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Fandom Star Wars: Cold War

Worst... she can hear stuff at a much better degree then a normal person. Walls won't work as good of barriers as one mighty hope! xD
@nebulachan If folks are still going for Jakku I've gone ahead and assigned some miscellaneous coordinates for us to work with. All we know of Jakku is that it's located in the Western reaches, ironically bear Ilum.

We'll say the grid location is G-9.

Sound good?

Typical jedi racism, amirite? Siiigh. Ah well. It's okay, they're all just piddly whippersnappers anyway, can't really be mad about it can ya? Vati would be well versed in spatial navigation for sure, so that's no problem. I actually came online now just to check alerts but I have no time to respond atm. First week of school has been intensive. I'll be on tomorrow though.
Sorry about the delay. I ended up writing some of my novel yesterday, and it was super emotional, and I made myself too sad to write anymore. The pains of death scenes.
Gonna roll here for a thing.


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nebulachan said:
Sorry about the delay. I ended up writing some of my novel yesterday, and it was super emotional, and I made myself too sad to write anymore. The pains of death scenes.
I'm sorry to hear that, death scenes are so sucky to write. x_x
Lovely character development from ya'll so far.

Let's see @Lurker make his way to the Monarch, and something from @theunderwolf.

I know we aren't in combat, but I don't want anything to slow down on that account. I have no doubt you'll find yourselves in action soon enough.
*Talyn leans back in the chair, sipping on some lemonade listening to the squabble.* Ah... such a nice day... *Closes her eyes and gets serenaded by the commotion*. :P
ping! Sentient database here again!

@mechanimated, @JR McCormick

there is something you need to know-regarding identifying this mystery ship flying into your hold. It's actually very possible to ID it. Vati would know that all ships have ID transponders, which beam the vessel's ID code like a license plate. She should make a use computer check to read Mark's transponder signal. the device is integrated into the engines, so it's hard to alter. Best most can do is turn it off, or mimic another ship.(very illegal) But I don't see Mark being the sort to have the knowledge to hide the signal so easily-he's no smuggler.

This can then be ran against that database you have, which is assumably BoSS records from a reliable spaceport or accessed via the holonet.

http://www.theberserker.net/berserker/sw/rule_books/SW_Saga_Starships_of_the_Galaxy.pdf Page 10, transponder codes. Page 11, BoSS. Page 13, holonet.
Hey guys. Sorry I dropped off the face of the earth. Got promoted at work so now working full time hours plus full time school. Barely have any free time any more. Ill get a post in tonight.
It happens, man. I'm at school all day myself, so I definitely sympathize.

Oh, and I was just making experimental rolls. Each roll has like a unique little number ID thing, and I was mucking about with that.
Rolling for post.


Hehe, so handy, now I can have the result of a roll and know I can write around/post it before writing the post itself. Neat!
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Hey sorry for being absent lately, itas a combination of writers block and having nothing to do with Naka, I was rereading the Ic to try and figure out what to do whith her when I had a thought, could she actually meet up with suul somehow? It'd give her something to do and I feel like suul needs a partner in crime.

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