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Fandom Stranger Things 4 (Both Original Characters and Canon) (OPEN!)


I got some good memes
With the ending of season 3 of Stranger Things, leaving many of us with a sense of emptiness and wishing we could have more episodes, I thought of starting a group RP that would portray the events of how we think season 4 would go down. Of course, this would include both canon characters and would allow you to submerse your own original characters into the universe of Stranger Things.
  • The shut down, reconstruction, and new ownership of Starcourt mall left many teens and pre-teens alike of Hawkins, Indiana, disgruntled for the rest of the summer. With no place to hang out with their friends or to easily snatch summer jobs. Though, this was great for all of the stores on Main Street and business quickly flooded back into Hawkins for a short while. The reconstruction of Starcourt Mall being completed in December of 1985, and due to reopen in spring of 1986.

    The school year proceeded as normal for the gang, with plenty of trips to the arcade and some occasional D&D in remembrance of Will. Without him, Eleven, and Jonathan around things seemed...just not right. Nothing was the same without their cleric and mage in their party. But, have tried to make the best of their situation by allowing some new friends within to their group. *cough cough*

    It doesn’t seem as though the soviets are through with the town of Hawkins though, with having the gate closed beneath Starcourt, their operations had to be returned back to Mother Russia. With a few months of struggling to bore a new hole in the fabric of the universe before succeeding to open another gateway. Oddly, several new families have moved into the lovely little town. They’re beyond normal though, as they can occasionally be seen packing around odd equipment and lingering around Starcourt. The gang catching suspicion that these may just be soviets undercover that are attempting to reopen the gate at Hawkins. The new police chief of Hawkins doesn’t at all believe the gang, and claims that they’re just making up stories to stir trouble and unease in the town. This sets them all off, and they gear up to take down the Soviet intruders themselves. But this time, they don’t have the help of Eleven...

    But our favorite primordial antagonist appears to prefer terrorizing Hawkins, especially with the last incident angering HIM beyond measure. With Eleven out of the way, the next plan was sure to go much smoother...

    April, 1986.

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Sorry for the dumb question, but is this a Discord based RP or is it just for chat? (It’s been a loooooong day 😂)
Sorry for the dumb question, but is this a Discord based RP or is it just for chat? (It’s been a loooooong day 😂)
Hey! And it’s totally okay, no worries! The Main roleplay will take place on RPNation, Discord is just for chatting, sharing art, and having some side rps! :3
Would love to add my oc into this!!
Oh shoot, I forgot, if anybody can’t read the text because of the coding I’ll happily make a tab with all the info without code! :3​
Update on Character Roles and the Plot!

-note, you don’t have to claim a original character role if you’ve already filled out a sheet!- ❤️
I’ll create a cs when I get to it. I’ve been really busy. Still not available right now. Typing from a phone and don’t even have a consistent connection

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