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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Fgskfhsk seriously omg that’d be so amazing!! Plus u could even tie in how the smash realm’s having weird weather patterns and say that it’s causing their internal clocks for Salmon Run time to go haywire, leading to the ensuing shenanigans 🍣
Joker looks at Cohozuna and just goes "What the actual hell is that?" He's seen some wack af shadows, but this is something else LMAO

But real talk, I don't have any specifics for enemies they're facing so we're yoloing it hardcord
I didn’t know that lol.
Lmao Paula goes on to become the queen of the Salmonids 🔥 🐟 🍳

Shakfhskf but Salmonid lore in of itself is pretty dang interesting! It leans into some of the more shadier sides of Splatoon’s lore in a really neat way and it raises allll sorts of questions about the game. Like just as an example, here’s my favorite random tid bit of lore
Lmao Paula goes on to become the queen of the Salmonids 🔥 🐟 🍳

Shakfhskf but Salmonid lore in of itself is pretty dang interesting! It leans into some of the more shadier sides of Splatoon’s lore in a really neat way and it raises allll sorts of questions about the game. Like just as an example, here’s my favorite random tid bit of lore
That’s an interesting piece of lore I wonder if I should watch a let’s play of splatoon eh I will anyway.

Paula becoming the queen of Salmonid that’s amusing to say the least. at least not Pokey’s and Carpainter’s sacrifice the look on everyone’s face when she talks about that.
Now I’m just imagining Toon Link with his power bracelets suplexing a phantom train. That would be one hell of a moment.
Maybe the Super Smash Bros. can fight Eidolons and earn the Red Materia required to summon them!

It'd give me a reason to link FF14's sick boss music into the RP >8D

I listen to this whenever I type for the Ghost Ship.

Maybe the Super Smash Bros. can fight Eidolons and earn the Red Materia required to summon them!

It'd give me a reason to link FF14's sick boss music into the RP >8D

I listen to this whenever I type for the Ghost Ship.

That would be so sick! Askds I’ll be hyped if this becomes a thing.
lol A Choco-Mog boss fight! That'd probably be the very first one! They just try their best!

Samus summoning Bahamut Zero would be sick af! She faces Ridley, and summons an EVEN BIGGER space dragon to annihilate him!

Lunaris cheats and unleashes a Super Kill Move that wipes out the Super Smash Brothers. But wait! Someone summoned Pheonix earlier in the fight! They all stand back up!
lol A Choco-Mog boss fight! That'd probably be the very first one! They just try their best!

Samus summoning Bahamut Zero would be sick af! She faces Ridley, and summons an EVEN BIGGER space dragon to annihilate him!

Lunaris cheats and unleashes a Super Kill Move that wipes out the Super Smash Brothers. But wait! Someone summoned Pheonix earlier in the fight! They all stand back up!
Lunaris casts Ultima lol
lol A Choco-Mog boss fight! That'd probably be the very first one! They just try their best!

Samus summoning Bahamut Zero would be sick af! She faces Ridley, and summons an EVEN BIGGER space dragon to annihilate him!

Lunaris cheats and unleashes a Super Kill Move that wipes out the Super Smash Brothers. But wait! Someone summoned Pheonix earlier in the fight! They all stand back up!
A real final fantasy boss requires a sick ff boss fight.
Ploegy Ploegy Do you have set plans for the Stadium? I have an idea for an NPC that Team Joker could meet who can fill them in on the Pillars and such, should they manage to get into the Stadium! I’ve been pondering a means of introducing this NPC for a bit now.

No worries if things go differently though!
I wouldn't mind either, but like Ploegy said, it might be a little difficult to insert them.

For the current going-ons underground, I'd like to make a semi-serious effort to use the idea of having Minecraft cave mobs, Shovel Knight enemies, and Ground-type Pokemon as obstacles while the group travels to the military base. I'm not sure if the group wants me to GM that for us or not, but I'd like to see an Onyx be this sequences 'boss enemy'. I really want to see Steve have an epic square off with one because the Minecraft pickaxe is Super Effective!

That said, once they get to the military base, if you want one to appear there... Hey, if you can make it work.
Prepare for the shovel knight post today!
Ploegy Ploegy Do you have set plans for the Stadium? I have an idea for an NPC that Team Joker could meet who can fill them in on the Pillars and such, should they manage to get into the Stadium! I’ve been pondering a means of introducing this NPC for a bit now.

No worries if things go differently though!
I don't have any specific plans so we can definitely incorporate the NPC in! I'm leaving things open so the others in the group can feel free to add in whatever they'd like as well. Gotta make it fun for everyone after all ^^
Ploegy Ploegy Do you have set plans for the Stadium? I have an idea for an NPC that Team Joker could meet who can fill them in on the Pillars and such, should they manage to get into the Stadium! I’ve been pondering a means of introducing this NPC for a bit now.

No worries if things go differently though!
Zvskfhs as funny as it’d be for the group to continue to have zero context on just what the heck’s going on, yeah it’d probably a good idea to have an npc eventually fill them in on all the deets 😅
Zvskfhs as funny as it’d be for the group to continue to have zero context on just what the heck’s going on, yeah it’d probably a good idea to have an npc eventually fill them in on all the deets 😅
Joker just being forced to continue leading this group with 0 context of what is going on and just doing his best. At least unlike some of my characters he would be able to gather itel by other means (mostly Morgana or if he is capable of somehow contacting more of his squad, Futaba) so eventually they'd know something unlike a certain child in clown shoes lmao

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