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Realistic or Modern Summer Nights OOC

Oh man I can't wait for work to be over so I can write my post. Rufus and Grant are so lovely together. I hope Arabella finds out soon because I'm a sap for drama. :-)
Doctor- We're losing her
Nurse- She has to live! She hasn't even responded yet!
Doctor- I know but there's just too much of it!
Nurse- Too much of what??
Doctor- Too much fangirl reaction inducing gay love in Room 3! Her heart can't take it!
Doctor- We're losing her
Nurse- She has to live! She hasn't even responded yet!
Doctor- I know but there's just too much of it!
Nurse- Too much of what??
Doctor- Too much fangirl reaction inducing gay love in Room 3! Her heart can't take it!
I wish I could like this a million times
Doctor- We're losing her
Nurse- She has to live! She hasn't even responded yet!
Doctor- I know but there's just too much of it!
Nurse- Too much of what??
Doctor- Too much fangirl reaction inducing gay love in Room 3! Her heart can't take it!
-bursts into room-

I'm really sad to say this but.

Someone must stop this make out session before its forced to fade into black.

unless you guys want it to fade into black, lmao

i would have arabella walk in, but its too early.
Hmm, would it be too much if I asked you to call Grant? The ringtone should startle them apart, I believe. (After Rufus' reply to this thing, though, for obvious reasons.)

...what have i missed o.o
You missed the blossoming of gay love, which you can check out. subtly jabs
In all seriousness, you didn't miss much. The charas are now just entering the beach house.
Okay, we will just have to start without the others. Doubt Doubt @paranoia @Flowër Powër feel free to come in late if you would like, but if you have no intentions of starting let me know so I can get someone else on your character.

I am about to make my starter post, and I will tag you all in the bottom when it is done.
i'm so sorry but i think i'll have to drop. i lost my muse for my character and being such doesn't help either. i'm really sorry < / 3
My timezone and real life will be the death of me!!!

I'll try to work a post up in 2 hours I'm out in town ahhhhhh

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