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Fandom Star Wars: Cold War

@mechanimated Honestly, Mech, I'd rather play out my character's story than force them to "join the party". Shoehorning is annoying, and George lucas did way to much of it in the prequels. "why do I sense we've picked up another pathetic life-form?" as it where.

I'm a writer. I'm sure I'll think of some way to cross our paths. For one, we both have shady type characters. I DO intend to hit a gambling planet rife with information.... meh, I will find some common ground. I just really don't wanna force it.

Also, I think Vati and suul would get along, but she would run the heck away from those jedi in a hurry. Their order and morality would scream "we're here to enslave you with our ideals". Also, the Vahla as a race lost their home world's location due to jedi meddling. So I suspect she would see them as boogeymen or some such. Hop on board with a bunch of jedi is about the same as "here, climb into this cargo hold filled with rancors".
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Up to you. Thought I'd suggest the possibility, as it seems out of all the characters, yours is the most likely to be stranded for a significant portion of the RP. If that's to your liking, though, well and good.
I'll meet up with you, but it is abhorrent to me to just turn and march at you for no reason. If All else fails, I have a....dream sequence, To inspire her. Besides, if I steal a ship and get to keep it, all I then need is a reason to head in your direction.
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Well now! Good health to her, then! I'd say long life as well, but that second one is pretty redundant at 98.
[QUOTE="JR McCormick]Sorry for my absence, I'm back now. Our family's matriarch had her 98th birthday this evening.

Damn! Bless her, here's too 100 and beyond! :)
also, technical question from the living database here. wouldn't alchaka be the method for storing one's mental state? Morichro is a method of suspended animation; usable one the self and others. according to the tabletop books, it's considered forbidden: using it on others could result in them dying in their sleep without food and water being given to them, making it ominous. All it does is induce a force-coma.

Alchaka, on the other hand, is complex meditation that tunes one to the force and would likely help a rattled jedi concentrate on the light side.

Or am I crazy?
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Morichro, page 16, chapter two.

http://cporter.net/rpgs/books/Star Wars/Power Of The Jedi Sourcebook.pdf

Use the force, force trance, Page 71


only alchaka ref I could find


Traditionally, recovering from a dark act requires something heroic to counter balance it. However, meditation could cure the short term worries from such an experience. cleasing dark taint is not easily done for a reason: You don't know the power of the dark side!

Not to be the voice of doom, but if we can just purge dark taint easily, there is little consequence to mistakes.
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Purging the taint is just the term I'm using to correct a Will save penalty. Don't take it quite so literally lol.

I don't expect Zeres to immediately be full of light once his Will save has been brought back to normal. But in my opinion, there just has to be a way to counteract the "bad things" that comes along with certain powers.

I want people to really explore their characters together, but certainly not JUST based on how combat stats tell them to. Yenno?
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I just woke up, so I can actually get a response momentarily. Lemme read the posts real quick.
@Lurker Ahh, I was hoping that Mark and the Orchid would get on the Monarch before they left. Vati was intending to flee and cover their traces as efficiently as possible. Lemme think a bit, I'm sure I can finagle a reason for her to be willing to actually take on more passengers.
[QUOTE="JR McCormick]Purging the taint is just the term I'm using to correct a Will save penalty. Don't take it quite so literally lol.
I don't expect Zeres to immediately be full of light once his Will save has been brought back to normal. But in my opinion, there just has to be a way to counteract the "bad things" that comes along with certain powers.

I want people to really explore their characters together, but certainly not JUST based on how combat stats tell them to. Yenno?

Well, I wouldn't quite say Zeres is "full of light", so much as he is just living with his anger. Kind of like after someone offends you, you blow off steam for a second, and then come to terms with it and don't let it bother you. So, he's still living with said taint, but he's learning how to deal with it and get rid of it as it comes.
:P you know at least part of the answer to that, @JR McCormick. Our 5e thing! I'm also in another star wars rp, but it's a 1x1. Set during the construction of Starkiller Base. A fantasy thing about a botched demon summoning. And...uh, one about a healer in a low-class brawlers tavern.
well ya, There is this thing called friendship. You follow who you know. That said, bein' new here, I am just in this thread and that's it.

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