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Fantasy success full villians

"Yeah yeah im good to go"
Considering Grimm didn't have many possesions to begin with all he had was a small suitcase with clothes, a few throwing knifes and a case where he kept some games for his 3ds.
Once going through the door, Harold grabbed his regular clothes and got out his Reactor suit.
"Sounds interesting, and since I'm technically a surgical doctor, nobody would question it." He sat down. Now, do you have anything that you would like to use as a disguise?"
Once going through the door, Harold grabbed his regular clothes and got out his Reactor suit.
"Sounds interesting, and since I'm technically a surgical doctor, nobody would question it." He sat down. Now, do you have anything that you would like to use as a disguise?"

lazarus nodded lightly. "i have clothes at the manner,hmm...i should cut my hair though." he told him with a soft exhaling thinking of things. he then looked down at his bloodied hand. "also,i think i'll need a bath....maybe some medicial attention. i can't have my arm falling off...i can handle the broken bones but i can't regrow limbs"he told harold gesturing to his injured arm. nererk's car had pretty much shattered some of his bones and ended up tearing open his shoulder down to the bone.
Grimm sighed and sat next to Scarlet
"You ok love?"
He asked with genuine concern in his voice. Grimms eye was Red.
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Grimm sighed
He said with slight irritation in his voice
"Anyone need help with anything?"
He offered
"Of course she didn't tell you. There is a thing called anxiety. Anyway. She has had a bad past and drugs where a part of it"

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