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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Makoto stepped forward "I understand your reason to uphold the law and stop me Batman... Unfortunately the laws here are rather... Draconian. The gunshot wounds the poachers will suffer would be the fastest way they would die. But if they were to be arrested and taken to the authorities, they would be tortured like dogs. After all, safari here is a big money maker that helps put food on many tables. Tourism is one of the ways the people here aren't exploited compared to the mines." Makoto put his hand on Peter's shoulder "It's been a long time Peter... too long."
"Yeah. Sorry for butting in like this. I had expected it to be more... Friendly." He said.
"Yes I have" she said
"Your assignment has arrived." It said before showing a projection of four images. Each was of a different person. "These four people are about to have a business meeting in the hotel down the street. They, along with the hotel's owner, have been marked as threats. Your job is to kill them in order to draw out the boss so that we can force him to give up ownership of the hotel to us. There is a weapons room next to this one for you to equip yourself for this task. Per the words of the game master, do not think you can try anything slick while you're out there if you value your brother's life. You are being watched at all times."
"Your assignment has arrived." It said before showing a projection of four images. Each was of a different person. "These four people are about to have a business meeting in the hotel down the street. They, along with the hotel's owner, have been marked as threats. Your job is to kill them in order to draw out the boss so that we can force him to give up ownership of the hotel to us. There is a weapons room next to this one for you to equip yourself for this task. Per the words of the game master, do not think you can try anything slick while you're out there if you value your brother's life. You are being watched at all times."
She got up and headed to the weapons room. "Got it"
Eris sees Edward fleeing. "Yahhh that guy has the right idea. I'm like sooooo outta here." She says while still in disguise. She hops on her dune buggy and drives away in the same direction. When she gets close to the edge of her illusion area, she gets rid of it, revealing her actual self on a motorcycle as she chases after Edward.
"Oi what are you chasing after me for?" Edward shouted.
"Yeah. Sorry for butting in like this. I had expected it to be more... Friendly." He said.
"Yeah... so uh... how are you gonna get back to Edgewood?" He asked.
"Oi what are you chasing after me for?" Edward shouted.

"Yeah... so uh... how are you gonna get back to Edgewood?" He asked.
"Someone is gonna fly me back or I'm gonna punch his lights out." Peter said looking at Batman. "What makes you think you could." Batman asked. "You still haven't figured out Spider-Sense." Peter said.
"Someone is gonna fly me back or I'm gonna punch his lights out." Peter said looking at Batman. "What makes you think you could." Batman asked. "You still haven't figured out Spider-Sense." Peter said.
"Right... regardless I gotta finish up this job." He said as he turned to the jeep. "Course I also got portals."
"Well. I'm sure I could help fight baddies without John wicking it."
"They will most likely be using the animals as hostages. We need someone to ensure their safety. Edward is going on ahead to do some recon. Find out where the animals are to ensure a better plan. I'm worried how many cages there are. Priority one is the animals. Priority two is the poachers."
"They will most likely be using the animals as hostages. We need someone to ensure their safety. Edward is going on ahead to do some recon. Find out where the animals are to ensure a better plan. I'm worried how many cages there are. Priority one is the animals. Priority two is the poachers."
"Got it save lives first. I can do that." He said. "Batman to the Batjet." He said. Batman squinted. "No." He said. "I'm going back to Edgewood." He said. "Stubborn." Peter said.
"Oi what are you chasing after me for?" Edward shouted.

"Yeah... so uh... how are you gonna get back to Edgewood?" He asked.
"I want answers!" She shouted. "I heard a bit of that conversation back there and I want to know what's really going on. Maybe I can help you guys out, but I want to be sure I'm at least doing the right thing. I could keep us under the radar better and provide some added firepower if that's needed."
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"I want answers!" She shouted. "I heard a bit of that conversation back there and I want to know what's really going on. Maybe I can help you guys out, but I want to be sure I'm at least doing the right thing."
She got a text from Peter. "I could use a ride. Send Lazurus. We'll helping out now. Screw Batman."

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