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Fantasy Steam and Sand: Steampunk Wild West

Luciano Jaimes

Denver Outpost, Colorado Territory, U.S.A.

"I'm late!" Luciano Jaimes muttered to himself, moving quickly through the streets as fast as his two legs could carry him. One hand clutched the strap of an oversized haversack hanging from his back, containing the necessities he had thought to bring, though no doubt he would find himself lacking in certain important items, which usually happened a few hours after he set off. His other hand led, by the reins, his dark brown stallion, Dantae, on whose back sat a saddle and yet more sacks of equipment. Dantae wuffled then, evidently irritated by the speed they were going, and Luciano immediately slowed down, letting go of his haversack and letting his free hand rest on Dantae's head. "Sorry about that," he said, sheepishly.

Honestly? Luciano hated packing. He hated packing with the force of a thousand suns, which was why he usually waited until the very last minute before he began packing, which was why he ended up forgetting certain important items. But it was not his fault really, packing was just so dratted boring! Plus, he had some last minute experiments to report on and dismantle, plus he had boiling the night before some vital potions that he needed to take along so he had to prepare those as well. And then after that he had lost track of time because one of his experiments reported an abnormality and he was trying to test the variables to see just what might have caused it. It was a wonder he even managed to reach at all, really. And at least this time round, he had remembered to pack his underwear. That last trip had been so uncomfortable, and rather embarrassing.

As it turned out, it was a good thing he had slowed down, because just down the road, to his right, stood a group of people, all with traveling packs. That must be the group that he had signed on for, lead by a scientist named Dr Richard Wright. Well, there were a crowd of men there. One of them must surely be Dr Wright, right? And with that, he made his way down to them. "Sorry I'm late," was the first thing out of his mouth, and he indeed looked rather ashamed. "I had so many last minute emergencies to handle. This is Dr Wright's group, correct?"
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"Ah, yes, the Struthimotive 650. Fast enough to keep pace with a mustang and requires half the maintenance! It's just...some of this structure seriously needs some reinforcing. It says Made in America, but this is too flimsy to be American-made." He pauses for a thought. "I could try to telegraph a friend of mine who knows the inventor. Depending on where we end up, I might even get the catalog."

Chesco coughs. "Now, you mentioned a need for 36 cal rounds?" He grabs his backpack from his mount and files through the compartment meant for bullets. "Now, give me a second and..."

He shuffles through and picks up a small handful. "You gents are just in luck, I've got about 20 on my person at the moment. Considering that the fine mechanically-augmented fellow's willing to perform some maintenance, I'm going to be charitable and offer this at...oh, to hell with it, consider it an exchange! It'd cost me over 60 of the damn things to get it repaired at this one mechanic's shop I went to on the way here, and they tried to charge me for 'Cosmetic improvements'."

@Sizniche @Aughto von realname
Katya turned her head and looked at those around her another time. She listened to the men's talk about weaponry and rolled her eyes before saying, "I didn't know that this," she waved her hand at the group as if trying to thing of the word, "uh, group was gathered for weapons dealing." The Russian's accent was think but it was obvious sarcasm. Folding her metallic arms over her chest she looked back over her shoulder at the new guy, "it is Wright's group but he doesn't seem to be here, instead he sent this malyshka...oh how do you say it..." She clicked her fingers, "little girl."

@Huor Spinks @That One Bruvva @Aughto von realname @Sizniche

"Oh, I pass through the Denver outpost fairly often, and so I heard of an expedition which could earn me some cash. I had a few skills, and so I was hired!" Mark noticed a man who had just joined them. He was carrying an oversized sack and seemed nervous or stressed. The man asked if this was their group. Mark turned to him and said, "Yes, this is Dr. Wright's group, but unfortunately he was not able to attend. His daughter is here in his stead, she's over there." He pointed to Agnes. "Oh, where are my manners? I'm Mark Winberri, hunter. I'll go help you check in." Mark turned back to Rex. "We can comtinue this conversation in just a bit. Let me just help this good man out."

@ChazGhost @Huor Spinks @Sora

Agnes let the chaos around her drown out for a moment ad she lit her cigarette with her father's old lighter. The tobacco sizzled and she took in a deep inhale, before focusing back to the explorers.

"Once again - this is Wright's exploration group. And yes, I am here in his stead." She eyes the newcomers, trying to talk as loudly as possible without sounding obnoxious or aggressive. "I have a name too, it's Agnes." Her bright green eyes landed on the intimidating Russian woman whose comment Agnes just so happened to catch.


"Uhm... did the doctor arrive yet? His name is suppose to be Al. Anyone seen him?" She saw a scholarly-looking man come along recently so her eyes rested on his figure before she strode a bit closer to him and Mark. "Ah, you just arrived, right, sir? Agnes, pleasure to meet you. Excuse me please, but are you our medic or the alchemist? We're still missing both of them." She offered him her right hand while smoking obsessively with her left one.

@Huor Spinks @Fisherman Lord
"Of course no problem" Rex said as Mark headed to the newcomer. Rex then he decided to go over to one of other groups forming. They were talking about guns ammo. Rex didn't use guns much preferring his swords and more or less brute force. But he did have a shotgun for flying dinosaurs and animals. "Hello New companions" Rex said smiling. "I couldn't help but over here a conservation. I was wondering if one of you could help with maitence on my shotgun" Rex asked the group.

@Fishman Lord @JustCallMeAimee @That One Bruvva @Sizniche @Aughto von realname
"Shotgun, you say?" Chesco takes a gander at it. "Hm, 16 gauge. It looks pretty simple, utilitarian even. I can do basic maintenance for a pittance - clean the barrel, smooth out the parts, all on site. For 50 cents, I can even throw in some of my patented Dragonfire shells, made with the breath of real dragons!*"

*Shells not actually made with real dragon-breath.


He also notices the mention of Wright.

"Ah, you're an associate? Good, I have an order on some remote defenses for this caravan, have some final adjustments to make before we can test them." He pulls out a receipt. "Just sign here and I can get to work."

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"Real dragons breath! I take them!" Rex said happily surprised. "Do they burst into flames like a real dragon... Wait have you seen a real dragon? What was it like?!" Rex asked with a look of amazement on his face.

(I will not lie if you told him you had bullet made of unicorn horns he'd may believe you)

@That One Bruvva
Katya glanced away from the green eyed girl and at Chesco who was talking about dragonfire shells. Rolling her eyes the hard faced woman raised an eyebrow at him, "before Mr gullible buys this shells, do you have any proof that they are dragon fire shells?" The woman challenged him as she would any other weapons dealer. But it didn't help his case that she didn't believe him.

@That One Bruvva @ChazGhost
Agnes eyes the enthusiastic weapon dealer before taking his receipt in her hands, reading through the fine print. The small text honestly made her eyes water and the tobacco smoke wafting around her didn't really help. The man seemed had a thing for stripping people off their money as the price for his work seemed uncharacteristically high, even for someone like her father to agree to, despite the fact that he was willing to blow a large amount of his fortune for this exploration.

"Okay look, I'll sign this, but you better work your arse off until everything works and performs as you promise it to." She scratched the name Wright on the bottom of the receipt and handed the paper back to Chesco. "However, I should inform you that you will be paid after the expedition has ended, just like all the other members. Also, run any upgrades by our engineer before you make them... and charge for them, please."

"Ah and excuse me for mentioning this, but no dragon sightings have been recorded thus far." She added quickly before backing away. The deadly aura that Russian woman kept emitting was seriously getting underneath her skin. Without a doubt it was the assassin, Katya Slavac, the only female on the list with clearly Russian name.

@That One Bruvva @ChazGhost @JustCallMeAimee

Gravedigger takes a look at the walker's bent leg. "Ya know," Gravedigger says, "Although it's kind of sacrilege to our great country, when it comes to engineering, it's usually best to buy German for reliability. Those guys, whew! Do they know how to make their machines." Gravedigger checks the leg of the walker. "Hey, uh, gun-guy, did the walker specs specify steel or plastic hydraulic Pistons?" Gravedigger asks the arms dealer.

@That One Bruvva
Chesco halts, notices the Russian accusing him of some flim-flammery and halts. On second glance, she doesn't look affiliated with the government. Just a suspicious customer. He pulls her aside to whisper.

"Look, lady. Technically, Dragonfire's the name of a special solution based on magnesium and high-pressure gases that accomplishes a similar effect. If there really were dragons, I'm sure putting firebreath in a shotgun shell would be a hell of a lot harder. But really, how do you name a bullet like that when Dragonfire's a far easier name?"


He gets the invoice back. "Well, now that that's all squared away, you've got Chesco Mardini on your side! I have the blueprints with, and I'm more than certain that the pieces necessary have made their way here by now. If you would so kindly point me to your chief engineer, I can begin the process once I finish one other transaction!"


"Plastic. I wanted to go full-hog on the deal, but I just didn't have the bank for it."


Gravedigger sighs. "You really should've gone for the steel pistons. The plastic ones wear out really easily and bend like Eastern European gymnasts." He looks over the rest of the machine. "Well, I'm not equipped to make the piston modification myself, but I can undo the bend in the leg for you. I'll need you to start the walker up and set it on its side, though. Oh, and by the way, I am the chief--and probably only--engineer for this trip."

@That One Bruvva
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Seeing the doctor properly introduced, Mark asked Agnes a question he'd had for a bit. "What time do we plan on leaving? We should get going before dusk, and I believe we have most of the expedition here. Who is still missing?"

Rex looked disappointed before pulling out fifty cents and said "I'll still take them". "But I know there a dragon out there somwhere. I heard legends about them from wise men in different tribes" Rex said still believing in dragons. "There just sleeping, that why no one seen them in rencent centurys." Rex added putting blind faith in dragons existing.

Kat's eyes suddenly narrowed at the way he chose to address her, "I don't mind you screwing people over with trade whilst I'm not around. But, call my lady again and you might not like the out come, Chesco." There was clear warning in her voice but she seemed calm and collective.

Her expression changed when she turned to Mark listening to his question she then looked at Agnes also wanting the answer.

@Fishman Lord @That One Bruvva @Sora
"Rather pleasant question there, Mark. I don't have everyone on the list checked out, however,..." She pulled out a small golden pocket watch from a bag on her belt. "Whoever ended up being this late is probably not a reliable person to begin with. Unless we want to sleep in the middle of nowhere, we should get a move on." With that, she spun back to her Parasaurolophus, patting the large excited lizard on it's head before jumping on the small caravan behind it.

"One or maybe two people can catch a ride with me, but otherwise I would like to politely encourage you all to mount and prepare for departure." The young scientist called out with a large grin, excitement pouring through her veins yet again. "We will stop in at least one more outpost, but we'll have to hurry if we want to make it there until sunset." Time was indeed not their friend. The sun was already high in the cloudless sky like a watchful eye, urging them to move before its rays won't be there to guide their path.

"Para, signal!" Agnes called out to her large lizard and so the trumpet-like noise pierced the air once again, announcing the explorers to hit the road.

@Fishman Lord @inFamousCheese @Aughto von realname @Winged Destiny @ChazGhost @Sizniche @Huor Spinks @Alushey @JustCallMeAimee @That One Bruvva
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"Aw, nuts. Well, Chesco, I'll have to take a look at your walker in the next outpost." Gravedigger then stands up on the hands of his arm-pack and begins 'walking' behind the parasaurolophus.

@That One Bruvva
Rex walked over to his Raptor and untied it. Then he got on top and roaded right behind everyone else. "Now rember don't do what you did last time. It ended up with several dead horses and everyone lost in the desert" Rex said queitly to his Raptor.

Turning away Katy moved to her pterodactyl and untied the reigns before climbing on. I was a larg dinosaur, she was reluctant to let anyone ride with her but willing if there were no other choices. She glanced over at Agnes and tilted her head, "would it be wise for my to keep Rin on the ground?" She asked the young girl, however didn't really care much. If the pterodactyl wanted to fly then it would.

"Well It seems my saber will have to do." Johnathan muttered as he rejoined the group once more, he had been looking tirelessly around the outpost for anyone selling the correct caliber of bullets for his gun as the group talked among themselves though his search proved fruitless as most were not willing to part with their ammunition. As he walked towards the group he could only manage to here parts of Agnes' instructions though he heard enough to know that they are about to leave and that he will most likely be left in the dust if he could not hitch a ride with of his newfound companions as unlike them he was much too poor to acquire a mount and had been travelling mainly on foot for the past year or so. To add to his misfortune he was also unaware of the fact that his employer was graciously offering people without mounts a seat on her mount however he did have enough common sense to jump into one of the carts on one of the small caravans allowing him to pilfer a bit of extra supplies when things go horrible awry.

Jewel Archer

Jewel nodded to the girl, turning her back and heading to Sterling. "See, told ya it wouldn't be long." She untied the ropes from the pole, sighing. Jewel adjusted the saddle, patting the Mustang's back. "Alright. We're just going to follow them and figure everything out later." She hopped onto Sterling, gripping the reins and turning them towards the group, ready to follow.
Delsin silently mounted Akiro as the others began trotting, walking, and... arm-packing off. He had tuned out most of the conversations, but he had caught a few bits and pieces. Apparently, they were short a doctor. Luckily, they had one of the greatest shots in the West backing them up, so injuries shouldn't be much of a problem. Out of the corner of his eye his noticed another person riding a horse- a mustang at that. Delsin looked over and saw it was one of the hunters. Jewel, maybe? He slowed down until Akiro and the hunter's mustang were side-by-side. "Glad to see I'm not the only one using a horse." Delsin said, glancing at the person whose name might be Jewel.

@Winged Destiny
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Chesco mounts his slightly-bent chicken walker with all haste and decides to schedule the repairs until later. Though the walk's a bit janky, it's holding well enough. At least this gives him the time to continue his plans for the remote-defense systems while observing the caravan thus assembled.

Now, the issue here is that the caravan needs some sort of mobile security. Admittedly, he had thought that he'd have a larger wagon to work with, but this does reduce required materials by a degree. A small enough wagon wouldn't need such a heavy gun to fire, so a gatling gun would probably be the best. Of course, the issue with Gatlings was that they are rather tiring to use in long bursts and eat through ammo faster than a scavenger pack. For a small enough wagon, he could fit the entire assembly into a vertical column that turns via a wheel. Probably have it be pedal-operated, powering a motor to spin the barrel fast enough to fire. Aiming would require a small rod on the underside of the gun to allow it to aim up and down. Side-to-side aiming...well, he's still trying to find a way that doesn't involve wrapping the operator in a can or eat up all the room in a cart.

On the matter of ammunition, he had to concede that perhaps the current matters were wisest. Gravity-powered ammo feeds required nothing to keep together, though he'd need some shielding to prevent the feed from snapping off because some dino tried to eat the damn thing.

Then there was that old enemy, heat. Machine guns, by their nature, had a tendency to overheat when used to much. After all, fire the gun fast enough and long enough, and the barrels will begin to warp. It's an issue without some elegant solution. Powering it wasn't the problem, he could rig the firing assembly to do that as well. The issue was how to implement it without adding yet another unsightly heap on it, possibly breaking the roof. Perhaps find a way to build a vent that won't compromise the gun's stability?

The schematics is enough to distract him from the possible death-threat, though he's suspicious that she might drive a wedge in business. Eh, hopefully the plan's enough to win over some trust. He would try to write out his ideas on a piece of scrap paper, but the fading light and wind make such impossible. The man only hopes that he remembers enough of the diagram to write it down.
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Luciano Jaimes

Denver Outpost, Colorado Territory, U.S.A.

"Oh... well that's pretty unfortunate," Luciano answered, no change in his cheerful tone despite the news from the Russian woman and the other man, recently introduced to him as Mark Winberri, though it did take some time to decipher what she was trying to say due to her accent. It did help that Mark was essentially giving him the same information. "Though now is a good time to get some experience leading an expedition, especially at a young age, that's sure to give her an edge!" Plus," here, he glanced about him. "I daresay most of these people are seasoned explorers, so we'd be fine I think. Great learning opportunity there, I'm quite envious. And I would be most grateful, thank you," he added to Mark, at the prospect of getting himself registered.

As it was, it was not necessary to move, because Wright's replacement, or Ms Agnes Wright, as he supposed he should refer to her now (or was it Dr Wright? He was not sure either. It would perhaps be safer to start with the neutral tone. "Ah, Ms Wright? A pleasure to meet you. I'm Luciano Jaimes, the Alchemist," he said, flashing one of his friendly smiles. "And I am most relieved to hear that there would be a doctor present on this expedition. While I do have potions that can increase health, I don't have the medical knowledge necessary to heal wounds and such. Plus, I was not expecting such a large group. I suppose I could make more if we have any stops."

It was at this moment that Mark approached again, this time inquiring about starting off, and this Luciano was quite glad to hear. He hated standing around impatiently then there were new frontiers to explore! New plants to learn about! New concoctions to experiment on. New things to see, hear and do. Luciano could barely keep the excited grin off his face when he learnt that they would be starting out now. "Wonderful, I'll get my horse then," he said. "If you'll excuse me," and here he hurried back to where Dantae was waiting patiently. This time round, instead of taking the reins, he vaulted onto Dantae's back (that took him years to get right and actually look cool doing so). Dantae paced a bit, steadying himself, and with a gentle knee, Luciano nudged him in the direction the group was starting of in. "We're going on an adventure," he murmured to Dantae, resisting the urge to bounce in the saddle; Dantae hated that.

@JustCallMeAimee @Fishman Lord @Sora

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