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Fantasy Stereotypical Fantasy Adventure

Sen Pai

I'm back, baby.
Dragons! Knights! Swords! Battles! Skimpy female armour! And more!

I've been craving this for awhile so is anyone up for a stereotypical fantasy adventure roleplay? I'm thinking that it will be a small group so we don't have to go through applications and such.

Anyway, it'll be about a group of characters who set out on an adventure. You can create any sort of race, make any kind of character, as long as it fits in the stereotypical fantasy genre. However, it would be funny to have that one character that's completely normal from a modern age. Haha!

It's pretty much for laughs. Humour, romance, adventure, battles! We can figure everything about the adventure later. Perhaps we're trying to save a princess or defeat the evil overlord. So who's up for it?
Great. Whenever you guys are ready, we can type up quick characters and then start. Unless you would like to wait for others?
[QUOTE="Darth Pai]Alright, what's our roleplay "level"?

I'd say take the good old D&D approach when starting out. The characters aren't master experts in their field, but they've at least been in a few fights. I wouldn't necessarily say they're advanced, but they're certainly not rookies either.
How far out there can out toons be? It was mentioned that it will be a lighthearted humor roleplay? Taking the idea you mentioned, a human in the modern world. What about a human who accidentally got time traveled? Who has a smart phone, with bluetooth capability of course. I don't see the use of bluetooth, but he has it. No? I can also go for something more mainstream, should that be too much :D
[QUOTE="Status Undead]How far out there can out toons be? It was mentioned that it will be a lighthearted humor roleplay? Taking the idea you mentioned, a human in the modern world. What about a human who accidentally got time traveled? Who has a smart phone, with bluetooth capability of course. I don't see the use of bluetooth, but he has it. No? I can also go for something more mainstream, should that be too much :D

Well, if its like most smartphones it would last all of eight hours before the battery died and it was nothing more than a paper weight.
Wwell haithere my fellow fantasy nerds. :D this sounds like a fine old idea. Not enoug of this happens xD please excuse my errors, my tablets hates this website. So whee would I submit applicattions and such and has this RP started yet? The link just rerouted me to this page. Haha.
Here is a link. Click (This)

Though I'll admit, it's been dead for a while now, though the creator promised to revive it, at least that's what I'm hoping for. It seems like fun so far.
I just came back from an intense struggle with nature for survival a lovely camping trip. After I get some rest, I'll type up a post.

@Ivaron21 Feel free to submit a character. Unless I specifically state it, most are automatically accepted. And I feel your pain. I type most of my posts on my phone and it just loves to suddenly freeze and lose my progress.

@Status Undead I am alive. I'm not the type of person who would go back against my word. Then again, this is the internet. I'll try to keep this one running but I can give this roleplay to you if I'm not around to keep it moving. You seem to be a very loyal roleplayer.

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