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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"We can handle it. " hunter nods. As soon as Aurora said fire, Hunter released her arrows at the barrier. Oz sent some bullets at the barrier.
Akane fired her enhanced lava arrow and Aurora shot a beam of light. The barrier turned purple once more causing everyone that attacked it to feel a rush of pain before the barrier shatters.
Akane fired her enhanced lava arrow and Aurora shot a beam of light. The barrier turned purple once more causing everyone that attacked it to feel a rush of pain before the barrier shatters.
"Ah..man that thing does pack a punch." Oz said as he lowered his gun, seeing the barrier shatter.
He looked around the park. "This place is loud." He said. "And pretty cheap compared to most amusement parks. You should see what they charge at Disneyland."
Breeze sighed. "Come on. You can't stay out here in the cold." He said
Emily took another bite of the funnel cake as she just smiled enjoying watching the muggles go on with their days, excited about just everything around them. "....amusement parks really are a big thing for muggles and those raise in the muggle world arnt they.......I can see why....." she said remembering how much she would hear about them back in Hogwarts. "Disneyland?....oh the one governed by and muggle worship a mouse right?....oh yes I remember hearing some girls saying something about how much money they got to spend at a Disney park..." Emily commented.
Aqua just looked at Breeze and gently nodded and just gave up and went with him.
Emily took another bite of the funnel cake as she just smiled enjoying watching the muggles go on with their days, excited about just everything around them. "....amusement parks really are a big thing for muggles and those raise in the muggle world arnt they.......I can see why....." she said remembering how much she would hear about them back in Hogwarts. "Disneyland?....oh the one governed by and muggle worship a mouse right?....oh yes I remember hearing some girls saying something about how much money they got to spend at a Disney park..." Emily commented.
Aqua just looked at Breeze and gently nodded and just gave up and went with him.
At the words "Worship a mouse" he busted out laughing.
He took her to his place where he gave her the choice between the Futon and the bed.
Musicnotes Musicnotes

Killian got out of Alex’s bed and stood up before stretching, she then left the room wearing a loose fitting shirt with pajama pants and wandered into the lab to look for Alex
"Ah..man that thing does pack a punch." Oz said as he lowered his gun, seeing the barrier shatter.
The mage transforms the turtle into a giant spike ball that shoots spikes at them. Before any of them can land, they are shielded by a pair of icy wings. The frost dragon has arrived, and he's pissed off, mowing down the soldiers with his arctic breath.

"She really did make friends with a dragon." Aurora said in awe.
Musicnotes Musicnotes

Killian got out of Alex’s bed and stood up before stretching, she then left the room wearing a loose fitting shirt with pajama pants and wandered into the lab to look for Alex
Alex was working on a new blaster. He hadn't been working on it for very long. On the ground next to him was k9 chewing on a plush bear.
The mage transforms the turtle into a giant spike ball that shoots spikes at them. Before any of them can land, they are shielded by a pair of icy wings. The frost dragon has arrived, and he's pissed off, mowing down the soldiers with his arctic breath.

"She really did make friends with a dragon." Aurora said in awe.
"You really think I would lie about that."Hunter smiled. She looked at the dragon. "I'm glad to see you."
Alex was working on a new blaster. He hadn't been working on it for very long. On the ground next to him was k9 chewing on a plush bear.

She petted K9 before draping her arms over Alex’s shoulders and hugging him from behind “good morning” she said cheerily
"Sorry, I was having trouble sleeping. I figured I would come down here. " Alex said setting a screw driver down. "Figured I would come back in like an hour or so "

She smiled “well no need for that now, I’m already here… so whatcha workin on?” She asked

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