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Streets of Pandemonium


Would it be possible for me to slide on in as a Mortal Human Magus trapped in hell, trying to make the best of his damned existence?

Or maybe Augustus from that other game, the Infernal, trapped down in hell among /real/ Demons?

I'm not sure, but I like the campaigns idea.
Either of those is fine with me. Tell me more about either and we'll see what might work.
Sorry Grey, I keep getting pulled too many directions. I don't have the attention span to give this properly.
Well- Augustus would be my character from the one Darkening Skies prequel you ran, having died and gone to hell. Quite literally, exactly that. The Arrogant Draconic Infernal prince-ling having died, and woken up in hell.

Meanwhile, the mage is a scholar by trade, perhaps a doctor of some sort- who tries to make a living selling his magical abilities, crafting small wonders, and peddling lore and knowledge of more esoteric fields- at least, fields that would be considered esoteric in hell. Very much fitting into the old wizard stereotype.
Augustus right out. He cannot exist in this timeline, nor anything like him.

So go with the Magus.

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