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Fandom Stay Awhile and Chat (HELP!! O.O.C)

Wahrheit Tiashe Raggs
Ruind City​

“It would be great if we can test them somehow. What do you think Pi…” Tiashe was whispering to his new found comrades when noticed Pickle wasn’t with them. He had gone to the target right away. “Pickle?!” He was surprised by the hatter guy but didn’t dare to raise his voice to call him. He watched him approaching uniform wearing man and talking to him casually. “Err… maybe we are the cowards…” He spoke to Rhys but had to change his idea soon as the weird native man yelled that name again and herds of them entered the scene one after the other. Pickle was actually fighting there. Tiashe clenched his grip around his bascule getting ready to fight. “Seems that he knows how to fight. He is doing well…” He said, still waiting for the right moment to enter the quarrel and that moment came soon as he could see Pickle getting tired of slashing so many opponents. He sprang out and ran to his aid quickly then hit a couple of Garys out of way. “We should run pickle… let’s retreat step by step toward that narrow passage beside the shop… we can delay them and run away once there as they can’t come at us all at once…” He explained to Pickled Inspector while fighting back violently.

Rhys was screaming internally when Pickle went up to the men. He didn't feel too surprised when they started attacking, he hit himself in the face with his palm... Unfortunately he did so with his cybernetic arm causing him much pain. Rhys listened to Tiashe's remark on them being cowards "Better to be a coward than a corpse." He said just as Tiashe ran off to help Pickle. There were a lot of men too, it didn't seem wise to try and fight them all off and they might call for reinforcements. Rhys took Dumpy back out, the robot might be able to help. "Okay Dumpy I'm going to need you to help out Tiashe and Pickle, maybe just stall those clones?" Rhys said to the small floating robot. Dumpy responded by twirling around and beeping, Rhys smiled taking that as a yes. The little robot flew towards the Gary's shooting at them, trying to get them to back off.

MJ ._. MJ ._. magnadeus magnadeus billthesomething billthesomething

are you two aware that PI has already fled the scene?

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