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Fandom Star Wars: Cold War

Ditto...but I feel like I posted a lot in a row, I wanted to let other people have a chance to get a word in edgewise xD
Hooh. Okay. so we're not dead, just sleepy. Sorry for being so jumpy, but I've seen so many threads die on page 8 for some reason. And you all are fun people and I don't want this to end. and nerves gum up my muse. I'll see if I can post.
Hey guys!

Turns out I've been receiving no updates from any RPs. I've been away having a baby but she's home now and so am I!

Everyone still interested?
Yup! though, I am confused. who is drunk in that scene-what hit me? The guys I was tailing, or a random person?
Well, like I said, I hoped someone else in the scene would...hop in at some point, so it isn't such a one-on-one interaction. But I guess that's not quite happening, eh...
It has been a week of silence! And I apologise on my behalf.

New baby.

New record.

Loads of travelling.

No phone.

But! I am home now so (even if it takes a few days to re gather interest), I'm good to keep this going.

[QUOTE="JR McCormick]It has been a week of silence! And I apologise on my behalf.
New baby.

New record.

Loads of travelling.

No phone.

But! I am home now so (even if it takes a few days to re gather interest), I'm good to keep this going.


Hey! Jr! fearless leader! If we're still alive, could I at least get the satisfaction of a reply to my last post, maybe?
Hey, I'm alive again. Post hard-drive crash, and right in the middle of suffering due to school. If we all want to get rolling again, I'm cool for it.
Still here...but still the same problem, feelin' like I'm kinda posting too much and talking to myself. :0
Yeah... sick right now... thugh I'll see about doing something when I'm hopefully feeling good enough to post. XP

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