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Realistic or Modern Suncrest Heights | OOC




Suncrest Heights


A slice of life Apartment RP | Discord

LOOKING FOR ROOM MATES! > $100/ month - Industrial Style loft apartment, 6 bedrooms, 2 baths and a spacious rooftop. Within SUNCREST, WASHINGTON DC.

Are you planning on moving out? Maybe somewhere closer to the proximity of your university, shopping malls, bars or town square? Maybe you're looking for a fairly glamorous loft apartment with all the provided necessities just within your reach? Suncrest heights has that for you, specifically the fourth floor west end room of the place, where it's open for renting for a measly price of $100 or less! Ideally looking for clean and considerate room mates. But before anything else, be aware that there are a few strict rules to be followed once you move in;

- No smoking inside the apartment. We have the rooftop for that.
- Follow proper waste management. We have respective bins for respective garbage.
- Look after your own stuff. Nobody wants to see your stray unmentionables laying around.
- We take turns in cleaning the bathroom. I insist regular maintenance.
- Please be considerate of your fellow roommates. No loud noises. Specially after 10 pm. I mean it.
- Rent should be provided on time, which I will be collecting. Trust me, you don't wanna keep the landlady waiting.
For contact information, see below.

Suncrest Heights, located in (the fictional town of) Suncrest, Washington. The apartment is conveniently situated close to several commercial establishments including the Wallace Community College. Most of the neighboring buildings within that area are consisted of restaurants, farmer's markets, cafes and a single bookstore.

There is an underground, small budget cafe called The Rabbit Hole, where it is located on the apartment building's basement floor, the entrance is lowered next to the sidewalk. In some evenings the cafe would hold small gatherings and events such as acoustic band nights and poetry slams. Most part of the first floor is occupied by a 24 hour convenience store. A few blocks just across the street is where The Kiln House, a local bar and nightclub, is located.


If you're looking for a laid back, character/relationship driven, slice of life apartment RP, without necessarily following a main plot and just filled with everyday shenanigans, then golly gee this RP is for you. Basically, it's about a bunch of people, 6-8 ideally, living under one apartment room and like, sitcom stuff happens.

We'll be throwing in a couple of plots and scenarios that we will follow through the story. Applications wont be a first come first serve.

P.S I've also decided that I wont put a character limit but rather, I'll be assigning roomates for everyone depending on the character chemistry (will figure out on the cs's, otherwise I'll be drawing lots lol), with 2-3 persons per room. Also if there are any questions feel free to dm me :-)


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Heya! Discord will be available to those who want to use it, I'll be able to post it here though once I get around making one :)
I’m hyped as well! We have a good set of cast. Also to those who arent on discord, I made an announcement letting you all know that I will be able to review the cs and room assignments for the characters in the following days so hopefully the sheets are completed by then. :)

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