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Fantasy Steam and Sand: Steampunk Wild West

"I overheard a man speak in tounges in the outpost whilst looking for bullets, Don't ask how I know this but he said something about an elder thing sleeping here I don't know. Also I believe ghosts are real, If I was under the influence of narcotics" He looked off into the horizon, reflecting upon rather unpleasant and supernatural like experiences. "Though sometimes There are somethings you can't just explain with god or science alone." He laid down on the floor and looked up at the ceiling as his stomach began to ache. " And here we go..."

Blood seeped from the bandit's mouth as he dragged his broken legs across the dry, cracked earth. The sound of a gunshot rang out, and the man's head exploded out the front as the bullet passed out of his forehead and dug into the ground.

Roland squinted his eyes as he looked at the freshly shot corpse from a mile away, and turned back to the leader of group. The barrel of his 1817 colt revolver in his mouth.

"Now when I take this piece outta yer mouth, I want you to spill everything you know on The Man in Black. Are we understood?"

The man nodded frantically. Roland glared at him, and pulled it out.

"I don't know where he is right now-" Roland pulled back the hammer. "-but Jaggerjaw does! He's one of Black's lieutenants! Please don't kill me.. I only do this because I have a kid, and I need to work!" Tears were streaming down the young man's face and desperation filled his voice. Roland put the gun back in his mouth and got dangerously close to his face.

"Yer gonna go home, grab yer kid, grab yer shit, and head back to Tombstone. Find an honest job, make yer son proud. And if I ever see yer sorry ass even think about doin something wrong, I will make you wish you never left yer mother's womb." The Gunslinger withdrew his pistol, and stepped away. He picked up a leather trench coat from one of the bandits who was shot through the neck eight times, put it on, and lit a cigar. As the man scrambled to his feet, Roland looked back at him.

"And if yer boss asks where the other 30 men that came with you are, tell 'm that you met me. They won't bother you no more." Roland holstered his pistol, and walked off, in search of the next town...
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