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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Oz went over to Aurora. "You ok?" Hunter looked at the shield. "There has to be a way to destroy that"
Aurora sits up. "I'm fine. That damn thorn shield gets on my nerves. We can destroy it head on, but the problem with that is it deals a part of the damage it takes back at the attacker. Our best bet is likely to overwhelm it, but we'd have to do it together so that no one has to bare the full force of the barrier."
"The Doctor. He might be arrogant but he's a kind man. If you ask him he'll use that fancy box of his to try and find homes for these kids." Peter said.

The Doctor meanwhile was in the TARDIS rigging up some kind of machine from a soare parts room in the limitless interior of the TARDIS.

“Well I just thought about sending them back to England, but I suppose that’ll work as well” cinder replied
Upon arriving he saw a few familiar machines as stalkers were moving about as if hunting for something
LW activated the special Cannon on his vehicle, specifically aiming for the loggers and their vehicles
Aurora sits up. "I'm fine. That damn thorn shield gets on my nerves. We can destroy it head on, but the problem with that is it deals a part of the damage it takes back at the attacker. Our best bet is likely to overwhelm it, but we'd have to do it together so that no one has to bare the full force of the barrier."
"Sounds like a good idea." Oz nods. Hunter got a few more arrows ready, a fire one, water one and a lightning one. "Just say the word and we will attack."
“I see… well let’s get the children taken care of before moving on” she smiled
Peter nodded. He went back to the shio. A few minutes later there was a wheezing noise as the blue box appeared in the middle of the room. The doors opened and the Doctor stepped out smiling kindly. "Hello kids." He said, "Go on in the box, just through there. There's beds and a place to play, that box can take care of you until we find you all places to live."
Peter nodded. He went back to the shio. A few minutes later there was a wheezing noise as the blue box appeared in the middle of the room. The doors opened and the Doctor stepped out smiling kindly. "Hello kids." He said, "Go on in the box, just through there. There's beds and a place to play, that box can take care of you until we find you all places to live."

LumaThePhoenix LumaThePhoenix

The children were hesitant to enter the strange box.

Cinder smiled and knelt to their level “go on, it’ll be ok, you’ll be safe inside” she stated reassuringly and the kids slowly entered the box
LumaThePhoenix LumaThePhoenix

The children were hesitant to enter the strange box.

Cinder smiled and knelt to their level “go on, it’ll be ok, you’ll be safe inside” she stated reassuringly and the kids slowly entered the box
The Doctor led them to a large room within the TARDIS it was almost the size of a building all its own. There were beds, toys, books and all sorts of things for the children to play with and relax. "Through that door in the back of the room is a magical machine that will make you anything you want to eat, just be careful not to eat too many sweets ok kids?" The Doctor said with a tone that Cinder couldn't take for anything other than fatherly.
"Sounds like a good idea." Oz nods. Hunter got a few more arrows ready, a fire one, water one and a lightning one. "Just say the word and we will attack."
"Okay. On my signal, we all attack at once. It's gonna feel like we got hit by trucks, but if we don't get rid of that barrier, that'll be the least of our problems." Aurora said.

Akane loads up a lava arrow in her Hellbow. "Let's melt this thing!"

Aurora stands up and her spell book lights up. "Everyone ready?..........FIRE!"
LumaThePhoenix LumaThePhoenix

The children were hesitant to enter the strange box.

Cinder smiled and knelt to their level “go on, it’ll be ok, you’ll be safe inside” she stated reassuringly and the kids slowly entered the box

The Doctor led them to a large room within the TARDIS it was almost the size of a building all its own. There were beds, toys, books and all sorts of things for the children to play with and relax. "Through that door in the back of the room is a magical machine that will make you anything you want to eat, just be careful not to eat too many sweets ok kids?" The Doctor said with a tone that Cinder couldn't take for anything other than fatherly.
"Well that takes care of that, hopefully." Eris said with a hand on her hip.
"Okay. On my signal, we all attack at once. It's gonna feel like we got hit by trucks, but if we don't get rid of that barrier, that'll be the least of our problems." Aurora said.

Akane loads up a lava arrow in her Hellbow. "Let's melt this thing!"

Aurora stands up and her spell book lights up. "Everyone ready?..........FIRE!"
"We can handle it. " hunter nods. As soon as Aurora said fire, Hunter released her arrows at the barrier. Oz sent some bullets at the barrier.

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