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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Lol I can see Samus having her moments of "girliness", but it has to be something that's a big deal and ONLY when she's with Peach and Zelda.

Samus: *arms folded, an amused smile on her face* What's that face for, Princess?

Peach: Oh! Oh Sammy! Mario just proposed to me! I said YES!!

Samus: *raises an eyebrow, then suddenly jumps in the air with a squeal*

All three girls join hands and bounce up and down while squeeing.
Omfg that’s so friggin adorable 😭 And since I wanted to draw pretty clothes again here’s the gang on her wedding day!
Dhskvhd I had such a hard time figuring out what Peach would most likely choose for her bridesmaids colors but I finally settled on a wine color.
Omfg that’s so friggin adorable 😭 And since I wanted to draw pretty clothes again here’s the gang on her wedding day!
Dhskvhd I had such a hard time figuring out what Peach would most likely choose for her bridesmaids colors but I finally settled on a burgundy color.


Burgundy looks absolutely smashing on Samus!
I barely know anything about FE lore outside of SSB. When I first attempted this RP on GaiaOnline, a player joined as Lucina, and her story is that her husband was just killed in battle before she was called to the realm. Poor girl!
The fact they gave Lucina more trauma like that on top of her already existing trauma pains my heart oml. Her canon story is already sad enough fun fact, Lucina's reveal for Smash was the reason I even got into FE
SheepKing SheepKing Who catches the bouquet? XD It'd be funny if it was someone like Wolf, Ganondorf, or Dark Pit, though just the idea of them attending the wedding is funny enough!

Ridley or Dark Samus catches it lol

The fact they gave Lucina more trauma like that on top of her already existing trauma pains my heart oml. Her canon story is already sad enough fun fact, Lucina's reveal for Smash was the reason I even got into FE

It's a shame the player just vanished. I checked on them and their profile revealed they never even logged in again. I hope wherever they are they're okay. Something happening to me, and being unable to tell my RP partners what happened to me, is a concern I have. If that happens, I ghosted the game, literally!

In the old RP, Roy and Ike were old friends of Marth, Ike being Marth's bodyguard. Marth was captured by the enemy army, and the Smash Bros. were holding a council of war at his castle. Roy and Pit became enemies for a time because Roy accused the other fighters of cowardice for being hesitant to go on what was pretty much a suicide mission, and it was revealed that Ike would be executed for failing to protect Marth.

The Smash Bros. eventually went through with the mission and were able to rescue Marth, though Link was instead captured and Toon Link was very seriously wounded. Later in the RP, Marth decided to surrender himself to the enemy army because he fell in love with the kindly princess of the other kingdom. Needless to say, the other Smash Bros. did NOT take it well and pretty much wrote off Marth as a traitor who could care less about their feelings. That was definitely a moment that perplexed the rest of us players OOCly. Roy and Marth were RPed by the same person.
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Well that is certainly a turn of events, that would have definitely perplexed me as well given Marth is like the opposite of someone who would disregard the feelings of his comrades. Like he often disregards his own feelings in order to care of those of his own people, but hey it's a take I suppose lol god FE talk is making me get into a FE zone
SheepKing SheepKing Who catches the bouquet? XD It'd be funny if it was someone like Wolf, Ganondorf, or Dark Pit, though just the idea of them attending the wedding is funny enough!

Ridley or Dark Samus catches it lol

Chskfgsid Ridley catches the bouquet and then promptly destroys it in front of everyone. Another funny pick would be Bowser catching it and then taking it as a sign that there’s somehow since a chance with Peach. But for a more realistic/boring option I think Birdo being the one to catch it would make a decent amount of since 🎀
Joker’s just praying Ann doesn’t catch it cuz he understands people see it as a sign of being the next to get married and he’s not ready for that yet lmao

Also I got the idea of Min Min catching it because she uses her arms to her advantage
The player tried to explain through RP (Roy gave a passionate speech) that Marth actually sacrificed himself for the safety of his friends. No one bought it. The other Smash Bros. went on a suicide mission, lost one fighter, and nearly lost another for Marth's sake, only for him to turn around and go back to the enemy army. Not only was he back in their clutches, but due to his surrender, he lost his kingdom which meant the Smash Bros. had to leave the castle and find another base of operations.

Now Marth being upset that his companions decided to go on a suicide mission for his benefit, I can understand!

Meanwhile, Ike, Pit, and Ganondorf were on a mission to beat the shit out of Dedede (I'd give context, but I think it's funnier without it), and it ended up with the three of them in conflict with a dark cult that Dedede was somehow involved with. Marth told Pit of his surrender by contacting him through prayer, and Pit was the poor bastard who had to give the news to Ike. He really thought Ike was going to pulverize him, that was how scary Ike's reaction was!

Chskfgsid Ridley catches the bouquet and then promptly destroys it in front of everyone. Another funny pick would be Bowser catching it and then taking it as a sign that there’s somehow since a chance with Peach. But for a more realistic/boring option I think Birdo being the one to catch it would make a decent amount of since 🎀

lol I pictured King Dedede catching it, and just swooning over the thought of marriage, and imagining what his future queen would look like!
The player tried to explain through RP (Roy gave a passionate speech) that Marth actually sacrificed himself for the safety of his friends. No one bought it. The other Smash Bros. went on a suicide mission, lost one fighter, and nearly lost another for Marth's sake, only for him to turn around and go back to the enemy army. Not only was he back in their clutches, but due to his surrender, he lost his kingdom which meant the Smash Bros. had to leave the castle and find another base of operations.

Now Marth being upset that his companions decided to go on a suicide mission for his benefit, I can understand!

Meanwhile, Ike, Pit, and Ganondorf were on a mission to beat the shit out of Dedede (I'd give context, but I think it's funnier without it), and it ended up with the three of them in conflict with a dark cult that Dedede was somehow involved with. Marth told Pit of his surrender by contacting him through prayer, and Pit was the poor bastard who had to give the news to Ike. He really thought Ike was going to pulverize him, that was how scary Ike's reaction was!
That just all sounds like a real mess lmao. I’d be so confused over all this and my inner FE fan would be screaming
That just all sounds like a real mess lmao. I’d be so confused over all this and my inner FE fan would be screaming
It was. The RP died soon after and I wonder if that was a big reason for it; that whole thing threw the rest of us in a loop!

The same player made a new RP after that, which I was invited to join. I had fun, and there were some good things in it, but it was a mess! They decided to play as Marth and Ike this time. Marth got captured (the player REALLY seemed to enjoy doing that lol) and the deal with Ike was that after he became the champion of the Brawl tournament he decided to go off on his own to become a bounty hunter. When SHTF, he returned to the SSB, a cold-blooded badass lone-wolf type. Like in the original RP, Ike and Pit had an adorable brotherly relationship, but I think I preferred "Himbo Ike" from the original RP XD I don't know much about Ike's character outside of SSB, but I get the feeling "Himbo Ike" is much closer to being IC, what with his, "I fight for my friends!" line.

I'm still a little bummed that the side story with Ike, Pit, and Ganondorf was never resolved. That is such an unusual team up and I really wanted to see how it played out! Ganondorf was basically trying to keep his patience as Ike and Pit pretty much shared one brain cell! XD
Hearing all this just makes me hope I never cause problems/confusion like that in the rps I’m in. Like god I wanna make rps fun for people not confusing or stressful

On that note, I’ll try to get a Mythra post up tomorrow! I’ve had like no energy today and am just dead tired to try and write
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Lol you're fine! I really enjoy our RP!

The biggest problem with that RP was that there was constant combat RP that put the overall plot to a halt, and with all that action going on things got incredibly confusing. It also got dull being stuck in the same battle for days on end. The GM was more interested in their drama between Marth, Ike, and Vergil than keeping everything running smoothly and the rest of the players engaged. Vergil from DMC was the main big bad of the RP; the GM had no restrictions on what outside characters could join the game. The Vergil RPer did a great job with their RP though, and it's definitely not their fault the GM focused too much on them.

Besides T'ink and Pit, I was also Zelda and Sonic. Sonic fighting Albert Wesker is probably one of my favorite RP fights I've ever been in, so that's something good I got from the RP. The mental image of Wesker commanding one of Bowser's airships and ordering bob-ombs be dropped on the SSBs is still pretty funny to me. We had a Saren from Mass Effect (another game I know very little about) too, and his fight with Pit was pretty fun and brutal. Pit was in command of an army of Krogans because they liked him more than Saren. That was weird, but it's certainly a memorable moment in the game for me.

It wasn't until the GM themselves got lost on WTF was going on before they finally told everyone to stop the RP fighting and move on with the plot. However, they put their focus on the evil army's plotting, which lasted weeks, while hardly giving the other PCs anything to do while that was happening. By the time the big bad guy plotting was done, everyone else had moved on out of boredom.
Well it makes me happy to hear you’re having fun because I am too and I’m always so excited to post for this rp ^^
I'm so glad for that!

I totally understand that folks may not want to post right now. It's Friday night, after all! I pretty much went a little crazy doing three posts one after the other last night, but the ideas were all in my head and I wanted to get them all out. I noticed y'all liked the post about Krook murdering a bunch of Zora, you sickos! XD J/K

Lol I look forward to more Mythra. Poor girl; the Pithra gag has just reared its head for the first time! I couldn't resist poking a little fun at shipping and fanfiction.
Ridley just wanted some cake!

Lol Birdo catches the bouquet then, seeing Ridley next to her, flutters her eyelashes and attempts to flirt with him! XD
R U S T R U S T As awesome as that image of Ridley is in the main RP thread, would you mind not using such large images next time? Or at least hide it behind a spoiler tag just so it doesn't take up the whole screen. Thanks!
I'm so glad for that!

I totally understand that folks may not want to post right now. It's Friday night, after all! I pretty much went a little crazy doing three posts one after the other last night, but the ideas were all in my head and I wanted to get them all out. I noticed y'all liked the post about Krook murdering a bunch of Zora, you sickos! XD J/K

Lol I look forward to more Mythra. Poor girl; the Pithra gag has just reared its head for the first time! I couldn't resist poking a little fun at shipping and fanfiction.
I would have posted today if I wasn't running on like 3.5 hours of sleep lmao. My one brain cell is overworked today trying to keep me awake. I wish I could manage to write all my characters faster but with how much I've been writing for them or well, we all know who gets the favoritism but I cannot sit down and that much at once lmao. But hopefully I actually get some sleep tonight and can write tomorrow

Poor Mythra about to be so triggered over such a thing. The Koopa daughter should be grateful she likely leaves before Mythra gets her hands on her cuz well, even when she gets asked why she's blushing she has straight up slapped Rex for it lmao
I would have posted today if I wasn't running on like 3.5 hours of sleep lmao. My one brain cell is overworked today trying to keep me awake. I wish I could manage to write all my characters faster but with how much I've been writing for them or well, we all know who gets the favoritism but I cannot sit down and that much at once lmao. But hopefully I actually get some sleep tonight and can write tomorrow

Poor Mythra about to be so triggered over such a thing. The Koopa daughter should be grateful she likely leaves before Mythra gets her hands on her cuz well, even when she gets asked why she's blushing she has straight up slapped Rex for it lmao
She's gonna get gobbled up 'cuz Mythra eats naughty Koopas! Figured folks would appreciate a bit of diabetes after two dark and depressing posts.

T'ink is just so used to crazy antics that he just goes with the flow with what's going on, casually lifting his map out of the way of the spilt milk while still reading it.
Always nice to have a mix of fun and sad posts mixed in. Variety is always good. My range so far has been something. Sora and Yoshi have generally been pretty happyish (some exceptions for Sora), while Pyra/Mythra and Joker have been rollercoaster rides and Roxas has just not had a good time soon Roxas you will get your happy times or maybe not given the state of the Military Base
I enjoy doing a little world-building too.

Did we really need to know that the Hylian and Koopa were long-time traveling companions and shared the Milk Bar as a home? Not really, but I like to give peeks into the lives of NPCs.
World building is nice. Having more knowledge of the world and its inhabitants is never a bad thing

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