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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Shadow having an influence on Cream be like:
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say what again pulp fiction GIF
Joker just being forced to continue leading this group with 0 context of what is going on and just doing his best. At least unlike some of my characters he would be able to gather itel by other means (mostly Morgana or if he is capable of somehow contacting more of his squad, Futaba) so eventually they'd know something unlike a certain child in clown shoes lmao
Dhskfjskfj omg yeah Sora, Pokey, and Pichu really do have zero fucking clue on what’s goin on don’t they 😭😭😭
Dhskfjskfj omg yeah Sora, Pokey, and Pichu really do have zero fucking clue on what’s goin on don’t they 😭😭😭
They have zero clue and with how much brain power they got, it'll be awhile before they do LMAO

The way they're gonna find out is Sora is just flying around with Pichu on his head and carrying Pokey and they accidently run into Samus' ship mid-flight
They have zero clue and with how much brain power they got, it'll be awhile before they do LMAO

The way they're gonna find out is Sora is just flying around with Pichu on his head and carrying Pokey and they accidently run into Samus' ship mid-flight
Pokey: S.Sora WaTch out for that Ship!!
I’ve always liked the idea of Cream becoming Shadow’s “Tails.” There’s a lot of cuteness to be had!
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I should have Byleth up soon working on finishing his post up when I can during hockey stuff and Mythra will likely come tomorrow

As for Yoshi and Roxas, I’m unsure of what to post for them so those groups can feel free to post without them until I see an opening
I had two pretty messed up thoughts earlier today.

So, canonically, when Pit dies, Palutena can revive him. What if some members of the Super Smash Bros. exploited it? For example, Snake shooting Pit through the head to get at the enemy behind him. Snake then sits next to Pit and smokes some cigarettes until he wakes up an hour or two later.

Snake: Morning, sunshine.

Pit: Snake! What the hell man?!

Snake: *puts his finished cigarette out by sticking it in the still-healing hole in Pit's head*

Also, because angels have an unlimited supply of life energy, which allows them to use Palm weapons, does this mean a Metroid could feed off one of the Pits until it's full, and the only ill effects they would have is the discomfort that comes with having a Metroid feeding off of them? 🤔

Samus could be doing very poorly, calls Pit who happily hops over, and she uses her own Metroid powers to suck up his life force.

Samus: Thanks, I feel better!

Pit: *feeling violated* You're... welcome...? 😰
Dhskfhskfj the smash sisters were warned about Lunaris’ eyeball lasers bring down there ship but turns out the real driving hazards are flying children ✨
Sora is a hazard for all flying vehicles. Lunaris should be worried too
Lol I just imagined a flying Sora seeing Dark Pit walking in the Plains and is like, "Hey! There's a friend! Hey, Dark Pit!"

Pittoo sees Sora flying, scrunches up his face, and then turns around to keep walking. No new party members added, poor Sora!

As far as the hazards of flying brown-haired children goes, good thing Pit is flightless!

regular show GIF

(It was TOO easy guys!)
I had two pretty messed up thoughts earlier today.

So, canonically, when Pit dies, Palutena can revive him. What if some members of the Super Smash Bros. exploited it? For example, Snake shooting Pit through the head to get at the enemy behind him. Snake then sits next to Pit and smokes some cigarettes until he wakes up an hour or two later.

Snake: Morning, sunshine.

Pit: Snake! What the hell man?!

Snake: *puts his finished cigarette out by sticking it in the still-healing hole in Pit's head*

Also, because angels have an unlimited supply of life energy, which allows them to use Palm weapons, does this mean a Metroid could feed off one of the Pits until it's full, and the only ill effects they would have is the discomfort that comes with having a Metroid feeding off of them? 🤔

Samus could be doing very poorly, calls Pit who happily hops over, and she uses her own Metroid powers to suck up his life force.

Samus: Thanks, I feel better!

Pit: *feeling violated* You're... welcome...? 😰
Idk. I'm of the belief if you're gonna kill someone, let them die. Most players are always so scared of death despite being in a roleplay where it is a possibility and will go to great lengths to meta the hell out of it. But that's just my experience. I've just seen it done so many times cause it cheapens the stakes and the emotional impact and narrative weight that comes with it.
Idk. I'm of the belief if you're gonna kill someone, let them die. Most players are always so scared of death despite being in a roleplay where it is a possibility and will go to great lengths to meta the hell out of it. But that's just my experience. I've just seen it done so many times cause it cheapens the stakes and the emotional impact and narrative weight that comes with it.
I wasn't being serious lol

I think most Smash Brothers would be too nice to do such a thing. Dying is still painful and traumatic! After the 100th time it happens, I pictured storm clouds rolling in, a crash of thunder, a flash of lightning, and a VERY peeved Palutena's voice booming at the Smash Brothers: "Can you PLEASE stop doing that?!?!"
Eh I’ve been thinking of bringing Cyan back idk since he’s a square character.
If death happens, we’ll just have to recreate the Gabaleth Smash Bros comics lol

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