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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"thanks I'll be back as soon as I can." She opened her eyes. "Here to pick me up?"
Sans nodded. "yep doc's having a not so good time so we should go." He said holding out his hand. When they had arrived the Doctor's face and hands were about to glowing brightly. "Heal... now..." The doctor said.
"What was that? " Silver asked already ontop of her

Kai placed her on the bed as he lays down beside her "before taking out a cat toy"
(I'm just going to guess he can understand her without the scarf since they both are felines)
" stop" she said.

Maya pounced on the toy.
There was a small corner where there was one board in specific Dru could had a slight feel it was a nightmare harvest. It was some internal debate revolving on his friend Claire, and how he wanted his dominion to be truly free but that very same freedom could also cause destruction without control. The more Dru read the board the more it could give slight headaches how Rainier considered some controversial and even evil acts if there was too much freedom he couldn't control. Most of those diagrams came with no logical solution on their own but at the very end, there was one single note: "... what if everyone wants me dead? I think it'll be better if I just dissapear. This is too much for me I-- What if I succeed and then die of old age? I need to start considering a succesor." was the end of his note at the very end of the board. However there was no more data about said succesor. At least not here.
Allyson was reading the data.
Sans nodded. "yep doc's having a not so good time so we should go." He said holding out his hand. When they had arrived the Doctor's face and hands were about to glowing brightly. "Heal... now..." The doctor said.
Not needing to be told twice, Maddy went over and grabbed the Doctor's hands as her glowed. She started healing him, unsure of how much energy it was going to take. She never done anything like this before.
(I'm just going to guess he can understand her without the scarf since they both are felines)
" stop" she said.

Maya pounced on the toy.
Silver looked at her "why?"

Kai tried to contain his excitement as he continued playing with maya with the toy making her chase it around
Not needing to be told twice, Maddy went over and grabbed the Doctor's hands as her glowed. She started healing him, unsure of how much energy it was going to take. She never done anything like this before.
It was three minutes before glowing stopped. The doctor breathed deeply. He let his head fall back. "It's fine now..." He said trying to reassure himself. When he did one of Maddy's memories changed. The Eleventh Doctor that saved her from Fell became his 10th form yet she could still remember his eleventh form saving her quite vividly.
It was three minutes before glowing stopped. The doctor breathed deeply. He let his head fall back. "It's fine now..." He said trying to reassure himself. When he did one of Maddy's memories changed. The Eleventh Doctor that saved her from Fell became his 10th form yet she could still remember his eleventh form saving her quite vividly.
"Thats not how it happened..." She said as the memory changed.
"Thats not how it happened..." She said as the memory changed.
"Hmm how what happened?" The Doctor asked.Sans could tell what she was thinking. He was perceptive enough to know how many times he had killed the human in the underground to know what was on her mind. He poked her shoulder and shook his head his eyes giving a look that very clearly said. "don't tell him."
"Hmm how what happened?" The Doctor asked.Sans could tell what she was thinking. He was perceptive enough to know how many times he had killed the human in the underground to know what was on her mind. He poked her shoulder and shook his head his eyes giving a look that very clearly said. "don't tell him."
"it's nothing, just something from my past and your future..." She looked at Sans. "can you take me back?"
(yeah im working on it now with the orginal sera and marina too. ) Maddy smiled and went back to the tree she and Jenny were at before. "Okay I'm back. It took less than five minutes. Can we continue?"
Sans watched the two of them, "what are ya workin' on?" He asked.
There was a small corner where there was one board in specific Dru could had a slight feel it was a nightmare harvest. It was some internal debate revolving on his friend Claire, and how he wanted his dominion to be truly free but that very same freedom could also cause destruction without control. The more Dru read the board the more it could give slight headaches how Rainier considered some controversial and even evil acts if there was too much freedom he couldn't control. Most of those diagrams came with no logical solution on their own but at the very end, there was one single note: "... what if everyone wants me dead? I think it'll be better if I just dissapear. This is too much for me I-- What if I succeed and then die of old age? I need to start considering a succesor." was the end of his note at the very end of the board. However there was no more data about said succesor. At least not here.
Dru frowned having read it all in a moment. "he wanted a successor and was worried about him being killed, I'm so upset he didn't think he could rely on me to help him. I should've done more for him." Dru said the last bit quieter.
Dru frowned having read it all in a moment. "he wanted a successor and was worried about him being killed, I'm so upset he didn't think he could rely on me to help him. I should've done more for him." Dru said the last bit quieter.

Morrison was also studying the board and although he was close enough to hear Dru's notes, he didn't heard the final bit. "I'm no psychologist but I'm getting the feeling Rainier needs one. The notes sounds to me like if he was having an existencial crisis or something. Sounds he needed more help himself with stuff it couldn't be helped with others." he said while trying to explain himself better.
Dru frowned having read it all in a moment. "he wanted a successor and was worried about him being killed, I'm so upset he didn't think he could rely on me to help him. I should've done more for him." Dru said the last bit quieter.
"Dru, it's okay. You can't know what everyone is thinking." Allyson said.
Morrison was also studying the board and although he was close enough to hear Dru's notes, he didn't heard the final bit. "I'm no psychologist but I'm getting the feeling Rainier needs one. The notes sounds to me like if he was having an existencial crisis or something. Sounds he needed more help himself with stuff it couldn't be helped with others." he said while trying to explain himself better.
"It's hard to understand genius intelligect or anything near it without being one yourself. He did need help but I don't think he knew where to go for it and possibly that he needed it at all. Anyways we need to scout the area for his successor."

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