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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

It's pretty normal to be unfamiliar with a lot of the franchises in Smash. That's part of the beauty of it all!
It's pretty normal to be unfamiliar with a lot of the franchises in Smash. That's part of the beauty of it all!
Oh so that's normal! Thank goodness!

I actually have never made a Super Mario Brothers OC, I want to make a humanoid character but when I look at Super Mario Brother characters, they are either toads, koopas, or ghosts. The only humans are the princesses, Mario and his brother, and of course their evil counterparts!
I just realized that I am unfamiliar with half the franchises in Smash. I am familiar with Super Mario Bros and Pokemon, but that's around it. I have a Pokemon Trainer OC and considering a Super Mario Brothers OC!
I’m in the same boat I’m only familiar with Mario, Zelda, and earthbound you’re not alone
Smash is what introduced me to a lot of new series since growing up I only played Pokemon or Mario (and maybe a random Kirby game here and there mostly the Gameboy ones). I eventually got more curious cuz certain characters appealed to me. Like when the trailer for Robin and Lucina dropped, I absolutely loved Robin since I have a draw towards mage characters so I quite literally started playing a FE game the next day and now I've been a fan of the series since then. That's what started things off and now I've probably gotten into a good bit of the series in Smash. Now you've got me here with all these anime swordsmen in the RP LOL

It's funny for me to think about how different my cast could have been. Like just to give an idea of who could have been in the RP on my end, not including who I have and ones who are in the RP now:
-Eleven / The Luminary / Hero
-Trainer Red

Somehow I still hardly have female characters on this list. No wonder I only ended up with Pyra/Mythra LOL
Smash is what introduced me to a lot of new series since growing up I only played Pokemon or Mario (and maybe a random Kirby game here and there mostly the Gameboy ones). I eventually got more curious cuz certain characters appealed to me. Like when the trailer for Robin and Lucina dropped, I absolutely loved Robin since I have a draw towards mage characters so I quite literally started playing a FE game the next day and now I've been a fan of the series since then. That's what started things off and now I've probably gotten into a good bit of the series in Smash. Now you've got me here with all these anime swordsmen in the RP LOL

It's funny for me to think about how different my cast could have been. Like just to give an idea of who could have been in the RP on my end, not including who I have and ones who are in the RP now:
-Eleven / The Luminary / Hero
-Trainer Red

Somehow I still hardly have female characters on this list. No wonder I only ended up with Pyra/Mythra LOL
Oh please, I hardly have any male characters on my list so you're not alone! Lol! If I didn't think Mewtwo was cool and hadn't realized Mewtwo was an option, I would be playing a female OC right now!
It's easier for me to list the game franchises I'm not very familiar with:

Fire Emblem
King of Fighters
Kingdom Hearts (I only own KH2 and Chain of Memories, and I didn't like CoM enough to ever beat it)

Most of them are DLC characters. At most, I can recognize characters from these franchises and have a very surface-level understanding of what their games are about.
It's easier for me to list the game franchises I'm not very familiar with:

Fire Emblem
King of Fighters
Kingdom Hearts (I only own KH2 and Chain of Memories, and I didn't like CoM enough to ever beat it)

Most of them are DLC characters. At most, I can recognize characters from these franchises and have a very surface-level understanding of what their games are about.
Earthbound beginnings and earthbound can be played on the switch.
GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow I’d highly recommend chrono trigger I know it’s on steam it’s an oldie but a good one. If you have a ps4 I recommend Wild Arms 1 another good one the best one of the series a ps1 classic but damn good.
It's easier for me to list the game franchises I'm not very familiar with:

Fire Emblem
King of Fighters
Kingdom Hearts (I only own KH2 and Chain of Memories, and I didn't like CoM enough to ever beat it)

Most of them are DLC characters. At most, I can recognize characters from these franchises and have a very surface-level understanding of what their games are about.
And somehow you ended up with a singular person (that’s me :3) who has embodied like half of these in their current cast of characters LOL. That’s actually so funny to me!
I recommend secret of mana you get the remake not the og snes one but still good.
I forgot to add Dragon Quest to the list. Basically, I'm not too familiar with any DLC character or game series that is not Final Fantasy, Banjo-Kazooie, or Piranha Plant lol

And somehow you ended up with a singular person (that’s me :3) who has embodied like half of these in their current cast of characters LOL. That’s actually so funny to me!
It balances things out! 👍
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Yeah dragon quest is an old game series dating back to the 80s/90s it was called dragon warrior actually back then
Here's a quick piece! Maybe when I have more time and motivation I'll clean it up, but I wanted to get the concept out there.


The designs were inspired by the Putts from Kid Icarus: Of Myths & Monsters, and the Three Sacred Treasures, as well as the Comedy and Tragedy masks.

-Both of them are soulless; their souls were sealed away within two gems aptly named the Solar Gem and the Lunar Gem. Because angels have an unlimited and powerful lifeforce, Lunaris uses them as batteries for his magical equipment and machinery.
-To free both Pits, their soul gems must be collected and placed in the gem slots on the forehead of their helmets.
-Because they are soulless and cannot speak, they are unable to serve as commanders in Lunaris's army. Instead, they serve as killing machines and protectors of whomever and whatever Lunaris orders them to guard.
-It annoyed Lunaris that Dark Pit isn't exactly a mirror image of Pit (ex. The rings the Pits wear are on the same arm and thigh), so he used his magic to "flip" Dark Pit. The only thing not reversed is the Lunaris Emblem.
-Lunaris has experimented on them in hopes of finding another means of reaching immortality, but has not been successful.
-Both Pits also carry a knife made from the Orichalcum, the same material that made up the Great Sacred Treasure. It is one of the few materials accessible to mortals that can be used to make weaponry that is lethal to divine beings. Should Lunaris ever give the order, the Pits will use the knives to cut off their own wings, permanently destroying themselves.
Here's a quick piece! Maybe when I have more time and motivation I'll clean it up, but I wanted to get the concept out there.

View attachment 1151456

The designs were inspired by the Putts from Kid Icarus: Of Myths & Monsters, and the Three Sacred Treasures, as well as the Comedy and Tragedy masks.

-Both of them are soulless; their souls were sealed away within two gems aptly named the Solar Gem and the Lunar Gem. Because angels have an unlimited and powerful lifeforce, Lunaris uses them as batteries for his magical equipment and machinery.
-To free both Pits, their soul gems must be collected and placed in the gem slots on the forehead of their helmets.
-Because they are soulless and cannot speak, they are unable to serve as commanders in Lunaris's army. Instead, they serve as killing machines and protectors of whomever and whatever Lunaris orders them to guard.
-It annoyed Lunaris that Dark Pit isn't exactly a mirror image of Pit (ex. The rings the Pits wear are on the same arm and thigh), so he used his magic to "flip" Dark Pit. The only thing not reversed is the Lunaris Emblem.
-Lunaris has experimented on them in hopes of finding another means of reaching immortality, but has not been successful.
-Both Pits also carry a knife made from the Orichalcum, the same material that made up the Great Sacred Treasure. It is one of the few materials accessible to mortals that can be used to make weaponry that is lethal to divine beings. Should Lunaris ever give the order, the Pits will use the knives to cut off their own wings, permanently destroying themselves.
Ooooooh I love these so much and that they mirror each other! Also somehow Pit and Pyra/Mythra becoming killing machines/protectors in this AU only gives them more similarities

I'm also noticing that I should have made the Lunaris emblem more like how you and Sheep have drawn it but I played heavily into it looking more comedy mask like. Oops lol!
Hmm love the Lunaris concept heh I see Paula getting brainwashed not so much Sephiroth.

I’m hyped if the duel is gonna happen Lunaris vs Seph
Ooooooh I love these so much and that they mirror each other! Also somehow Pit and Pyra/Mythra becoming killing machines/protectors in this AU only gives them more similarities

I'm also noticing that I should have made the Lunaris emblem more like how you and Sheep have drawn it but I played heavily into it looking more comedy mask like. Oops lol!
You're fine! I enjoy seeing how artists interpret my written descriptions! I quite like your design of the emblem too!

Imagine how terrifying "Aegis" and the Pits would be together! Lol I pictured her saying something about preferring their company because they never talk!
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You're fine! I enjoy seeing how artists interpret my written descriptions! I quite like your design of the emblem too!

Imagine how terrifying "Aegis" and the Pits would be together! Lol I pictured her saying something about preferring their company because they never talk!
Thanks! My brain mostly decided to go with it because it looks nice on the back of Joker's coat LOL

She prefers them cuz they don't talk back and they get the job done. That's all that matters to her!
Here's a quick piece! Maybe when I have more time and motivation I'll clean it up, but I wanted to get the concept out there.

View attachment 1151456

The designs were inspired by the Putts from Kid Icarus: Of Myths & Monsters, and the Three Sacred Treasures, as well as the Comedy and Tragedy masks.

-Both of them are soulless; their souls were sealed away within two gems aptly named the Solar Gem and the Lunar Gem. Because angels have an unlimited and powerful lifeforce, Lunaris uses them as batteries for his magical equipment and machinery.
-To free both Pits, their soul gems must be collected and placed in the gem slots on the forehead of their helmets.
-Because they are soulless and cannot speak, they are unable to serve as commanders in Lunaris's army. Instead, they serve as killing machines and protectors of whomever and whatever Lunaris orders them to guard.
-It annoyed Lunaris that Dark Pit isn't exactly a mirror image of Pit (ex. The rings the Pits wear are on the same arm and thigh), so he used his magic to "flip" Dark Pit. The only thing not reversed is the Lunaris Emblem.
-Lunaris has experimented on them in hopes of finding another means of reaching immortality, but has not been successful.
-Both Pits also carry a knife made from the Orichalcum, the same material that made up the Great Sacred Treasure. It is one of the few materials accessible to mortals that can be used to make weaponry that is lethal to divine beings. Should Lunaris ever give the order, the Pits will use the knives to cut off their own wings, permanently destroying themselves.

You’ve perfectly hit the nail on that uncanny yet intimidating presence that would make any foe of Lunaris shiver in their timbers 🥶 Lol and I love how Lunaris was literally so extra that he took one look at Dark Pit and said “Nope nope nope nope, his rings are on the wrong side. I cast reflect over Y-axis 🪄

But all jokes aside you did an absolutely wonderful job!

Ooooooh I love these so much and that they mirror each other! Also somehow Pit and Pyra/Mythra becoming killing machines/protectors in this AU only gives them more similarities

Lmao with every character that gets Lunaris-ified we slowly expand on the various ways characters are affected:

  1. The big sad (Inkling, Sora)
  2. Kinda just chilling (Yoshi, Pichu)
  3. Egomaniac (Zelda)
  4. Soulless tools of destruction (The pits, Pyra, Mythra, Byleth, Isabelle/hj)
  5. Mischievous tool of destruction (Joker)
  6. Tired (Shulk)
Lmao with every character that gets Lunaris-ified we slowly expand on the various ways characters are affected:

  1. The big sad (Inkling, Sora)
  2. Kinda just chilling (Yoshi, Pichu)
  3. Egomaniac (Zelda)
  4. Soulless tools of destruction (The pits, Pyra, Mythra, Byleth, Isabelle/hj)
  5. Mischievous tool of destruction (Joker)
  6. Tired (Shulk)
Shulk has been awake 5 days straight he's on his 5th coffee of the day and it's only 8am. The lone overly tired man

But since another dumb idea came into my head thanks to my friend asking "What about Ann?" when he wanted to know more about the designs, so I offer this:
-Jester is still incredibly smitten by Ann even though he has does not recall who exactly she is. Definitely has asked her if she wants to be his "lawless spouse" (not even partner in crime, nah he goes beyond that and practically proposes) honestly he's probably done this with any pretty girl
-If you know the Cicada block meme then there's your mental image of Jester cornering Ann

You're welcome that y'all are still stuck with me coming up with dumb Lunaris!AU Joker stuff LOL
Ooooooh I love these so much and that they mirror each other! Also somehow Pit and Pyra/Mythra becoming killing machines/protectors in this AU only gives them more similarities

I'm also noticing that I should have made the Lunaris emblem more like how you and Sheep have drawn it but I played heavily into it looking more comedy mask like. Oops lol!


You’ve perfectly hit the nail on that uncanny yet intimidating presence that would make any foe of Lunaris shiver in their timbers 🥶 Lol and I love how Lunaris was literally so extra that he took one look at Dark Pit and said “Nope nope nope nope, his rings are on the wrong side. I cast reflect over Y-axis 🪄

But all jokes aside you did an absolutely wonderful job!

Lmao with every character that gets Lunaris-ified we slowly expand on the various ways characters are affected:

  1. The big sad (Inkling, Sora)
  2. Kinda just chilling (Yoshi, Pichu)
  3. Egomaniac (Zelda)
  4. Soulless tools of destruction (The pits, Pyra, Mythra, Byleth, Isabelle/hj)
  5. Mischievous tool of destruction (Joker)
  6. Tired (Shulk)
Thanks a lot! Any opportunity to make the Pits frightening for a change! XD The mirror flip also lets me be lazy with drawing both Pits >_>

Here are some thoughts that have popped into my head:

-Jester sometimes swaps the helmets
-The Pits are fully aware of what is going on while trapped in their gems. "I have no mouth and I must scream," indeed!
-Lunaris once ordered an Eclipse to guard Zelda while she did research outside of the Flying Citadel, and for an extra layer of cruelty he temporarily transformed its helmet into a Sun Mask.
-Odessa absolutely detests the Eclipses, and Lunaris's insistence that they're too useful to be destroyed definitely drove a wedge between them. She refuses to stay long in any place that has them there. Lunaris does make an effort to minimize her exposure to them as he has the good sense to not upset his healer.
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-Lunaris once ordered an Eclipse to guard Zelda while she did research outside of the Flying Citadel, and for an extra layer of cruelty he temporarily transformed its helmet into a Sun Mask.
Interacting with a “common” solider while they’re wearing the sun mask? She may be wholly dedicated towards Lord Lunaris’s cause but if there was anything that could make her question said dedication then it would be this because oh dear god that would legit be Zelda’s own personal hell lmao. The entire time she’d probably just be absolutely fuming, ranting to herself at how unfair it is to even have to be seen next to whichever eclipse. And you absolutely know that if anyone so much as acknowledges Pit/Pittoo while in her esteemed presence they’re going to be in for a surprise when Zelda magically makes their ‘insides’ become their ‘outsides’.

But you know eventually she might find a use for them. Shshdhsjfh I could totally imagine her eventually treating said eclipse as basically walking furniture, so like if there’s something high she can’t reach, she’s using them as a human step ladder or as she’s walking she’s just handing them random stuff (usually highly dangerous magical artifacts) to hold for her until their arms are just filled with a bunch of random stuff.
I'm not sure how my Mewtwo would act when brainwashed, he is not from the Smash realms and the only canon thing in his timeline is Mewtwo strikes back.
I'm not sure how my Mewtwo would act when brainwashed, he is not from the Smash realms and the only canon thing in his timeline is Mewtwo strikes back.
None of the Smash Brothers are from the Smash Realm. and tbf, you could just add whatever to your Mewtwo post those events since i don't think there was ever any follow-up to that movie, so your Mewtwo could've done a myriad of things after the events of that movie
Lunaris has a very deep envy and hatred toward those of divine blood, and while he may keep it under control for the most part, he may let it slip through the cracks on occasion, such as the “joke” with the Sun Mask.

That idea with Zelda is both cruel and funny! I pictured her snapping a quill pen while writing, so she plucks a feather from the Eclipse assigned to her.

How sad and creepy would it be if the Eclipses’ original personalities seep out on a rare occasion! For example, Lunar Eclipse hears someone call him “Pittoo,” and his fist clenches. Someone makes a pun, and a flat, hollow laugh comes from Solar Eclipse.

Lol Jester not only switches their helmets around, but maybe he also puts them on backwards so they walk into things!

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