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Fandom Superheros and Villains

She smiled “well no need for that now, I’m already here… so whatcha workin on?” She asked
"Just a blaster nothing really special. Just a extra piece of equipment for the league. Normally I try to work on my own armor but didnt feel like it" he said.
“It isn’t proper for me to work in your shirt Alex” she chuckled and went back to their room to get changed
Alex chuckled. "Okay." He went over to a desk where a box sat with broken weapons. He picked one up and was looking it over before he suddenly dropped it, feeling a horrible pain in his hand. "Ah!" He said grinding his teeth a bit to try to keep quiet. K-9 went over to him and whimpered. "Hurt?" The dog said quietly in its robotic voice.
Alex chuckled. "Okay." He went over to a desk where a box sat with broken weapons. He picked one up and was looking it over before he suddenly dropped it, feeling a horrible pain in his hand. "Ah!" He said grinding his teeth a bit to try to keep quiet. K-9 went over to him and whimpered. "Hurt?" The dog said quietly in its robotic voice.

Killian came running back after changing her shirt “Alex?! Are you alright?” She asked in a panic
"You really think I would lie about that."Hunter smiled. She looked at the dragon. "I'm glad to see you."
The dragon gently leans his head against her.

Meanwhile, after a grueling battle with the yeti, Jasmine blocks the yeti's punch with her shield. Then, Robby uses his strength to suplex it. He then tosses Jasmine high in the air. When she comes down, she shams into it with her shield, knocking it out cold and causing it to fade away.
The dragon gently leans his head against her.

Meanwhile, after a grueling battle with the yeti, Jasmine blocks the yeti's punch with her shield. Then, Robby uses his strength to suplex it. He then tosses Jasmine high in the air. When she comes down, she shams into it with her shield, knocking it out cold and causing it to fade away.
Hunter smiles and gives his head a pet. "Let's keep fighting."
"They got thier own things to stress out about. This doesnt happen that often. " he said. "My body just still feels some of the old injuries. "

“Well I’m here to help you keep your mind off of things like that” she smiled

“You know I love you Alex, and will do anything to help you” she added and held his hand tightly with both of hers

Musicnotes Musicnotes
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At the words "Worship a mouse" he busted out laughing.
He took her to his place where he gave her the choice between the Futon and the bed.
Emily looked over at Earl questionably as he had just busted out laughing. "What?....is it not true? They would talk about the mouse and even we're ears.....though...I remember some of the ears being rather cute and colorful....." she added wondering befrore trailing off.
Aqua hugged herself, keeping quite and alert the whole time she was with Breeze. Every strange noise she would looked around. Not wanting to push his kindness she gladly took the futon, feeling horrible if she took his bed.
Emily looked over at Earl questionably as he had just busted out laughing. "What?....is it not true? They would talk about the mouse and even we're ears.....though...I remember some of the ears being rather cute and colorful....." she added wondering befrore trailing off.
Aqua hugged herself, keeping quite and alert the whole time she was with Breeze. Every strange noise she would looked around. Not wanting to push his kindness she gladly took the futon, feeling horrible if she took his bed.
"They worship it in the same way some people in our world worship Beedle the Bard." He said
"Are you hungry?" He asked
The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth LumaThePhoenix LumaThePhoenix

Cinder looked at the doctors, Peter and Eris.

“So do we have anything to act on about this master person?” She asked looking at the two timelords

"I think so." The Doctor said. "Once the master knows I'm here it'll draw all of his or her attention. They can't help gloating when they know I'm around to hear."
"Wow. You're the ultimate audience member. Or critic. Whichever works." Eris teased.

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