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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Character Name: Persephone Knowles
Race/Species: Human
Appearance: 8D014010-1987-44AA-B183-475AFC7ECFB7.jpeg
Abilities/Powers: Teleportation, Light Manipulation, Telekinesis
Bio: Persephone is on the run from a mysterious organization that wants to experiment on her. Along with her pet cat.
Player Name: PolikShadowbliss
Character Name: Persephone Knowles
Race/Species: Human
Appearance: View attachment 1149517
Abilities/Powers: Teleportation, Light Manipulation, Telekinesis
Bio: Persephone is on the run from a mysterious organization that wants to experiment on her. Along with her pet cat.
Player Name: PolikShadowbliss
Ahh, yeah I'll have to say no on that. This RP has a very heavy emphasis on Nintendo and its game franchises, and while OCs are welcome they should fit the theme of the setting (Ex. A Pokemon Trainer OC)
Kinda random but the talk about Sheep's dress design for Zelda being similar to Lunaris got me thinking of the idea of designs for my characters themed as subordinates of him though naturally most of thought went straight towards Joker, but yeah imma idea dump and maybe one day I'll sketch or maybe not who knows lol so here we go

These are all for Joker since I didn't have many thoughts elsewhere:
-Loses his usual mask and is replaced by one resembling Lunaris's though similar in shape to his original
-Black coat now colored a deep blue with a star and moon pattern on the coattails and the interior. Emblem of Lunaris on his back
-Golden undershirt with black pants and boots
-White gloves to mimic Master and Crazy Hand
-Gold eyes that mimic that of ones shadow self

Bonus of non-design centric thoughts:
-Mask is what keeps him under Lunaris's control and if broken would free him
-Does not summon his usual persona, but instead has been granted a fake manifestation of Master Hand that he uses to spread the idea that the Hands are destroying the Realm and he has been sent by Lunaris to stop them and put good faith into his boss. Nobody knows he causes the fake to appear and simply plays a fake hero role
-Dubbed the Phantom of the Moon and Stars

Ty for coming to this dumb thought time with yours truly
Welp here we are. I offer the boy

More random thoughts:
-No longer codenamed Joker. Now goes by Jester
-Huge difference in personality when masked and unmasked. Overly cheery, happy and never shuts up with the mask on, but painfully aware of his situation when the mask comes off. Has no control to fight back to control his body though. Unmasked he is very somber and always has a saddened look in his eyes
-Given his awareness, he can be hard to keep in line when he is maskless thus is forced to keep it on more times than not. Also does not summon his persona via the mask because of this
-Even with struggles to keep him in line, he is still considered one of Lunaris's "guard dogs" and acts as a last line of defense if he is not out causing chaos with his fake Master Hand
Character: Mewtwo
Player: PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss

A tiny bit iffy on this. Don’t know how to get him into the RP! But I’ve always wanted to play Mewtwo!
No problem!

There are several groups within the RP, but I'll explain the ones with the smallest amount of characters and the easiest ones for you to join. I will go into more detail once you've decided on which group you'd like Mewtwo to join.

One group has Roxas and Isabelle. They are heading for the Mushroom Platforms (WoL map) and just spotted the silhouette of Sephiroth. They are currently deciding whether to attack him or try to sneak past him.

Another group is made up of Shulk, Min-Min, and Lucas. They are at the Mountain Falls (WoL map) and have just met up, and they're figuring out what to do from there. There isn't too much going on here, so it wouldn't be hard for Mewtwo to slip in. I will warn that this is a slow group as far as posting frequency goes.

Byleth, Sora, Pichu, Chrom & Robin, and Professor Layton are at the Battlefield Fortress (SE map) fighting off the Gao, which have them surrounded and are currently destroying Chrom's army.

Pyra/Mythra and Pit are currently at a beachside town full of Waddle Dees, and they're in battle with Aquamentus and a Zola sea witch. Being as it's just Ploegy and myself, we tend to post fairly regularly if you want a faster posting pace.

Captain Falcon, Yoshi, Kirby, and Shadow the Hedgehog are at a Kokiri village in the Jungle/Swamp (SE map). They have just freed a Great Fairy from corruption and a Deku Scrub witch is filling them in on what had happened.

Toon Link is by himself. My latest post in the IC thread (the most recent post in the RP as well), details this. This is on a random shoreline on the western coast of the Smash Realm, so there is no specific in-game locations here. This would be the easiest group for a new player to slip into the game. All that would be needed is to read that one post to get caught up.
No problem!

There are several groups within the RP, but I'll explain the ones with the smallest amount of characters and the easiest ones for you to join. I will go into more detail once you've decided on which group you'd like Mewtwo to join.

One group has Roxas and Isabelle. They are heading for the Mushroom Platforms (WoL map) and just spotted the silhouette of Sephiroth. They are currently deciding whether to attack him or try to sneak past him.

Another group is made up of Shulk, Min-Min, and Lucas. They are at the Mountain Falls (WoL map) and have just met up, and they're figuring out what to do from there. There isn't too much going on here, so it wouldn't be hard for Mewtwo to slip in. I will warn that this is a slow group as far as posting frequency goes.

Byleth, Sora, Pichu, Chrom & Robin, and Professor Layton are at the Battlefield Fortress (SE map) fighting off the Gao, which have them surrounded and are currently destroying Chrom's army.

Pyra/Mythra and Pit are currently at a beachside town full of Waddle Dees, and they're in battle with Aquamentus and a Zola sea witch. Being as it's just Ploegy and myself, we tend to post fairly regularly if you want a faster posting pace.

Captain Falcon, Yoshi, Kirby, and Shadow the Hedgehog are at a Kokiri village in the Jungle/Swamp (SE map). They have just freed a Great Fairy from corruption and a Deku Scrub witch is filling them in on what had happened.

Toon Link is by himself. My latest post in the IC thread (the most recent post in the RP as well), details this. This is on a random shoreline on the western coast of the Smash Realm, so there is no specific in-game locations here. This would be the easiest group for a new player to slip into the game. All that would be needed is to read that one post to get caught up.
Don't forget about Cyan and Peregrine at the Bridge towards the Badlands (the Unsung Duo lmao)
Welp here we are. I offer the boy

More random thoughts:
-No longer codenamed Joker. Now goes by Jester
-Huge difference in personality when masked and unmasked. Overly cheery, happy and never shuts up with the mask on, but painfully aware of his situation when the mask comes off. Has no control to fight back to control his body though. Unmasked he is very somber and always has a saddened look in his eyes
-Given his awareness, he can be hard to keep in line when he is maskless thus is forced to keep it on more times than not. Also does not summon his persona via the mask because of this
-Even with struggles to keep him in line, he is still considered one of Lunaris's "guard dogs" and acts as a last line of defense if he is not out causing chaos with his fake Master Hand
sbsjxjxjdhdjfuf omg omg omg the absolute style of this lad is off the charts!!! Joker Jester looks absolutely amazing and I love all the extra tid bits on his personality! Dgsjfhd oh gosh now you’ve inspired me to think about how my characters might act while possessed. While I go think on that I’ll leave you with this dumb thought:

With him and Inkling both being guards granted at very different levels of security I can’t help but imagine a silly scene of them just casually talking at the water cooler like the coworkers they’d technically be. Even while mind controlled the two goobers still make time in the day to goof off 🎭
sbsjxjxjdhdjfuf omg omg omg the absolute style of this lad is off the charts!!! Joker Jester looks absolutely amazing and I love all the extra tid bits on his personality! Dgsjfhd oh gosh now you’ve inspired me to think about how my characters might act while possessed. While I go think on that I’ll leave you with this dumb thought:

With him and Inkling both being guards granted at very different levels of security I can’t help but imagine a silly scene of them just casually talking at the water cooler like the coworkers they’d technically be. Even while mind controlled the two goobers still make time in the day to goof off 🎭
Ty ty! It wouldn't be Joker Jester if he wasn't over the top and full of style! My brain just goes places while I'm designing sometimes so all the random stuff just kinda came to me lol. Even now after it all I still had some thoughts or well thought so here's the last thing I thought of:

How does Joker summon a persona if not his mask? Simple, tarot cards stealing it from Persona 4. He carries a deck of cards with various personas/beings he can summon. Some of his notable cards include
-Fake Master Hand (he isn't allowed to have Crazy Hand as well)
-Jack Frost (pulled from the Magician Arcana)
-Kaguya (pulled from the Moon Arcana)
-Neko Shogun (pulled from the Star Arcana)
(I would add more non-personas but for time sake and me not brainstorming past this, I leave it at this)

And ofc they would somehow, someway still be besties even when brainwashed. Brainwashing clearly cannot break a bromance this strong! Joker probably casually drags Inkling around from time to time to show her the chaos he creates. He also probably thinks she needs to have more fun than guarding the castle
No problem!

There are several groups within the RP, but I'll explain the ones with the smallest amount of characters and the easiest ones for you to join. I will go into more detail once you've decided on which group you'd like Mewtwo to join.

One group has Roxas and Isabelle. They are heading for the Mushroom Platforms (WoL map) and just spotted the silhouette of Sephiroth. They are currently deciding whether to attack him or try to sneak past him.

Another group is made up of Shulk, Min-Min, and Lucas. They are at the Mountain Falls (WoL map) and have just met up, and they're figuring out what to do from there. There isn't too much going on here, so it wouldn't be hard for Mewtwo to slip in. I will warn that this is a slow group as far as posting frequency goes.

Byleth, Sora, Pichu, Chrom & Robin, and Professor Layton are at the Battlefield Fortress (SE map) fighting off the Gao, which have them surrounded and are currently destroying Chrom's army.

Pyra/Mythra and Pit are currently at a beachside town full of Waddle Dees, and they're in battle with Aquamentus and a Zola sea witch. Being as it's just Ploegy and myself, we tend to post fairly regularly if you want a faster posting pace.

Captain Falcon, Yoshi, Kirby, and Shadow the Hedgehog are at a Kokiri village in the Jungle/Swamp (SE map). They have just freed a Great Fairy from corruption and a Deku Scrub witch is filling them in on what had happened.

Toon Link is by himself. My latest post in the IC thread (the most recent post in the RP as well), details this. This is on a random shoreline on the western coast of the Smash Realm, so there is no specific in-game locations here. This would be the easiest group for a new player to slip into the game. All that would be needed is to read that one post to get caught up.
My choice is easy. I would like to join Captain Falcon’s group.
Post made! Hopefully I am able to integrate into this two year old campaign!
Your post is fine and I'm not requesting you make changes to it, but I do want to make note that there is a reason as stated in the RP's plot for the Super Smash Brothers to gather in the Smash Realm: the reunion party hosted by Princess Peach.
Your post is fine and I'm not requesting you make changes to it, but I do want to make note that there is a reason as stated in the RP's plot for the Super Smash Brothers to gather in the Smash Realm: the reunion party hosted by Princess Peach.
Yes I read that. We can say Mewtwo was there then.
Yes I read that. We can say Mewtwo was there then.
No, what I meant was that if you were struggling with introducing Mewtwo, going to the reunion should have given you something to work with. Other folks have also RPed their characters trying to get to the reunion and ending up scattered around the realm due to portal and teleportation mishaps, so nothing wrong with your post. You just made your first post faster than I could tell you, is all.
  • Brainwashed Isabelle is what happens when you remove all of her other personality tropes except for her desire to work
  • She’s a well oiled machine who’ll do whatever it takes to make a job well done, even if she has to sacrifice her or other’s health in the process
  • She has a small team of Toads and Toadettes kidnapped and forced against their will working under her
  • She will gladly overwork her staff far past the point of exhaustion without even the slightest ounce of remorse, basically running a sweatshop
  • She’s surprisingly intimidating for her stature
  • Sometimes her workers will switch out her regular glasses for her regular, non-brainwashing, pair. She’s still going to overwork them but she’ll be just ever so slightly nicer about it

  • Inkling’s way less chatty and energetic than her usual self, acting a lot more like how she is in Splatoon 3
  • Because of the mind control a lot of her emotions are pretty dulled, so she’s pretty much in a constant state of boredom unless she’s either a.) fighting off intruders or b.) watching Lunaris’ army rain chaos down upon the realm.
  • Her eyeglass allows her to manually turn on and off the special limiter
  • She especially loves spamming her autobomb special on poor unsuspecting victims, though the other members of the army tend to get pretty annoyed by all the explosions and mess that gets left afterwards.
  • Glitter ink : )
  • The best means of breaking her out of mind control would probably be by playing a certain heavenly melody. The only problem is her ear piece is constantly playing an annoyingly loud static noise in her ear, making any attempt to listen to music with it on basically impossible. This also means she probably won’t hear you if you try talking to her on that side.
  • After breaking out of the mind control, don’t let Inkling anywhere near the eye piece. With how fashion driven the Inkling species are, she could be so drawn to the utter stylishness of the item that might put it right back on willingly.

  • If I had to compare brainwashed Zelda to anyone, I’d say she’d probably have sort of similar vibes to Mimi from Paper Mario
  • Due to Zelda’s own skills in telepathy, she probably was a little bit more difficult to wrangle under the brainwashing, so she wears the mask pretty much 24/7
  • With the little mental fortitude Zelda had left she managed to find a way to prevent herself from using the triforce of wisdom/while in her brainwashed state.
  • With the mask on she’s a lot more egotistical and will happily mock or look down upon anyone who isn’t Lord Lunaris or Lady Odessa.
  • The magic she tends to use is a lot more cruel yet also strangely pretty creative. Not having to worry about pesky morals means she can experiment way more with the sorts of spells she casts. But since she’s still a reincarnation of Hylia, Zelda is incapable of using any explicitly dark magic much to her own displeasure.
  • She gets incredibly annoyed at any “Lol if you’re wearing the moon mask then who has the sun mask?” jokes. If you have the gall to ask such an asinine question then you shouldn’t be surprised when Zelda turns you into a snail and throws you into a pile of salt.
  • I think it’d be funny that when Zelda breaks from mind control, while on one hand she’d obviously be horrified at her awful actions and attitude, she couldn’t deny that she made a ton of progress in her magical studies while working under Lunaris.

  • The hood pretty much acts like how an actual Falcon hood works. It dulls his sense of sight and hearing which mellows him out. He doesn’t have any of that Pichu Branded Sass™ and is honestly just kinda vibing.
  • Take off the hood however, and he’s pretty much an extra rabid animal lol. Friend or foe? It doesn’t matter to Pichu so long as he gets to rip someone to shreds!
  • Bumps into walls a lot lol

Ty ty! It wouldn't be Joker Jester if he wasn't over the top and full of style! My brain just goes places while I'm designing sometimes so all the random stuff just kinda came to me lol. Even now after it all I still had some thoughts or well thought so here's the last thing I thought of:

How does Joker summon a persona if not his mask? Simple, tarot cards stealing it from Persona 4. He carries a deck of cards with various personas/beings he can summon. Some of his notable cards include
-Fake Master Hand (he isn't allowed to have Crazy Hand as well)
-Jack Frost (pulled from the Magician Arcana)
-Kaguya (pulled from the Moon Arcana)
-Neko Shogun (pulled from the Star Arcana)
(I would add more non-personas but for time sake and me not brainstorming past this, I leave it at this)

And ofc they would somehow, someway still be besties even when brainwashed. Brainwashing clearly cannot break a bromance this strong! Joker probably casually drags Inkling around from time to time to show her the chaos he creates. He also probably thinks she needs to have more fun than guarding the castle
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