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Realistic or Modern Summer Beckoning Camp

Dylan looks at Jade " I need to get the key from the office but I don't want to just barge in to Marty's office without her permission and I think she is currently in the office" he signs to him.
Mary opened the door to see Dylan. “Is everything alright?” She asked.

Nick climbed into the truck after his brother and sat down, making sure his brother was buckled before buckling himself.

Jacob shut the door behind the two boys and climb3d into the drivers seat, starting the truck and sent a text to Mary saying they were on their way. Jacob pulled out of the parking lot of the airport. “ the two of you are going to have a lot of fun this summer. If you follow all the rules, then you’ll be able to join the two week long camping trip at the end of the summer. I am JAcob, the senior camper this year. If you need anything, want to know anything, or need help, just come to me. Everyone at the camp is really nice and fun to be around, but again the rules are the rules. Tonight will be the intake dinner, a really fun time. Any questions? “ Jacob asked, as he drove through the small town, which was only like a five minute drive.
Dylan looks Mary "Jade had a small fall. Don't worry he is seem okay. He just has a small cut on his leg" he tells her before leading Jade into the office.
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Tommy doesn't really seem to take any notice of Jacob talking and just looks outside the window as he holds his brother's hand and continuous covering his soft toy. He watches what is going outside and what people are up and things.
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Mary nods and walks over to a first aid kit and hands it to Dylan.” I got to go get dinner ready. Close the door when you are done.”

Nick didn’t listen to what JAcob was saying, just staring out the window, watching as everything went by.

Jacob drove the truck on the highway heading back towards the ranch. “Have either of you ever rode a horse before? Have y’all ever been on a ranch?” JAcob asked.
Dylan smiles and takes the first aid kit from her before nodding his head "do you want me to lock the door as well?" He asks Marry wounding. He then looks at Jade " find somewhere to sit down. So I can take care of you" he says to him.
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Tommy doesn't seem very talkative and continues to stare out the window like his brother is currently doing.
He holds his brother's hand a little bit tighter as this stranger starts asking more questions.
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Jacob understood their quietness, their parents sent them to a place in the middle of no where, and some stranger picks them up. He was in their shoes himself, a while back. It took him some time to get to know people, Jon was the camper that was with Top when he was first picked up for the camp. Jon became like an older brother to him, taught him most of the ranch stuff he knows. Jacob smiled at the memory. The rest of the ride was quiet, Jacob quiet with the questions.

Mary shook her head on the way out. “There’s no need, nothing worth stealing.” She answered.

Nick looked at his brother for a moment before looking back out the window.
Dylan smiles and nods his head at Mary "okay then" he says to her before turning his attention back to Jade "does s hut at all?" He asks him in sign language.
He waits for a answer from him as he starts to open up the first aid box kit thing.

Tommy looks kind of a little bit scared still as he continues looking out the window. He keeps holding Nick's hand.
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(Skipping ahead)
Jacob pulled into the drive just as Mary stepped out of the gathering hall. The hall was an old barn that they renovated. She rang the old school house bell to signal that it was dinner time. Jacob slowed the truck to a stop and put it into park. Jacob looked into the back seat. “ well we are here, and just in time. It’s dinner time.” JAcob said and then climbed out of the truck and opened the back door.

Nick looked around at all of the buildings, and horses roaming the fields. He slowly climbed out of the truck holding his little brothers hand.
Dylan gets Jade cleaned up before applying a bandage on to his cut. He then closes up the first aid kit before putting it back to were it is kept and then goes back to Jade "we are done here now" he says to him as he helps him down from the desk. He then takes his hand and leads him out of the office before closing the door behind them. He then takes him to go and do whatever he wanted to do within reason.

Just before it's time for dinner he walks back with him towards where dinner will be served.
He then sits down at the table with him "hmmm I wonder what is for dinner tonight I'm starving" he says out loud to himself mostly.

Tommy continued to hold his brother's hand and hug Jasper as they arrived at the ranch he then allowed his older brother to help him down from the truck before looking around a bit. He smiled a little bit as he spotted the horses in the fields. deathrisesagain deathrisesagain
Mary looked towards Dylan and shook her head. “ this is dinner, we all eat together.” MAry answered. She was strict with meals, the times and eating together. She understood if the ranch hands, Ben, Top and occasionally Jacob having to miss a meal or two.

Jacob walked with the two new boys to the gathering hall. He opened the door to allow them to enter. He was hoping the they would fall in with a group of kids their own age and really open up. He remembered when he was quiet and didn’t really say anything, but Jon worked really hard with him and was very patient and Jacob became Jacob.

Nick walked with Tommy behind Jacob until the older lad opened a door. Nick peered in before slowly entering.
Dylan knows that Mary is strict when comes to meals and things but it was worth a shot asking her anyway but he got the answer he was expecting to probably get. He wishes she could be a bit more relaxed about things especially if it would benefit a child in the short term or even in the long run. He feels bad for Jade so he puts his hand around him and holds him.
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Tommy stayed close to Nick there were so many people in here he doesn't really like that at all so many new people in a new place.
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Mary walked into the kitchen and started bringing out the food. Steak, bake potatoes, corn on the cob, sautéed mushrooms and onions. Mary knew how to cook and everyone always enjoyed her food. “Alright let’s eat.” She announced setting the food down.

Jacob smiled at the smell of the food, steak was always the most juicy, tender and seasoned food. Jacob sat down at the table and poured himself a glass of sweet tea before fixing his plate.

Nick saw all the people and saw that there were two empty seats next to JAcob, the only seats available. He sat in one seat, leaving the seat between him and Jacob open.
Dylan looks at the food coming out"I tell you what Mary, I have missed your Cooking" he says as he can smell the lovely food as it is put on the table. He then looks over at Jacob "looks like someone can't wait to eat the delicious food . That makes two of us" Dylan says to him laughing a little bit before pouring himself some water. He then looks at Jade to see how he is doing and if he needs any help at all.

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Tommy nervously sits in between his brother and Jacob. He then stays close to his brother as much as possible.
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Mary stood up while everyone was eating. “While everyone is here, we should start. First I am MAry Beckons. My husband Ben (who stood up and waved) and I run this camp. Top is the Trail Boss, he controls all riding, and care for the horses. Dylan is returning to us as a councilor. If you need anything bring it up to those two. When riding trails Top is boss, and his word is law. Second in charge on the trails, our Senior Camper, Jacob. He is the trail scout. If you can’t find TOP OR Dylan, see Jacob. Next to the rules. Breakfast is at 6am, lunch is 12pm and dinner is 6pm. If you don’t show up, you don’t eat until the next meal, so be thee and on time. Lights out 1030pm Ranch wide, unless Ben and Mary state otherwise.
Do your job when you’re supposed to do so.
No fighting!
Keep safe, due to the vast size of the ranch, everyone carries a radio for communication.
If you are a first time Camper, you will have to decide on a hobby to learn, whether it be woodworking, blacksmithing, metal work, stained glass, etc… Are there any questions?” MAry spoke loud enough for everyone to hear.

Jacob was eating, he heard this a million times before. He stood up when he heard his name called and waved. He sat back down and went back to eating.

Nick fixed a plate for himself and for his brother, making sure to cut the steak up so his brother could eat.

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