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Fandom Star Wars: Cold War

Okay, I figured it would not be unreasonable for Vati to be able to tell Mark is lying. She already knows from Kali about the bounty hunter, was suspicious of being followed when she took pains to hide their departure from Tython, and I just assumed the force sense roll was good enough to detect a current of suspicious emotions. I tried not to make it OP - like she has no idea what he's lying about or why or anything, just that he isn't being honest. Seem okay to you?

@Lurker @JR McCormick
I'd be all for it, Underwolf, but my target is Tresidiss to get the bomb off my neck. If you can find a plausible way to intercept, go for it. And it's good to see some life in here, the lack of chatter was killing my muse.
@JR McCormick A question I have and if you will. I have been thinking about a character development idea for Ki Fenn. Due to my characters personality and style, it wouldn't be a overnight change/development and would take a small chain of time to bring about. But was curious if that would be a possibility to discuss further?
@theunderwolf / @Dannan

If Naka can come up with a REASON to go to Tressidis, I think we'll be onto a winning story arc. She can meet up with Suul, and if what we discussed works out - the others will have a reason to find Naka again.
JR McCormick] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22269-saru/ said:
But of course. Is it something you'd prefer to PM me with?
Yeah, until I get the details worked out on how the development will come about, I would prefer that.
C'mon, stealth roll!


....You have failed me for the last time, dice. (hooooh, haaaah, hoooh, Haaaah....)
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I'ma get a short post in just to have something for @Saru to respond to, but I'm not sure how to proceed without @Lurker...hopefully he'll have some free time this weekend :P
Uhm....can I get a verdict on that stealth roll? Wouldn't I have to roll stealth to see if I followed the guys successfully? Sorry if I'm wrong, this half Dnd/half not thing is tricky.
Um.....about that reply.... going on three days here. Did the little one arrive, that you spoke of a week back?
Sorry folks I've been away at a wedding the past few days but we're home now.

I have no intentions of letting the thread die, don't worry :)
whew. Okay, weddings are totally fine. I just get nervous with the whole not-knowing thing. I swear, I'm a droid on the inside....
Dannan said:
whew. Okay, weddings are totally fine. I just get nervous with the whole not-knowing thing. I swear, I'm a droid on the inside....
Haha! Don't worry lad. Just been a wild busy week with everything. But I've got the next few days to myself.

Everyone else KEWL to get some posts up once I get a reply in for Dan? :)
[QUOTE="JR McCormick]Haha! Don't worry lad. Just been a wild busy week with everything. But I've got the next few days to myself.
Everyone else KEWL to get some posts up once I get a reply in for Dan? :)

I am actually waiting on someone else for a change!

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