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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Kraven looked at Spider-Man. "This is my best chance to bag the greatest prey." He said. "I will leave. But be warned Spider-Man. I know your scent. The moment you are no longer in 'protected land' your mine." He said. "Joy." Peter said. "Can't wait. Now shoo. The cheetahs and lions might think you're making fun of them." He said. Kraven raised his brow. "I'm saying your outfit looks stupid.:
(I know, just had to say it)

(Also saying they were simple humans, probably isnt the best choice of words)

Eclipse stayed quiet
Makoto holstered the gun and continued working on the engine. "And there we go." The engine roared "We are back in business."
Makoto holstered the gun and continued working on the engine. "And there we go." The engine roared "We are back in business."
"Great." Peter said. "Now. That's really nice makeup. At least I hope it's makeup. I'd like to chat with my best friend." He said. "As friends."
"Got ya." Spidey said hanging up. He could hear his voice on the phone.
"Wait... what?" Makoto looked at the phone confused "I don't understand... I... I really do-" Suddenly he, Edward and Sae all screamed in pain grabbing their heads "AAAAAAAAGH!"
"Wait... what?" Makoto looked at the phone confused "I don't understand... I... I really do-" Suddenly he, Edward and Sae all screamed in pain grabbing their heads "AAAAAAAAGH!"
"What the hell!?" Peter said. "Bats what's going on. You didn't tell me this part! Why are they in pain!?"

"I have a theory. They altered their memories to think they were nothing more than tourists." (I think that's what's going on I don't actually know)
"What the hell!?" Peter said. "Bats what's going on. You didn't tell me this part! Why are they in pain!?"
"PLAN B FAILED! WE ARE COMPROMISED!" Makoto shouted as he ripped his mask off to reveal his identity "You never quit... do you?" Edward and Sae quickly did the same.
"PLAN B FAILED! WE ARE COMPROMISED!" Makoto shouted as he ripped his mask off to reveal his identity "You never quit... do you?" Edward and Sae quickly did the same.
"Okay... What's going on?" He asked. "Wait... Did you guys... Alter your memories or something." Finally the Batwing appeared and Batman jumped down. "Now we're bringing you down." He asks. "Whoa. Hey." Peter said. "You told me that we were just going to try and talk to them. I didn't come here to fight my best friend." He said. "Get a better taste in friends." Batman said.
"Okay... What's going on?" He asked. "Wait... Did you guys... Alter your memories or something." Finally the Batwing appeared and Batman jumped down. "Now we're bringing you down." He asks. "Whoa. Hey." Peter said. "You told me that we were just going to try and talk to them. I didn't come here to fight my best friend." He said. "Get a better taste in friends." Batman said.
"Spot on pal." Makoto said with a smirk "Sae is a witch. She can alter memories if need be... but it hurts when we get the memories back." Edward hopped out of the jeep and immediately ran off. Sae got out of the jeep with her staff out. "Eclipse. Time to use your powers." The driver of the jeep hid behind the car. Makoto looked at Bats "And you need better priorities instead of chasing after heroes off the grid. Besides, this job is just a job."
"Spot on pal." Makoto said with a smirk "Sae is a witch. She can alter memories if need be... but it hurts when we get the memories back." Edward hopped out of the jeep and immediately ran off. Sae got out of the jeep with her staff out. "Eclipse. Time to use your powers." The driver of the jeep hid behind the car. Makoto looked at Bats "And you need better priorities instead of chasing after heroes off the grid. Besides, this job is just a job."
Batman squinted at him. "You're leading the New Crusade..." He said. "Okay on a less aggressive note. We can help you guys with what your doing and do it in less murderous ways." He said.
Batman squinted at him. "You're leading the New Crusade..." He said. "Okay on a less aggressive note. We can help you guys with what your doing and do it in less murderous ways." He said.
Makoto shrugged "I don't know Bats... These guys are simpletons. They do it for the money and their greed will drive them. If it ain't poaching, what then? Drugs? Weapons? Human trafficking? I walked that path years ago... and I know how powerful greed can become. It makes you emotionless, and downright soulless. Call it murder if you will but some people are beyond saving. However what makes you think I'm leading the New Crusade? I'm just here for a job that's... messy." Edward was far off in the distance on a motorcycle. Driving off into the horizon.
Makoto shrugged "I don't know Bats... These guys are simpletons. They do it for the money and their greed will drive them. If it ain't poaching, what then? Drugs? Weapons? Human trafficking? I walked that path years ago... and I know how powerful greed can become. It makes you emotionless, and downright soulless. Call it murder if you will but some people are beyond saving. However what makes you think I'm leading the New Crusade? I'm just here for a job that's... messy." Edward was far off in the distance on a motorcycle. Driving off into the horizon.
"Eris follow him." Batmam ordered. "Okay stop!" Peter yelled. He looked at Batman. "I signed up here to TALK. I was so adamant and driven to this to TALK! I'm not here to arrest or beat up my best friend. Especially when he's trying to help. Yes I think it's misguided but he hasn't done anything wrong yet. YOU dropped me out of a plane with no parachute. YOU didn't tell me the details. And YOU decided that the moment I'm ready chance to talk to my best friend for the first time in five months I have to arrest him-" "YOU are an amateur." Batman said. "You're sloppy, you're loud, but I can hardly blame you. You havn't seen how dark the world can be." Batman said.

Peter clenched his fists. And punch Batman. Right in the jaw. "You arrogant, self absorbed PRICK!" He said. "You are using the exact argument you literally just said was wrong! And as for seeing the darker parts of life. I'm sorry but your wrong. I'm sorry about what happened to your parents Bruce I really am. But guess what!? I lost two sets!" Peter was panting. "Man I thought it would be so cool working with you. You were one of my child heroes but I guess there's a reason you should never meet your heroes huh?"
"Eris follow him." Batmam ordered. "Okay stop!" Peter yelled. He looked at Batman. "I signed up here to TALK. I was so adamant and driven to this to TALK! I'm not here to arrest or beat up my best friend. Especially when he's trying to help. Yes I think it's misguided but he hasn't done anything wrong yet. YOU dropped me out of a plane with no parachute. YOU didn't tell me the details. And YOU decided that the moment I'm ready chance to talk to my best friend for the first time in five months I have to arrest him-" "YOU are an amateur." Batman said. "You're sloppy, you're loud, but I can hardly blame you. You havn't seen how dark the world can be." Batman said.

Peter clenched his fists. And punch Batman. Right in the jaw. "You arrogant, self absorbed PRICK!" He said. "You are using the exact argument you literally just said was wrong! And as for seeing the darker parts of life. I'm sorry but your wrong. I'm sorry about what happened to your parents Bruce I really am. But guess what!? I lost two sets!" Peter was panting. "Man I thought it would be so cool working with you. You were one of my child heroes but I guess there's a reason you should never meet your heroes huh?"
Makoto stepped forward "I understand your reason to uphold the law and stop me Batman... Unfortunately the laws here are rather... Draconian. The gunshot wounds the poachers will suffer would be the fastest way they would die. But if they were to be arrested and taken to the authorities, they would be tortured like dogs. After all, safari here is a big money maker that helps put food on many tables. Tourism is one of the ways the people here aren't exploited compared to the mines." Makoto put his hand on Peter's shoulder "It's been a long time Peter... too long."
"Eris follow him." Batmam ordered. "Okay stop!" Peter yelled. He looked at Batman. "I signed up here to TALK. I was so adamant and driven to this to TALK! I'm not here to arrest or beat up my best friend. Especially when he's trying to help. Yes I think it's misguided but he hasn't done anything wrong yet. YOU dropped me out of a plane with no parachute. YOU didn't tell me the details. And YOU decided that the moment I'm ready chance to talk to my best friend for the first time in five months I have to arrest him-" "YOU are an amateur." Batman said. "You're sloppy, you're loud, but I can hardly blame you. You havn't seen how dark the world can be." Batman said.

Peter clenched his fists. And punch Batman. Right in the jaw. "You arrogant, self absorbed PRICK!" He said. "You are using the exact argument you literally just said was wrong! And as for seeing the darker parts of life. I'm sorry but your wrong. I'm sorry about what happened to your parents Bruce I really am. But guess what!? I lost two sets!" Peter was panting. "Man I thought it would be so cool working with you. You were one of my child heroes but I guess there's a reason you should never meet your heroes huh?"
Makoto stepped forward "I understand your reason to uphold the law and stop me Batman... Unfortunately the laws here are rather... Draconian. The gunshot wounds the poachers will suffer would be the fastest way they would die. But if they were to be arrested and taken to the authorities, they would be tortured like dogs. After all, safari here is a big money maker that helps put food on many tables. Tourism is one of the ways the people here aren't exploited compared to the mines." Makoto put his hand on Peter's shoulder "It's been a long time Peter... too long."
Eris sees Edward fleeing. "Yahhh that guy has the right idea. I'm like sooooo outta here." She says while still in disguise. She hops on her dune buggy and drives away in the same direction. When she gets close to the edge of her illusion area, she gets rid of it, revealing her actual self on a motorcycle as she chases after Edward.

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