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Fandom Star Wars: Cold War

It might not be so easy for Mark to prance, considering the last message he received.

But I really do like the idea of everyone sticking on the Monarch.
mechanimated said:
Right-o then, I guess once everyone is aboard we can set a leisurely pace to Jakku and do a little character bonding on board the Monarch. I imagine it would be rather boring for Mark to just follow us around without interacting. Can I suggest an attempted infiltration?
It would be rewriting what was already posted a bit, but Mark might recognize the Monarch. Vati travels incessantly, it's not a stretch that the two (both migrants and freelancers) would have crossed paths. Perhaps they had a favorable interaction of some kind, and to get close to Kali, he gambles on that. Cloaks his own ship and leaves it behind (or brings it in the Monarch as well, there's room for two such small craft). Tells Vati he got caught up in the fight by accident and needs time to repair his ship, or just hide until he can be sure there isn't a bounty on his own head for once. And if him and Naka are in cahoots, they can spend their time plotting in corners, all kinds of fun plot-advancing stuff.

What do you think, @Lurker?
Sorry. Been watching Netflix all day. How's about. Mark got spooked by the message he received and decides to contact the monarch to hide there. Hell make some excuse of course. That work for you @JR McCormick ? That way everyone's on the ship.
And with the hyperdrive conveniently broken (not so easy to repair on such a large ship no matter how talented you are) it wouldn't matter if Mark "got" Kali. He'd have to play it cool until they were at least in port somewhere.

And yeah, Vati likes to get in Jedi grillz, heh. She's big on 'no one is perfect', and feels Jedi are just a bunch of hypocrites bullying people by guilting them from their ivory towers. The less Zeres acts like a Jedi, the more Vati is liable to like him. Or at least finding him entertaining. :P
The best part is... he'll be playing it 'cool' and Kali already knows who he is. But she'll have to pretend she didn't.

Oh lord the awkwardness is beautiful.
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Well, Naka and Mark both are welcome to clamber aboard and lie through their teeth. Vati is gonna be pulling the ship out soon anyway, so it's even feasible for them to climb on all theatrical right as the hooks are reeled in and the cargo doors close. Basically say they were seeking shelter and are accidental passengers.
Oh screw it all. Jakku is not on a map! I have no bleeding Idea how to wind up there! Dang you nerf-herding sand dwellers!
I might not be able to post tomorrow, so I'm just gonna do so now and leave it open ended. Assume that there's plenty of time between her leaving the bay and getting to the control panel for Mark and Naka to grab on to the hooks and get pulled up, or for Mark to land his ship (if he wants) in the cargo hold. So basically, they can clamber aboard with Vati being none the wiser, and possibly the others as well if they don't stay in the loading area.
Yaaaay! Now Vati and Friends can go anywhere they like without being followed...yet, anyway. Presumably as soon as they get where they're going all hell will break loose.
Sorry It took me so long to post, I had a nasty combo of writers block bad internet and other rps to reply to. wont happen again. Naka is stowed away on the orchid.
@JR McCormick You should totally make one anyway. This one D&D improv show I watch on Youtube had the DM add his own character halfway through because he wanted one. And that character ended up being super cool.
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The joy of being a DM is you get to play every character you could want as 'NPC's, and even kill and maim them when dramatically appropriate without it putting you out of the RP. In fact...I was actually thinking about how to get @Dannan 's character onboard quick-like. I had the idea that the Monarch would stop on some crummy rando planet where Suul just happens to be, for supplies or fuel or repairs or gimp masks or what the fuck ever. Then she joins the club because of a vision, or she thinks someone can help her out of her predicament, or just lies through her teeth to worm her way in and vies with Mark for spiriting Kali away for the reward. If you wanted to put a character in @JR McCormick, this would be the perfect time. Someone Vati grudgingly hires on to help with ship maintenance now that there are so many people onboard, or maybe security, or hell, maybe an exotic table dancer that Zeres swears he can totally help make it as an actress cuz he has connections, honest.
I'm watching Thrilling Intent. It's a fun little youtube channel that does basically a show, always in character, and they cut out all of the mechanics, so it's just a story. It's really neat.
I cannot recommend Acquisitions Incorporated enough. The live events are some of the most overdone, hilarious things I have ever seen.

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