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Realistic or Modern Summer Nights OOC

Just posted my CS! It's all done as well. I apologize for the delay; we went on a family outing. :-)

If anyone wants to make relationship connections with my character, feel free to chat me up!
I'm one with a wacky time (8 hours ahead of GMT) so I'll definitely be slower in comparison to everyone else, but hopefully I can keep up!
okie, well I haven't quite finished Maia yet (will do by tonight) but thought I would see if anyone's interested in relationships, she has the role of the Princess fyi ^o^ I'm up for pretty much anything tbh

Also GiantSugarCake GiantSugarCake PM me so we can discuss Prince/Princess relationship?

Anyways, I will be stepping out for a bit, so I'll read everything later. :-) My character needs some connections, so if anyone wants to be his friend/enemy/etc, feel free to message me! Honestly, the messier the connection, the better. ;-)
Ah! Julian is officially finished! Of course if anyone else wants relations with him, just PM me but as far as that goes he's no longer a WIP!
don't think I'm going to be able to get Maia finished tonight, got a headache so I'm going to have an early night and go to bed now, she should be finished tomorrow morning... :-)
Ahhhhhh, I'm so hyped for this RP to be honest. :-)

If anyone still wants to make any connections to my chara, please feel free to!
Okay, we will just have to start without the others. Doubt Doubt paranoia paranoia @Flowër Powër feel free to come in late if you would like, but if you have no intentions of starting let me know so I can get someone else on your character.

I am about to make my starter post, and I will tag you all in the bottom when it is done.
Cychotic Cychotic Sorry if this wasn't clear, but my plan was that you were set up as roommates by the butler guy. Just so that the pairings made sense and stuff. Otherwise I just thought that random pairings wouldn't make sense since people had pre-existing relationships.
Cychotic Cychotic Sorry if this wasn't clear, but my plan was that you were set up as roommates by the butler guy. Just so that the pairings made sense and stuff. Otherwise I just thought that random pairings wouldn't make sense since people had pre-existing relationships.
Ohh, okay. I'll edit my post, then.

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