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Fantasy Steam and Sand: Steampunk Wild West

Jewel Archer

"Agreed," Jewel said to the male who joined her. "I figured everyone here would have a dinosaur instead of a horse or anything." She rubbed Sterling's neck. "I, myself, contemplated having a dinosaur. First off, I had trouble figuring out the best kind, secondly, I've had some . . . family issues regarding dinosaurs."
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"Very good. We'll have a few days of traveling through the Rockies, so we should be careful. I know my way around them, so call for me if ya need help." Mark returned and began mounting his allosaurus. He silently wondered when he'd see this place again, or if he even would see it again.

"It would be such a shame to not let this lovely pterodactyl fly, so please, go ahead! Ah, but please stay low enough in case we encounter any issues down here." She replied to the Russian woman, her eyes fixated on the majestic creature she was referring to. First possible stop she is checking that pterodactyl out.


"The pleasure is all mine!" Agnes gave the Alchemist a warm smile in exchange for his own. Secretly she way beyond happy to see someone who could uphold a simply optimistic outlook without striking her as an individual so eccentric she's have to watch her words around him.

"As for the potions if you do have healing ones I would encourage you to make some more during our next stop. I may not be a doctor myself, but I have studied a sprinkle of chemistry here and there, so I would be delighted to lend a hand! Only if you could use any help, of course." She managed to call out to him while he was mounting his horse, all whilst almost subconsciously rolling another cigarette with her right hand and holding on to her dinosaur's reins with her left one.

@Huor Spinks

"Thank you, Mr. Winberri I believe I'll take you up on that offer. Maps and books offer very little in terms of how the terrain really looks out here."

With that the young scientist began heading out, seeing as most of the exploration team appeared ready and eager to depart. Taking a long drag of her cigarette, she relaxed back against the seat of her cart, pulled by her trusty parasaurolophus.

@Fishman Lord
Looking around, Chesco has to confess a bit of surprise about how many exotic mounts are out here: raptors, Parasaurolphi, and even a few people sticking to the supposedly dated concept of horses. Out of the entire party only two people have even opted for a mechanical option: Himself and that fellow with the massive arms. If he's the chief engineer, then things are going to be interesting...

It all reminds him a bit about the circus he left all those years ago. He wonders how his mom and all the other mothers are doing, he hadn't really written to them much after getting into the business a couple years ago. How have they been handling the circus? Is everyone he remembered still there? Did anyone even remember about his father? (He honestly hopes not to this, all he did was either sleeping with women or minimum effort in managing the circus) If only he knew where they were scheduled to appear, he'd have an idea where to send a telegraph to.

"I hope I am of assistance." Mark rode forward and arrived next to Rex. "Well, I guess the expedition has officially started! It's gonna be a while before we see this place again. You feeling ready?"

@Sora @ChazGhost
"I've always felt ready. Going on adventures likes these is what I live for Mark. Your ready to right?" Rex said with his usual grin. His raptor Looked at marks mounts and had a evil grin on its face.

@Fishman Lord
Al ran as fast as he could to reach the outpost after his alarm clock missed the dead line and the fact that he had all sorts of medical equipment didn't help his increasing heart rate *I'm late! Why did I not bring a alarm clock. I'm going to miss the expedition aren't I. Why? Why did this have to happen today!? Al thought as he ran as fast as he could to reach the outpost before the expedition left. *Wait I...I can see it!! I'm almost there! Please still be there.* He thought as he was finally able to reach the outpost. "Yes! I made it! I actually made it!" He yelled as he opened the doors to the outpost. Then saw all the different types of people here for the expedition. *Well this is going to be a interesting expedition* He thought as he walked through the doors.
"Well if you weren't I'd fail to see a reason for you being here." Agnes stated as nonchalantly. "In fact, could you and Mr Rex there be darlings and maybe stay a few feet in front of the group, sort of... Scouting the area. Just keep in everyone line of sight, please, I don't want to-" Her babbling was caught short as she swore she could hear some yelling from the outpost. Turning around she saw a lone figure arrive on a rather late note, sporting a plague mask and long robes.

Unless my eyes are deceiving me... That could be the doctor. Instantly she turned her mount back, mentioning to the group that she'll be right back with them and had the large lizard pulling her small cart trot over to the newcomer.

"Good day, sir! Are you also here for the expedition? My name is Agnes Wright, I'm the daughter of Mr. Wright who I assume you were expecting." She addressed the man from her wagon. "Could you be Mr. Al, the doctor? Ah, please if you lack any mount, do join me, so we can catch up with others." She said with a bright smile, extending her hand to the mysterious man.

"Well you heard the her. Lets get. Ahead everyone Mark" Rex said before he padded the raptors head to signal it to move faster. As he did the raptor moved quickly in front of the others and spotted once it was a gods distance infront. "Quick and powerful as always old friend" Rex laughed to his raptor.

@Fishman Lord
"Well its nice to meet you miss Wright" Al said as he took her hand. "Yes I am the doctor for this expedition and yes it would be a honor to ride with you. He Said while looking around. "Also I'm sorry for being late I didn't bring a alarm clock. How late am I?" He said while making sure he had every thing.

"Very late." She replied with a small laugh, helping the man into her cart.

"In fact - you just about caught us on the way out of the outpost which is really lucky for us. No one wants to be stuck in wild west without a doctor." Her words were blunt, but her tone was cheerful and positive. A large weigh was indeed lifted off of her shoulders with the arrival of Al. Her father tried time and time again to teach her basic medical aid, but she just kept forgetting little details that could always result in an untimely infection.

"Oh and you might want to know who's here." She said, pulling out her list of participants which had most names ticked off. The young scientist proceeded to point at explorers around them as soon as they caught up with the group on its way out of the outpost, while telling Al their names and occupations.

*Wow there are a lot of people here. I have my work cut out for me if anyone gets hurt.* Al thought as he kept listening to Agnes. "So how far are we going into the west and what can we expect from the journey ahead?" He said while looking at her Parasaurolophus. "What a beautiful creature what's its name and how did you come to own it?" He said as he looked at the magnificent creature.


"Alright! Let's get ahead!" Mark kicked the sides of his allosaurus and sped up. He pulled out a water flask and took a drink, then turned to Rex. "Well, we've got about an hour before we really hit the Rockies. I hope the group can move fast enough to get through the Rockies quickly, but getting through the mountains will take anywhere between a week and a month, or longer."

"Assuming that we maintain our speed and we stop every hundred or so kilometers to rest and that we don't get off track or bogged down...I would say about month and a half give or take a week as I'm still figuring out the fastest path there. now if we risk exhausting our mounts it would take roughly three weeks" Johnathan chimed as he drew all possible paths the caravan could take on a map then writing rough estimates on how long the caravan would take to get to the caravan to pass the Rockies in the worse possible conditions which surprisingly wasn't too bad in Johnathan opinion.

@Fishman Lord
"No matter the time it takes to get through the mountains its all apart of the adventure I say. But that being said we should focus on getting to the next outpost and then figure out the next step of our adventure." Rex said looking around them for incoming threats or dinosaurs.

@Fishman Lord @Aughto von realname
"Well... how far we'll go depends on our resources and quite frankly - what we discover there. I'm actually so bloody bad at geography I can barely tell you where we are, so our navigator's got his job cut out for him. As for what we expect... I expect some dinosaurs that's all I can say!" The young scientist puffed a thick cloud of smoke out of her lungs, mindful of the doctor sitting next to her. She assumed that as a medical professional he condemned smoking, so she carefuly tried to blow the smoke away from him.

"Para? Oh wow I'm so glad you asked!" Her eyes lit up upon the mention of her dinosaur. "He is a Parasaurolophus as you can quite obviously tell and I call him Para, because that's the name he responds to now. You see, I got him as an egg on my 18th birthday..."

"...because my father thought it would be helpful for me to experience raising and training my own dinosaur. Of course I trained some dinosaurs before, but usually some very kind sauropods - those aren't really hard to train, you know. Well, herbivores in general are not, the biggest feat are really small carnivores because they're faster than their bigger counterparts and have horrible temperament. Oh, but where was I... So yes, I worked really hard on the egg, keeping it under perfect conditions and everything and just as it's suppose to - Para hatched right on time! Usually dinosaurs can hatch a day or two before or after their hatching due date, but he hatched on spot, just as I anticipated. So being pretty young I had a lot of trouble coming up with a name. I thought about calling him Leonardo, Basilisk, Mr. Fleuquor, anything you can imagine! But a dinosaur is best trained as soon as they hatched, so I couldn't decide on a name before the training began and ended up calling him Para throughout it. By the time I noticed I gave him literally the most cliche name possible, it was already half a year since we began training and so I chose not to mess with his head. But yeah, he's a darling and really really well trained. I can tell him to send out sound signals and he almost never panics. Oh and he also never bites and is really clam - you can even pet him. He might lick you though..."

The pterodactyl was over head it's orange wings a larger span than most of the dinosaurs below her. Katya rolled her eyes disappointed that she couldn't fly any higher to get away from the young girls babbling about her own lizard. However she did smile was it was nice to her someone so enthusiastic for once, to be honest Kat didn't talk to many people so being part of the group was nice.

Something caught her eye, luckily for Kat she was an eye on the sky and could see further. She squinted, what already? What are those...they were too far away for her to make out but they ran on two legs and were build small with long heads and curled up arms. Tugging on the reigns she maud Rin fall back coming low to the ground near the doctor and Agnes, "there's dinosaurs coming towards us, from that direction," the Russian pointed ahead, "I thought it was best that I warned you."


Jewel Archer

"I KNEW I SAW SOMETHING!" Jewel exclaimed. She blinked, seeing a few gazes turn towards her. Frowning, she gripped the reins harder. I'm not blind, last time I checked. She shook her head softly. And Russian up there agrees with me; there are dinosaurs coming for us. "It's a whole herd! I can't make out what they are due to the distance."
[QUOTE="Winged Destiny]

Jewel Archer

"I KNEW I SAW SOMETHING!" Jewel exclaimed. She blinked, seeing a few gazes turn towards her. Frowning, she gripped the reins harder. I'm not blind, last time I checked. She shook her head softly. And Russian up there agrees with me; there are dinosaurs coming for us. "It's a whole herd! I can't make out what they are due to the distance."

"It's a herd of about six." She stated, "so it could've been worse," the Russian lifted her head in the direction and squinted again trying to see them from her seat. From here they were nothing but blobs on the horizon.


Mark noticed something up ahead. "Look, it's a herd of dinosaurs!" Mark squinted to get a better look. "They're grazing, so they shouldn't attack us. I'll report it anyway." Mark rode to Agnes' cart and said, "There's a few herbivores up ahead. Shouldn't be dangerous if we leave them alone."

@ChazGhost @Sora
"Thank you, I suggest we keep our head down and see if they attack for now." She gave a firm nod to the Russian woman, albeit being a bit disappointed that her story got cut short.

"If they're just grazing it should be okay as long as we don't make and loud noises or sudden movements. Are you absolutely sure they're herbivores though?" She asked Mark, as she couldn't clearly see the herd up ahead. After all, her cart was in the back-middle of the group so she had to rely on whatever her 'scouts' told her is up ahead. "I'll have Para emit a friendly signal to them when we get close. Can you notify others about the herd? Let's stay close together now. That way our group will appear less of a potential target in case they become aggressive. We may still be walking into their territory or they may have young ones they'll want to protect. With any luck they'll just move away and let us be."

@Fishman Lord @JustCallMeAimee
"Hopefully they are a pack of herbivores wouldn't want to run across Cryolophosaurs or some Tyrannosaurs Rex's at the start of the expedition." Al said as he waved the cigarette smoke away from his face *Wish she wouldn't smoke does she not know that you could get lung cancer from those.* (Sigh)*I guess she has her reasons. Though if she is addicted and we run out and days away from the closest settlement she will have to go through nicotine withdraw and hopefully I can help her through that.* He thought as he looked ahead trying to see what species they are. "Any idea what they are Agnes?" He said.

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Chesco slows down as he hears news of the herd, easing the strain on the walker's leg. He sighs, And I barely got any time to even refill this damn turret! He takes a grip on the yoke. "Well, I can provide a bit of a defense...provided these buggers don't try and charge me. Don't wanna start the trip with a broken ride, after all!" After a second of reconsideration, he then grabs his rifle and keeps his sights leveled for anything...

Gravedigger remains silent, 'walking' along on his arm-pack, the arms set to move in a preset pattern to free his arms. The engineer looks up at the group on the Parasaurolophus, listening to the woman leading the expedition talk. Despite everyone's first impression of her, she is certainly qualified to lead this expedition, Gravedigger thinks, at the very least, she's very passionate about her work. Gravedigger continued walking in silence, listening to the group talk as he tinkers with a few spare parts in his hands.
Delsin rested his hand on his revolver, but relaxed when he heard they were just herbivores. Still, he remained vigilant. They would have to keep their guard up until they reached the first outpost. Meantime, Delsin moved Akiro closer in with the group at the behest of Miss Wright. The walk gave him some time to think. The group seemed alright, even if Miss Wright was a little talkative, and Rex a little airheaded. Delsin wasn't sure about Gravedigger and Katya, but they seemed mostly harmless. Well, harmless for a guy wearing a giant arm-pack and an assassin. "I've liked horses better than dinosaurs. I guess it's just personal preference." Delsin said, shrugging, going back to the conversation he had been having with the hunter before Katya had spotted the herd.

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