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Fandom Superheros and Villains

More butterflys come out of the bark as one of the golems that spiders were working on soon comes alive and flies up "There we go~" The husk said as she points at the ent as the golem begins to bombard the golem aggressively with bladed winds as the spiders starting to work on the next golem. The husk grins and charges at Atlas and Folter.
The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth
He followed wordlessly.
Haka pointed to some of the money and a few boxes saying "take those then go back to the warehouse it shouldn't be too much you'll get a cut of that and of the commission for this job." While he did that Haka slipped into the building and began to fiddle with people and the cameras to erase their presence while providing just enough information to help the cops but not too much to make them suspicious.
The airborne takes a heavy hit but seems barely keeping itself together while bombarding the ent.

the ent grabbed a golem and sprayed it with a mist, causing it to slowly deteriorate before it was crushed into a small sphere
"I see something." Tyson whispers as he prepares to attack.
"Four people.." Maddy said looking off in a direction. "One is injuried...I smell blood." Werewolf senses come in handy. One guy in red came out of the shadows and was about to slash Venus with a knife. Venus smiled making a shield out of tree bark. "Nice try"
"Oh great. What do you want?" He asked. "You're expertise." Spider-Venom said.
"Yes your expertise." Nyx smiled. They hear a familiar voice as Adam entered the shadows. She looked at the other version of her dad. "What are you doing here dad." Adam crossed his arms. "I keep an eye on my wife when medic shows up and I don't trust you Nyx."
"Yes your expertise." Nyx smiled. They hear a familiar voice as Adam entered the shadows. She looked at the other version of her dad. "What are you doing here dad." Adam crossed his arms. "I keep an eye on my wife when medic shows up and I don't trust you Nyx."
"Why? So you not like me?" Medic asked. "Get outta here." Spider-Venom said. "If you wo seeing if we're gonna kill him when we're done with him... Obviously."
"Why? So you not like me?" Medic asked. "Get outta here." Spider-Venom said. "If you wo seeing if we're gonna kill him when we're done with him... Obviously."
"There was a time when you experimented on me, you also brought my wife back from the dead. I have mixed feeling and don't trust you. But I don't trust them more." Adam said. "I'm staying, he's my wife's friend so i dont want to see you hurt him" He glared. Nyx rolled her eyes. " Ill make you leave then."
"There was a time when you experimented on me, you also brought my wife back from the dead. I have mixed feeling and don't trust you. But I don't trust them more." Adam said. "I'm staying, he's my wife's friend so i dont want to see you hurt him" He glared. Nyx rolled her eyes. " Ill make you leave then."
"Oh... Right.' medic said.
"Oh... Right.' medic said.
Nyx sighed and made a shadow orb and sent it at Adam. He coated his fists in shadow and just punched it making it vanish. He smirked. "Nice try. " She made chains and they wrapped around him and tried to drag him out. He was half way out of the shadow when he made his own shadow orb and launched it at her, knocking her to the ground. He laughed, his whole body getting covered in shadows and the chains vanished. "I been training the past few months. You can't beat me with shadows."
Haka pointed to some of the money and a few boxes saying "take those then go back to the warehouse it shouldn't be too much you'll get a cut of that and of the commission for this job." While he did that Haka slipped into the building and began to fiddle with people and the cameras to erase their presence while providing just enough information to help the cops but not too much to make them suspicious.
He started getting money and boxes.
Nyx sighed and made a shadow orb and sent it at Adam. He coated his fists in shadow and just punched it making it vanish. He smirked. "Nice try. " She made chains and they wrapped around him and tried to drag him out. He was half way out of the shadow when he made his own shadow orb and launched it at her, knocking her to the ground. He laughed, his whole body getting covered in shadows and the chains vanished. "I been training the past few months. You can't beat me with shadows."
"Oh really the howabout this.' Spider-Venom threw something which exploded and flashed him with a light bright as sunlight.
He started getting money and boxes.
A few minutes later Haka came back and grabbed some cash as well "let's go our job is almost done." Once they went through the entrance he made Haka sealed it back up completely leaving no trace and looking around momentarily.
"Oh really the howabout this.' Spider-Venom threw something which exploded and flashed him with a light bright as sunlight.
"Ah!" His shadow form vanished. Nyx smiled pulling a knife from her belt. She stabbed him in the stomach. "Sorry dad but you stepped into my shadows and we got plans. Don't need you to interfer.". Adam fell to the ground. "Don't call me dad.. "
"Four people.." Maddy said looking off in a direction. "One is injuried...I smell blood." Werewolf senses come in handy. One guy in red came out of the shadows and was about to slash Venus with a knife. Venus smiled making a shield out of tree bark. "Nice try"
"I'm guessing that's the one you bit." He said. "Showtime." He dashes from their hiding spot and tackles the guy.
"Ah!" His shadow form vanished. Nyx smiled pulling a knife from her belt. She stabbed him in the stomach. "Sorry dad but you stepped into my shadows and we got plans. Don't need you to interfer.". Adam fell to the ground. "Don't call me dad.. "
"But now we also can't have you go running to you're wife." Spider-Venom said. He kicked Adam sending him flying into a power dampening cell.
"But now we also can't have you go running to you're wife." Spider-Venom said. He kicked Adam sending him flying into a power dampening cell.
"Yeah..you wouldn't want that." He said holding his hand over the wound as he laid on the ground of the cell. Nyx smiles. "Follows us medic, like you have a choice"

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