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Fantasy success full villians

"virus can you please get in my car we'll talk while i take you to the new place, grimm close up the club when everyone else has left then ill text you the adress"
She turned into scarlet looking up at Grimm. Her eyes were wide as she held her hands up near her face "p-promise..?"
Before Scarlet left Grimm promised her that Nerek wouldn't do it again. Well hopefully he wouldn't
Grimm nodded and stayed behind, waiting and such
lazarus nodded lightly. "i have clothes at the manner,hmm...i should cut my hair though." he told him with a soft exhaling thinking of things. he then looked down at his bloodied hand. "also,i think i'll need a bath....maybe some medicial attention. i can't have my arm falling off...i can handle the broken bones but i can't regrow limbs"he told harold gesturing to his injured arm. nererk's car had pretty much shattered some of his bones and ended up tearing open his shoulder down to the bone.

AniMANIA7983 AniMANIA7983
the girls finished loading all their stuff into a truck and got ready to go, the whole back seat and truck bed were filled to the brim

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