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Fantasy Star Mage Academy

Bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs. It looked like a creature entirely made up of bugs. The insect-monster-thing moved closer to her. An inhumane sound, a cross between a scream and a sob, escaped her lips and she shut her eyes tightly. They look like bugs. Insects were gross and slimy and strange and had too many legs and too many antennas. Bugs were a big no no. Her heart pounded in her ears and she almost missed the fact that the thing had talked. She peeked open an eye, visibly flinching. "Um, I don't," she gulped. "I don't really know where the library is."
BlightGiver BlightGiver Kloudy Kloudy

Eros-19-ability to manipulate emotions-Omega
Eros blinked in surprise. He hadn't been expecting such an optimistic response. The male didn't know how to reply. "That's true," he spoke, his word slow and his voice soft. He crossed his arms, relaxing his body. "I'm glad you're at a better spot now, then," he finally said. His blue eyes trailed over Kai; his short black hair, blue eyes, and scaled body. It was evident through the boy's words that he had been through some sh*t.
MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx
As he walks, making sure that he's not going to fast for everyone, he heard south's question, "Well part of being late is not knowing where my room is, so I guess your room would be a good option." Then he looked back at Midas, "And yeah we could do some sparring in the future. It sounds like fun." He hoped that he wouldn't have to sleep outside, but if it ever came to that then there'd be no other way. He wondered if he could stay at someone's place, but he dismissed the thought. Lost in thought, he mumbled to himself thinking quietly aloud.
Mistory Mistory Kumii Kumii That Lass Over There That Lass Over There
Kai grinned, "Thanks. You shouldn't have to be though. Some people are just bad and they get in your way when it comes to life in general. I'm through with the worst of what life has to throw at me," he finished. He felt as if he was talking too much about himself and he decided he had to either point it out or change the topic of conversation. He chose the latter, "So, what's life like as a human? I've not spoken with many before so I don't know much."
Mandalay Mandalay
Eros-19-ability to manipulate emotions-Omega
Eros gave a small nod to the boy's words. He could relate; life was a hard game to play. Hopefully, though, he had been through his worst already, too. He took Kai's question as an indication that they'd be talking for a bit. Eros decided to sit down on the bed; he might has well get comfy if they were talking for a while. He smiled warmly at the other boy. "That's a broad question," he said with a chuckle, "ask something a bit more specific."
MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx
Kai sat down as well and pondered on what he could ask. Eros was right. It was extremely broad. "What about..." He began, "What do you do for fun? Hobbies. Activities. Anything, honestly, from the weird to the amazing. I wanna know more about you and I think I should know more about human culture if I'm going to be working with them." He had wonder in his eyes. He hadn't felt the emotion of wonder in a long time.
Mandalay Mandalay
Eros-19-ability to manipulate emotions-Omega
Eros gave a slight laugh at Kai's enthusiasm. He shook his head. "It's really not that exciting," he told the other boy, leaning back and propping one leg up. His gaze flickered around the dorm room as he begun to think of how to answer Kai's question. What was he supposed to say? Sex, drinking? If anything, those were his two primary hobbies. He decided not to share that answer. "I used to play a lot of sports," he said eventually. "Human sports are like, friendly competitions with various different rules for each one. I was pretty involved in high school. I did lacrosse, football, basketball, track, and a little bit of swimming. So that took up most of my time." He paused for a moment, letting silence fill the air. High school seemed so long ago. "I'm pretty good at anything athletic, so I had a really good reputation at my school," he added.
MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx
Kai knew what sports where but didn't say so in order to not hurt Eros' feelings. He didn't want to loose the first friend he ever made, "Sounds better than my school experience. I was a loner with no friends. It kind of had to be that way though. If someone with bad views of different humanoid species were to find out, who knows where I'd be right now," he paused, "It seemed like you knew why you were doing in high school. I could never be that athletic. I don't have the body for it. I'm short and skinny with not that much body body fat. If I did anything I'd be on the floor wounded straight away."
Teva Caledon
Teva nodded to Midas, "That's what everyone has been doing I've noticed." She then heard Synth's request, "Yeah, that sounds fine. I was just gonna say we could use but..." She pondered on this for a second, "Actually nevermind, Synth's room it is." She chuckled nervously.
Mistory Mistory That Lass Over There That Lass Over There Sabishi Sabishi
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Kypher Hawthorne

Somewhat taken aback by the sudden and disorientating appearance of Glash, Kypher took a moment to compose himself, taking a deep breath and relaxing his tensed shoulders. After momentarily laying a hand on Jayla's shoulder to calm her, he bowed to the swarm creature politely, "Ah. So you must be Glash then. I was skeptical when I had heard there was someone of your species here, but I suppose this proves it." Kypher hadn't really expected a swarm of bugs to have enrolled at the academy and he had to admit that the sight of it was quite unsettling, but he had seen many different aliens and creatures and he had fought many too.

"Actually I think I do know where the library is. I believe it's the corridor across from the training room that I use. Unfortunately we're not allowed to leave the dormitories due to our Captain's wishes and I think it's closed for maintenance anyway." Kypher was almost surprised at himself for talking so much, he was normally a man of few words. But he felt like it was easier to talk to Glash than to others because it was a lot easier to understand. With a hive-like mind, Kypher didn't have to worry about the intricacies of offending it or building a bond with it. Mutual benefit and information sharing seemed to be its motivator, as was Kypher's a lot of the time. And he couldn't say he wasn't at least slightly envious of its position in the Beta Squad, but he didn't let that show. If there was one thing Kypher was really skilled at, it was hiding what he was really thinking and feeling.

BlightGiver BlightGiver Mandalay Mandalay
Eros-19-ability to manipulate emotions-Omega
Eros nodded at Kai's words. "That makes sense," he replied. He couldn't imagine having to attend a school filled with a different species. It made the male oddly grateful for being human. "Guess it's a good thing you ended up here, right?" Eros said with a small smile. A light yawn escaped his lips. "I mean, everyone's good at different things. I was really good at sports but kinda sucked at school stuff," he admitted, replying to Kai's second comment.
MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx

Jayla felt Kypher's hand briefly rest on her shoulder before pulling away. Behind her, she could hear his voice talking to whom he referred to as Glash. She was relieved Kypher had been able to handle the situation; she wouldn't have been able to effectively converse with the creature even if she tried. The girl was too taken aback by it's unorthodox and unsettling form. She was also a bit surprised Kypher knew where the library was, but glad nonetheless. The quicker he directed the creature away the sooner she'd have to stop looking at it. She stood up shakily, taking a moment to brush off her jeans. Jayla took a deep breath. She ran a hand through her blonde hair, her fingers skillfully breaking apart any tangles.
BlightGiver BlightGiver Kloudy Kloudy
"I could help you with that," he suggested, "I've been told I'm fairly smart. I'm sure any academic work we'd be doing could be difficult and I'd be happy to help if you need it." He gave a friendly smile. Kai wouldn't mind at all to help anyone studying and, if what Eros said was true, he would be glad to help him. He was starting to consider the taller male a friend. He was happy he'd finally have one.
"Closed for maintenance? That means it is unusable because of repairs or additions." Glash remembered what those words meant. "How unfortunate; but we appreciate you stating the location of this library. It will be of great use to use in the future." The swarm was just about ready to move on, when some of the Comtarians came to a startling realization. "You. Male." The swarm addressed Kypher. "You are unusual; you are one of the few that has not screamed at us appearing. Practically everyone else has; including her." They noted Jayla. "Why is that? Is screaming some sort of means of communication?"

Glash could not conceive that it was their physical appearance that frightened all the people they came across today. The swarm thinks being a humanoid shape is good enough for coexistence; this is not really the case. Glash could be considered in that uncanny valley at times; anyone would normally be scared of something like that.

Mandalay Mandalay Kloudy Kloudy
Kypher Hawthorne

A slight smile quirked the corner of his lips as Kypher was more or less interrogated by the living biomass that loomed before him. Of course he wasn't frightened, Kypher had enough steel in his discipline to face anything he had to fear, but strange alien life forms was not one of these, "Well, I believe most sentient entities that are unfamiliar with alien life, including those at this academy, would find your appearance very unsettling and even scary." Kypher also eyes Glash's form as he had Jayla's, that very same analytical eye studying the details he saw. He noticed the obvious attempt at a vague human shape, but that was only have the battle when the rest of it was a seething mass of alien flesh, "I understand that this may be strange, but most find comfort in things they can understand and therefore reject that which they do not. You're humanoid shape is a good attempt at blending in, but we can still see... The real you."

It was at that moment that Kypher had an idea. Turning to Jayla, he placed his hand on his chin again, his 'thinking face' drawing his brows together again, "Hmm... Jayla, perhaps you should give Glash an example? Try changing your body to something horrific and we'll see if anyone notices." Kypher seemed to snap out of his out-loud thinking as he realised what he had just said, "Oh, err, I mean no offense of course." Turning back to Glash and composing himself, he continued, "Anyway, I didn't scream because I am used to strange alien life. But please excuse my apprehension from before, I can be a little jumpy sometimes." Jumpy was an understatement. Half a second more and Kypher may have well just divided the swarm creature in half with his sword. He made a mental note to either be more aware of his surroundings or learn to relax more in the company of friends, "Ah, where are my manners. Kypher Hawthorne, Delta Squad. It's a way of introduction, most people prefer that when meeting a new entity."

BlightGiver BlightGiver Mandalay Mandalay
Synth was looking at Teva, curious what she was going to suggest, but in the end she didn't say it and just agreed to use his room, making him a bit disappointed. They came out into a hallway with several doors, what Synth figured to be the dorm area since he could hear activity from one of the rooms. He walked forwards to the front of the group, trying to figure out which one he preferred position-wise. "Well then, we just pick whatever room, huh? I guess they couldn't worry about getting separate areas for males and females with all the aliens..." Synth's brain immediately went to work thinking about the area, coming up with that conclusion about a question that had been bothering him. Then, realizing that there was one of said aliens in his group of new friends, he looked back at Mikahil and grinned. "Ah, no offense meant, Mika." With one last glance around, Synth walked to the last room towards the left.

"The less neighbors the better, I think." He opened the door before standing to the side. "Welcome to my humble abode, friends!" He took a shallow bow, putting one hand on his chest and the other pointed to the doorway, grinning like a fool.

Sabishi Sabishi Mistory Mistory Kumii Kumii
[that morning]
Mari woke up, realizing she was still asleep in the trees. 'Crap. I forgot today I head to that academy place.' She sighed deeply, taking in the natural scenery around her. 'I should change a bit. I don't want to give myself away on the first day. It would be to attention drawing for a observing mission with this hair.' She thought, placing her hand to her forehead. She pictured black hair the same length in a braid, she brightened her eyes a little, and changed her face structure. Instead of her sun tanned skin, it paled to a peachy color. "Only if the staff ask other wise, I'm going to stay like this for the day. " she thought out loud, sighing as her words echoed throughout the empty forest. 'So much for staying hidden. ' Mari though, looking to her banadaged arm. 'I will make them pay.'

[the orientation]
It went by quickly, she got assigned, showed the captain what was needed, stuck wordlessly to the shadows and just watched. Tomorrow, she decided she would attempt to talk to the other students, but getting to know another wasn't in her option book quite yet. 'Omega. The lowest. Probably because my power isn't useful in battle situations. It's more of a scout or spy thing. Or is it because my lack of social skill? Either way, proves my worth here.' She shook her head to rid of the thoughts. 'A fight? Interesting, but not worth sticking around.' With that, she headed to her dorm.

Mari was sitting on her bed, looking at her inventory. A new habit of hers. 'My throwing knives, mothers twin hatchets, her journal, a few medical books, a bottle of water, what few clothes I have left.' All which fit in a black satchel always at her side. She pulled her brown jacket closer. 'I need to go for a walk. I need space. '

Stepping out side of her room, satchel at her side, she began wondering the halls. She stoped when she came up behind ...a bug creature?' Not surprising. There seemed to be such interesting species here. Some rare, including herself. ' she thought, tilting her head to see the two it was talking to. She gave a slight cough as she passed, "excuse me, coming by." She managed a wave to the creature then the two it talked to. BlightGiver BlightGiver Mandalay Mandalay Kloudy Kloudy
"This form is still unfit for coexistence?" Glash was rather surprised at being told this truth by Kypher. "How unfortunate. There is not much more we could do to fit in; hopefully more species will learn to accept things as they are, like you have." This is the first time Glash has ever given someone a compliment; although, it does come with an inflection of condescending. Glash feels that there is only blame upon those who scream and run, though the swarm did not vocalize this to....Kypher? His name was Kypher Hawthorne, from Delta Squad apparently. 'A squad below us? Does that make us superior technically? Let's not worry ourselves with such trivial things at this time. This Kypher has shown much generosity revealing the location of the library; it would be wise not to upset these life forms.' Glash conversed amongst itself; though, from the outside, it just looked like the swarm remained still for a few awkward moments.

As this was going on, a student passing by coughed and gave a friendly greeting. The Comtarians on the "back" of the swarm recognized it as female of some species. Glash concluded, 'Not a threat; appears to be going about her business.' Glash refocused their attention to Kypher and Jayla. "We wish to not take up too much more of your time", the swarm stated, much to the apparent relief of the female. "But there is one last thing we wish you to answer for us. This place is something called a pri...son." Glash nearly pronounced the word phonetically. "What is a prison; we get the feeling it is not a beneficial area for us?"

Mandalay Mandalay Kloudy Kloudy q r o w q r o w
Mikahil gave a slight smiled at Synth's remark, "You're an alien too." He thought about how it could've been better if females were in one area and males in another, but I guess it would be confusing since there aren't any specifics. Dismissing the thought, he walkedwalked inside Synth's room and sat on the floor because he thought it'd be a little rude to make himself comfortable so quick. "So what are some ideas you got Dexter?" Now he was grinning with his remark.

Mistory Mistory That Lass Over There That Lass Over There Kumii Kumii
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Teva Caledon
Teva walked in and looked around, "Looks like any other room." Unlike Mika, she sat herself down on Synth's bed. She brought her legs and crossed them and put her hands to push down on her skirt so no areas were showing for the men. After all, right now she was the only female of the group. "I'll let Synth suggest first." She looked expectantly at Synth.
Mistory Mistory Sabishi Sabishi That Lass Over There That Lass Over There
Eros-19-ability to manipulate emotions-Omega
Eros blinked in surprise at Kai's offer. "Thanks dude," he replied with a grateful smile. It seemed that the boy considered him to be a friend now. Eros felt a surge of delight in his chest. In this case, he didn't need to manipulate Kai's feelings to form a friendship. Kai's friendliness was genuine. The notion of a genuine friendship, something the boy hadn't had in a while, was exciting.
MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx

Jayla watched as Kypher and Glash conversed. She was beginning to feel more comfortable; her heart settled in her chest and her breathes came naturally. Jayla raised her eyebrows upon being asked to shapeshift. She was more accustomed to visually appealing creatures rather than grotesque ones. The girl wasn't sure how draining it may be to shift into something scarier. But it was late; if she allowed herself to get good sleep she'd be able to recharge for the following day. Jayla blinked, turning to the swarm-creature. "I'm Jayla, I'm in the delta squad," she said to Glash, following Kypher's introduction. It felt strange talking to a swarm rather than a single creature; Jayla didn't know where to make eye contact. "A prison is like, a place where people are held if they did something wrong," Jayla said, attempting to give an explanation for the other creature.
Kloudy Kloudy BlightGiver BlightGiver
Synth felt a bit awkward when he saw Teva sitting on the bed since that's where he had intended to sit, but it just ended in him leaning against a wall right next to a window that gave sight of a courtyard after a moment of awkward pause. "So, I want to start off not by talking about strategy, but talking about our powers. Sure, we've stated the basics of our powers, but if we don't know every single corner of our own power and the powers of our teammates we'll never be able to work at the legendary 100%. Lucky us, science is one of my favorite topics, so I have a few ideas - too many, actually. First, though, I'm going to start asking questions." Synth's eyes locked onto Midas first. "Midas, you said your power was to drain energy, but I don't think that's all you can do, blowing up the cell's door being my reason. Things don't blow up from draining of energy. What's the other part or parts of your power?" Next, his eyes looked at Teva. "I know you mess with heat and make fires, but where is your stopping point? Is it decided by the materials available meaning that your fire is probably heating up oxygen or another combustion reactant and giving fuel, or is it decided by how much energy you use making it less material and more pure energy?" Finally, his head turned to Mika. "Depending on the answer to this question, your role in this team could change hugely, so please answer as accurately as possible."

Synth took a deep breath, both hoping and not hoping at the same time for a certain answer. "I saw you make lightning - plasma that reaches the surface temperature of some stars and occasionally surpasses that - so... Is your ability governing plasma, or electromagnetic waves? Also, if it's the second answer, are you limited to manipulating, or can you also generate and take away?"

Synth could feel his chest burning at the implication of such a power being on their team. Never, though, would he imagine Mika's true power.

Kumii Kumii Mistory Mistory Sabishi Sabishi
The female introduced herself as Jayla from Delta squad. 'Another lower squad member? Alright.' The swarm noted. "A place for bad people, you say? That sounds quite fine with us; we have encountered a couple unruly characters. Wouldn't be surprising if this is where they ended up." Glash bluntly stated, mimicking a chuckle at the thought. "There was someone we hope ends up in there," This concerned alien swarm mentioned. "We do not know the identity of this individual, mind you; but in the orientation, there was someone who was draining energy from some of the swarm. It'd would be safe to assume this individual did that to other students at the time as well." Glash retold the events from earlier. 'That certain someone better hope they don't encounter us again; threats to the swarm must be dealt with.' the Comtarians agreed upon.

Mandalay Mandalay Kloudy Kloudy
Mikahil listened to synth carefully and watched him ask each of us questions, but when he asked the specifics Mikahil remembered the reason why he knew his powers so well. He frowned. "I, uh, know this is hard to believe but it's both. Electromagnetic waves are the same as plasma. All electricity is plasma because it's the fourth state of matter. As for how I can use it, I can generate it with my energy, and if I run out then all I need to do is drain energy from an electric source." He looked down a little sad that his power was pretty strong. Mikahil didn't like the fact that his power was so flashy and strong. It's all that has ever mattered in his life as a Grim, but he would most certainly hate himself more when he sees what lies dormant inside. "Having said that, I still haven't fully mastered what kind of style I want to have with my power, so I have this sword that the government provided me with that can react specifically to my electricity. I need the flexibility so I can maintain mix-ups very well. That's about it for me." Mikahil lifted his hand towards Synth and grinned. "Zzt zzt." Sparks flew from his fingers. He chuckled.

Mistory Mistory Kumii Kumii That Lass Over There That Lass Over There
"No need to thank me," he stated, "I'm nice to those who deserve it and you deserve it. Besides, I shouldn't anger other people at this school unless it's extremely necessary." Kai felt good about himself. He hadn't had something like this in a long time and he hoped he didn't loose it. Friends, even just the one, would be good for him. He hoped this could last.
Kypher Hawthorne

"Hmm, yes. I know who you are speaking about. I believe his name is Midas from the Omega Squad. I am not entirely sure of the extent of his abilities, but I did notice the draining too. He is one to watch." Kypher shared Glash's caution and animosity to that particular student, the implications and free use of the ability more than worrying. For those unskilled at detecting these things, it could potentially post as a dangerous threat to a great many people and it's user didn't seem to care about that. A natural dislike was brooding in Kypher over this 'Midas' and the lack of discipline the student had. Such people were indeed meant to be watched. He only hoped that that was the peak of power amongst the other students and that there were not others like or more powerful than him. Kypher wasn't entirely one for much jealousy, but he could identify rivals and competition easily enough.

BlightGiver BlightGiver Mandalay Mandalay

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