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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

I love the mix of various species in the crowd! D'aww, the widdle waddle-dee with his widdle bowtie! Clearly the most handsome fellow in the entire ball!

"Psst! Maybe he's a himbo?"
Dgsjdjdof I figured with it being the smash realm the crowd should reflect all the various species…but mostly I really just didn’t want to draw that many humans lmao

Peak dumbass moments by Roxas. This is why he's baby LMAO
He may be baby, but gosh darn it that baby’s got heart 🫡 (metaphorically speaking of course)
You know I overlooked the real accomplishment in the comic- Roxas being able to sprint so easily in that dress without tripping. Impressive LMAO
Is Roxas wearing heels under that dress? It'd be even MORE impressive!

Lol Zelda and Dark Pit get together on the floor as if to dance, they bow to each other, then smack each other in the face. Those watching this are shocked and confused! Zelda decides to uppercut him instead, and Pittoo's knocked onto his ass, with Kid Icarus-styled hearts and a tiny souflee spinning over his head. Yeah, I got "Say It With a Slap" stuck in my head again XD

Seeing such a thing creates more questions, but folks decide to just keep it to themselves. At least Zelda is left alone!
He may be baby, but gosh darn it that baby’s got heart 🫡 (metaphorically speaking of course)
Random thought somewhat pulled from this.

Basically someone comments on Roxas having a big heart and being there for his friends and he just kinda looks away before saying “I don’t have a heart though. I’m a Nobody” and either he gets pulled into the biggest, warmest hug or he gets stared at as the other person tries to make sense of what he’s saying
Random thought somewhat pulled from this.

Basically someone comments on Roxas having a big heart and being there for his friends and he just kinda looks away before saying “I don’t have a heart though. I’m a Nobody” and either he gets pulled into the biggest, warmest hug or he gets stared at as the other person tries to make sense of what he’s saying
I just saw the Links putting their gathered Heart Piece containers together and giving the complete piece to Roxas!
Sudden thought I had:

Zelda introduces Dark Pit to Hilda. How well does the meeting go?
Sudden thought I had:

Zelda introduces Dark Pit to Hilda. How well does the meeting go?
I have to admit it’s been a while since I last played Albw so I might be a lil off characterization wise but I’d imagine their meeting would be mostly fine? (For the sake of this hypothetical let’s pretend/assume Smash Zel is from Albw and not Alttp)

the most surprising thing for Dark Pit would probably be how Hilda might seem way more similar to Zelda’s personality wise than he is to Pit on the surface level, as her and Hilda’s biggest differences seem to specifically stem from environmental reasonings, specifically the versions of Hyrule they were brought up in. And, considering the horrible things Hilda was driven to do because of those circumstances, it might just pose the question of if push came to shove, what might drastic lengths might Zelda go to in order to protect the things she values? Who knows, maybe it’d cause Pittoo’s perspective on Zel to change a little. Dhakdhd but like I said I could see Hilda and Pittoo getting along mostly fine, though a lot of the more light hearted and carefree charm he’d find in Zelda most likely wouldn’t be there in Hilda, or there to a far lesser degree

But on that line of thinking omg imagine Ravio and Pittoo meeting each other
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I really need to play ALBW. My parents got me the game years ago, but I didn't have a 3DS to play it on.

XD I don't ship them, but I can easily imagine Hilda and Dark Pit's interactions being like:

I really need to play ALBW. My parents got me the game years ago, but I didn't have a 3DS to play it on.

XD I don't ship them, but I can easily imagine Hilda and Dark Pit's interactions being like:

You should totally play it! Even without a DS, you could always sail the seven seas and play it on emulation 🏴‍☠️

Dgsjdjdof but if you don’t mind potential spoilers, here’s a cutscene compilation of her’s and Zelda’s scenes in the game to give you a good idea about her personality.

(Begin at 3:53 for Hilda content)

I guess Hilda and Dark Pit would be mostly neutral toward each other then. It's hard to tell without knowing what Hilda is like after the events of the game. Goes to show that just because two people might be similar doesn't mean there's going to be a big connection between them. I can see Zelda and Pit being very surprised, and maybe a bit disappointed, that nothing more happened.

I'm pretty amazed at how everything has fallen into place in regards to Dark Pit in the RP. I had to think of a reason for Dark Pit to stay with the party because I think he'd be likely to go off on his own if he had no motivation to stick around. Everything seemed to line up perfectly: Dark Pit's injuries from the Hammer Bro., then "psychic-damage" from Pit's corruption (I actually forgot about Pit and Pittoo's connection for a bit. While I'm following the Japanese canon that Dark Pit wouldn't die if Pit perished, they still had a bond with each other); the Smash Sisters deciding to go the Lake Shore which is close to the Plains, and one of Develius's posts of Samus suggesting a careful mistrust of everyone until their motives are verified. I didn't plan anything in advance!
You know looking at all this with my very limited knowledge (and what has been shown) I feel like Roxas would somewhat understand Hilda’s reasonings for going to the lengths she does because in a sense he knows that desperation because of his own experiences and not wanting to return to Sora. It’d definitely give him a different view on Zelda but also be able to understand it don’t mind me sliding in for no reason lol
I guess Hilda and Dark Pit would be mostly neutral toward each other then. It's hard to tell without knowing what Hilda is like after the events of the game. Goes to show that just because two people might be similar doesn't mean there's going to be a big connection between them. I can see Zelda and Pit being very surprised, and maybe a bit disappointed, that nothing more happened.
Dhskfusof Zel and Pit rush to Pittoo after his introduction with Hilda to ask how it went and he just goes *Shrugs* “Meh” much to their disappointment lol

You know looking at all this with my very limited knowledge (and what has been shown) I feel like Roxas would somewhat understand Hilda’s reasonings for going to the lengths she does because in a sense he knows that desperation because of his own experiences and not wanting to return to Sora. It’d definitely give him a different view on Zelda but also be able to understand it don’t mind me sliding in for no reason lol

I don’t mind at all! shskdvsjdhd if there’s anything Roxas and Hilda have in common it’s that they were both dealt a bad hand in life and had to adapt to that bad hand with varying levels of success lmao
The more I talk about Roxas the more I wanna write for him. Baby boy needs more rp posts
I hate that he’s gonna come face to face with Mr Traumatizing r us Seph. Poor Roxas needs a soda or sea salt ice cream.
Dhskfusof Zel and Pit rush to Pittoo after his introduction with Hilda to ask how it went and he just goes *Shrugs* “Meh” much to their disappointment lol
My dumb brain immediately imagined this exchange between Zelda and Dark Pit:

Dark Pit: ... Maybe, I like you.

Zelda: ... Just "like?"

Dark Pit: ... Maybe, I like you a lot.

Zelda: ... That's it?

Dark Pit: ... Don't push the maybe, baby.

We'll see how traumatizing it actually is. If it's only a fight I imagine it wouldn't really be traumatic, even if he's badly outclassed. He's been through that before after all

Maybe I do some Roxas doodles tonight though to satisfy my muse lol. I haven't drawn him much lately and he is my fav KH character then again I haven't been drawing much lately
I was really hoping I could do some drawing tonight, but it's been cloudy and stormy and that triggers my migraines. I've had Papa Pittoo going to Didney Worl stuck in my head lol
I wish I had more ideas lately for art, but I think I've finally started hitting my burn out phase again. We'll see if I get any silly ideas
Shakfhskf so with the talk about Hilda I went back to look at her and Zel’s offical art and omg can I just say that I absolurely love their eyeshadow oh my god it’s the cherry on top for an already top tier design. Then that somehow led to me headcanoning that Zel’s a bit of a makeup guru on the side. She’s absolutely the princess to go to if one of the fighters, usually Princess Peach, needs to get their makeup done for an occasion. Sure all her make up is probably made from lead and god knows what but gosh darn it she’ll make you ✨beautiful✨
Shakfhskf so with the talk about Hilda I went back to look at her and Zel’s offical art and omg can I just say that I absolurely love their eyeshadow oh my god it’s the cherry on top for an already top tier design. Then that somehow led to me headcanoning that Zel’s a bit of a makeup guru on the side. She’s absolutely the princess to go to if one of the fighters, usually Princess Peach, needs to get their makeup done for an occasion. Sure all her make up is probably made from lead and god knows what but gosh darn it she’ll make you ✨beautiful✨
Lol Hyrule is a fantasy world, I'm sure the make-up's fine XD

If I RPed the Pits as though they came from a historically-accurate ancient Greece... Well... There'd be a LOT of problems!

Here's a thought though: Zelda using make-up and magic for disguises and special effects! As the SSB are wanted criminals, this may be a useful talent for the Super Smash Sisters!

And following that train of thought, Zelda and Pikachu team up to win contests!
Okay my brain cannot think of art ideas, but I have some silly little future ideas/just ideas I've had in general for the rp

-So I know at one point I joked about Sora crashing into one of the flying ships, but also the idea of Sora getting shot out of the sky (or just forced out) also has crossed my mind. Can't allow him to easily reach the Stadium lol
-These two are similarish so I'll group them together since they're both Joker. Basically Joker being a cocky lil shit and sending out a "distress" signal, but it's really just him hoping Lunaris picks up on it and him taunting the hell outta him. On the other hand, him writing and handing Lunaris a calling card is an amusing thought I've had
-This one isn't really an idea, but I had the thought that somehow the other Smash fighters call Byleth Professor more than his actual name just like everyone back home does
-Pneuma usually doesn't like to stay around for long and prefers to stay as Pyra or Mythra, but maybe she ends up using it as a disguise so she can travel around safely. She's catches even more attention because of it
-I had the thought of when/if Roxas actually is reunited with Sora, that he heavily questions rejoining him to assure Sora is actually whole. Maybe later on if fighters start falling to corruption he actually flees to Sora knowing he would be corrupted but Sora would not

And yeah, random lil thoughts I've had over the course of the rp thus far lol. Enjoy my brain's silly thoughts

Shakfhskf so with the talk about Hilda I went back to look at her and Zel’s offical art and omg can I just say that I absolurely love their eyeshadow oh my god it’s the cherry on top for an already top tier design. Then that somehow led to me headcanoning that Zel’s a bit of a makeup guru on the side. She’s absolutely the princess to go to if one of the fighters, usually Princess Peach, needs to get their makeup done for an occasion. Sure all her make up is probably made from lead and god knows what but gosh darn it she’ll make you ✨beautiful✨
Zelda does Sora and Roxas' makeup for the ball because Sora asked her. Roxas protests it, but she gives him no choice. He needs to be a convincing pretty princess
Heh Cyan acts as a security for the ball unless someone can convince to join the fun.
Cause I pulled him before the optional side quest where he faces his demons and a literal one almost tries to eat his soul..
The reward is he unlocks all his bushido moves and you get the Alexander esper.
Lol Hyrule is a fantasy world, I'm sure the make-up's fine XD
Your right, it’s probably made from ✨magical✨ lead! It had the exact same side effects as real lead, but with a new fantastical spin! Dgsjdjdof kidding kidding

Okay my brain cannot think of art ideas, but I have some silly little future ideas/just ideas I've had in general for the rp

-So I know at one point I joked about Sora crashing into one of the flying ships, but also the idea of Sora getting shot out of the sky (or just forced out) also has crossed my mind. Can't allow him to easily reach the Stadium lol
-These two are similarish so I'll group them together since they're both Joker. Basically Joker being a cocky lil shit and sending out a "distress" signal, but it's really just him hoping Lunaris picks up on it and him taunting the hell outta him. On the other hand, him writing and handing Lunaris a calling card is an amusing thought I've had
-This one isn't really an idea, but I had the thought that somehow the other Smash fighters call Byleth Professor more than his actual name just like everyone back home does
-Pneuma usually doesn't like to stay around for long and prefers to stay as Pyra or Mythra, but maybe she ends up using it as a disguise so she can travel around safely. She's catches even more attention because of it
-I had the thought of when/if Roxas actually is reunited with Sora, that he heavily questions rejoining him to assure Sora is actually whole. Maybe later on if fighters start falling to corruption he actually flees to Sora knowing he would be corrupted but Sora would not

And yeah, random lil thoughts I've had over the course of the rp thus far lol. Enjoy my brain's silly thoughts

Zelda does Sora and Roxas' makeup for the ball because Sora asked her. Roxas protests it, but she gives him no choice. He needs to be a convincing pretty princess
Dgsjdjdof omg you’d think with Sora’s name meaning Sky he’d have more luck with not getting shot out of the air but guess not LOL. Maybe it’s because Pichu is super effective against flying that’ll give him all his bad luck ⚡

But omg also Lunaris getting a calling card sounds like it’d be sick as hell.

“Sir Stefan [Whatever his last name name]’, otherwise known as Lord Lunaris, the great sinner of Arrogance” Dgsjdjdof or whatever sin Lunaris best represents lmao

Shakshdksfsjdb on a different note tomorrow I’ll be going on a beach trip so I probably won’t be able to get a post out, or if I do then it’s gonna be bite sized. Once again SheepKing’s clownery strikes 🙃🙃🙃
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