we wromkng with? What's this vpod goo made out of?" He asked.
"We're using this armor from The Devourer to make the body." She pointed at the armor they will be using. "The other pile is for me to use for my own things. As for the good I'm not sure. We probably should get a sample to see how it reacts to the armor."
Peter arrived in the basement carrying some supplies. "Alright. Question. What are we wromkng with? What's this vpod goo made out of?" He asked.
"We're using this armor from The Devourer to make the body." She pointed at the armor they will be using. "The other pile is for me to use for my own things. As for the good I'm not sure. We probably should get a sample to see how it reacts to the armor."
Daiko entered the kitchen "Alright what does everybody want?" He asked as he looked through the pantry.
Suddenly there was a loud clap of thunder and the house shifted so that all the rooms allowed everyone to see into a single empty room. Inside was The immortal his wings ruffling and by his side was Ally between them on his knees and bound was the sandman in his natural Sandy form his face blank and barely humanoid. The inmortal cleared his throat and said "your Dru will be taken from you for the time being to appear before the council for the crimes he has committed. Now is your chance to say goodbye."
Suddenly there was a loud clap of thunder and the house shifted so that all the rooms allowed everyone to see into a single empty room. Inside was The immortal his wings ruffling and by his side was Ally between them on his knees and bound was the sandman in his natural Sandy form his face blank and barely humanoid. The inmortal cleared his throat and said "your Dru will be taken from you for the time being to appear before the council for the crimes he has committed. Now is your chance to say goodbye."
Daiko entered the kitchen "Alright what does everybody want?" He asked as he looked through the pantry.
Allyson stood up. "What crimes did he commit? Why take him now!"
"We're using this armor from The Devourer to make the body." She pointed at the armor they will be using. "The other pile is for me to use for my own things. As for the good I'm not sure. We probably should get a sample to see how it reacts to the armor."
Peter turned to the Dragoness. "We need a sample of the void goo." He said. Dana Zane Dana Zane

Daiko entered the kitchen "Alright what does everybody want?" He asked as he looked through the pantry.
"Whatever's good. I'm really hungry enough to eat anything." Using the counter and wall as support Jeremy made his way over to the table.

Suddenly there was a loud clap of thunder and the house shifted so that all the rooms allowed everyone to see into a single empty room. Inside was The immortal his wings ruffling and by his side was Ally between them on his knees and bound was the sandman in his natural Sandy form his face blank and barely humanoid. The inmortal cleared his throat and said "your Dru will be taken from you for the time being to appear before the council for the crimes he has committed. Now is your chance to say goodbye."
Peter said nothing. He didn't live here. It didn't involve him. Besides he had no say in the matter.
Allyson stood up. "What crimes did he commit? Why take him now!"
Peter turned to the Dragoness. "We need a sample of the void goo." He said. Dana Zane Dana Zane

"Whatever's good. I'm really hungry enough to eat anything." Using the counter and wall as support Jeremy made his way over to the table.

Peter said nothing. He didn't live here. It didn't involve him. Besides he had no say in the matter.
(Lol I forgot your characters weren't in the house really anymore right?) "He has committed crimes against a fellow Dru and has caused damage across multiple universe's."
(Lol I forgot your characters weren't in the house really anymore right?) "He has committed crimes against a fellow Dru and has caused damage across multiple universe's."
(Well sam jackson papyrus and sans are now. But peter isn't he lives next door.)
Peter turned to the Dragoness. "We need a sample of the void goo." He said. Dana Zane Dana Zane

"Whatever's good. I'm really hungry enough to eat anything." Using the counter and wall as support Jeremy made his way over to the table.

Peter said nothing. He didn't live here. It didn't involve him. Besides he had no say in the matter.
The dragoness nods and disappears and reappears with a container full of Void goo "Will this do?" she said.

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