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Fantasy β€· π—Œπ—. π—‡π—Žπ—†π–Ύπ—‡'π—Œ 𝖺𝖼𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗆𝗒 π–Ώπ—ˆπ—‹ π—π—ˆπ—Œπ—π—Œ ⦙ π—Œπ—π—Žπ–½π–Ύπ—‡π— π—‹π—ˆπ—Œπ—π–Ύπ—‹


Full Name
Arthur Reyes




Scandinavian [Swedish]

Appearance Description
At a height of 6'4 and nearly 230 pounds, Arthur is a fairly large man. His shoulders are large and his arms are thick with corded muscle that runs the lengths. A life of intense physical activity and a physically demanding profession has left its mark on his body and soul. His skin had a few 'sun kisses' on it, and, from a distance, it looks like it has a nice even tanned, but up close, it takes an almost weathered look. It isn't much of a surprise as for the last two years, he has worked up and down the highways of Nevada including the dreaded Death Valley of the Mojave desert, so his skin has had a bit too much sun. His long hair is a bit odd, as Arthur was born with natural blond highlights that sprinkle in his much darker brown hair. These highlights are prominent in his beard and even his eyebrows, the soft flecks of blond that stand out against the brown. Under his thick eyebrows are piercing blue eyes that, coupled with his hair, really show his Scandinavian roots. He has a way of 'glaring' whenever he is looking at something, a certain intensity about his gaze that makes most very uncomfortable as he rarely smiles. On the rare occurrence that the large man does smile, his face transforms, his smile is large and welcoming and for a moment, it is almost like he becomes a different person, someone a bit happier, a bit nicer, a bit... younger.

A very handsome man, in a rugged way, he does have some flaws. The bridge of his nose is flat and a bit offset to the right, a nose that has been broken and reset a few times. His body is littered with scars and his bottom left rib is a bit 'too' far away from the others, a rib that never properly healed back into place. He tends to dress for comfort, preferring simple t-shirts and jeans. Clothing he can move around with easily and they tend to be very cheap, just whatever is for sale at the local stores as the very idea of 'name brand' clothing seems both silly and foreign to him. He will often tie his long hair back into ponytails or even a bun to keep it out of his face when working or busy, and is rather fond of hats. While he keeps his hair trimmed and the dead ends away, Arthur will never cut it off because one of the few good memories he has of his childhood is that of his mother brushing his hair and telling him how lovely it is. He is rather proud of his long locks.

Face Claim
Ben Dahlhaus



Forthright| Decisive | Witty | Intuitive | Kind

Arthur is a very forthright man. He's blunt, often abrasively so, but he is honest. He doesn't lie, he doesn't pretend, he does not put on acts or airs, he is just Arthur. He is very direct and rarely talks 'around' a topic or issue, as he prefers to face it, others and the world head on so it cannot get around to stab him in the back, and Arthur has no qualms about speaking out against anyone or being the lone person in a crowd who stands up against something he disagrees with. A lifetime of fighting and struggle has made Arthur a decisive person. He has never had the luxury of time, once something has been 'decided' upon, once a course of action has been laid before him, all he can do is walk it. He is not one to sit and ponder the situation or try to look at it from other viewpoints or perspectives, he is a man of action which can make him seem very volatile or unpredictable since he can suddenly stop and decide he 'must do something' even if that something is quite a ways away. He has a natural intensity about him, an almost animalistic ferocity at times but despite this, Arthur has a bit of wit to him. He enjoys poking fun at the situations he finds himself in, poking fun at himself, at society, at the attitudes and actions of those around him. Humor was one of the few 'creative' avenues he was given as a teenager and so has grown and flourished into his adulthood, and while he will never say it, there are few things he enjoys more then making others laugh or engaging in a true battle of wits... something he never gets to experience... ever.

As Arthur is not a man to sit and ponder, to observe and plan, he has become a man of instinct. He always trust his gut and its reactions, how he 'feels' about someone or how they make him feel means far more then what he thinks of them or their actions. He has taken jobs because it 'felt' right, worked with people or avoided people because he they 'felt off' and fought when he felt backed into a corner, as he is still alive, he considers it all the proof he needs that his ways are the 'right' ways. Something most would not expect from the large, fierce man is he has a kind soul. He buries and keeps it 'controlled', but it is there and it pushes on him. Arthur does not enjoy hurting others, physically or emotionally, he does not enjoy fighting, these are things he does to survive, but... he hates it. He likes helping others, he likes being a 'hero', being someone they can lean on, being someone that is needed. If he sees someone in a tough spot, he will help them, he will often have 'other' reasons to aid them, but the core reason is simply.. because they need it and he is there.

Abrasive | Cynical | Vindictive | Proud | Reactive

As a very forthright man, Arthur can be a bit of an ass. He will tell people, outright, when he does not like them, what he thinks of them, their choices, their beliefs and their mother's with no hesitation. His wit can sometimes be cruel or biting, as if designed to hurt and push them away. While he is trustworthy, he isn't one that has friends because he tends to push those away by just being... well, a bit of an ass, very much a ball rampaging through every ounce of tact or manners that he should have been taught. While Arthur, himself, is honest, he is extremely cynical of others. People lie, people abuse, people use, people are people and therefor cannot be trusted. People will betray others if it is convenient for them, if they think they can get away with it or if they just can't be 'bothered'. They have ulterior motives, reasons for doing what they do, nothing is ever as it appears and the second anyone let's down their guard, they will pounce and take it. Those that claim they can be trusted, are the ones to trust the least. The second someone reveals their true colors to Arthur is the second they are 'cast' out for Arthur has a mean streak in him. A vindictive nature that has a tendency to gather grudges and grievances, to nurse the wounds and let the pain fester in the dark corners of his heart to be unleashed at the right moment to get retribution. Of course, the retaliation tends to often be very excessive compared to the original slight as Arthur can go a bit.. overboard.

Despite knowing he is fairly low on the societal totem pole, Arthur has a lot of pride. Pride in himself, pride in what he has overcome, pride in his work, pride in... well, just pride in pride at times. Some of the quickest ways to 'get' under his skin is to attack his pride, to be 'dismissive' of him or to talk down to him which will quickly make him lose his cool. As someone who hates to lose, people who make him lose his cool, or manage to 'pierce' his armor, tend to leave a lasting impression on Arthur and he will go out of his way to pick 'fights' with those people again to try and 'regain' his pride by winning, by getting under their skin, by beating them at their own game, its extremely childish, but to Arthur, it is all perfectly valid as he can be a bit reactionary. When punched, he punches back. When bit, he bites back. If someone makes him flustered or embarrassed, he will try and return the favor. A tit for tat, as it were. This can, and has, get him into a lot of trouble as the retaliations grow larger and larger until they become out of hand and bring the hammer down on all involved but it is something Arthur struggles with controlling as he doesn't have much of a 'Flight' response anymore, he only has 'Fight'.

Rain, Reading, Writing, Movies, Verbal Spats, Comfy Chairs,
Thunder, Fried Bologna Sandwiches, Hugs/Physical Contact,
Dogs, Stories/Tall Tales, His Hair

The Heat, Construction, Narcotics [Particularly Meth and Ketamine],
Being Confined, Solitude, Being Lied To, Deserts, Gangs, Fighting,
Celery, Cheese Cake, Cockroaches

Being locked up, alone, forever.
Has night terrors of his sister.

Host God


Special Abilities

The Thunderbolt of Zeus isn't quite electro-magnetism as the Thunderbolt was a weapon created in eons past by the cyclops for Zeus and so is not 'created' through natural means. The Thunderbolt can be summoned at will by the host where it will always come to their dominate hand, a jagged 'bolt' shaped weapon of divine energy about four feet in length. The most common method of using it is to throw it where it will launch itself at the target and detonate on impact in a rather awe inspiring, and terrifying, display of raw power.

- The Thunderbolt draws upon the energy and will of the host to manifest itself and get its power. Its 'yield' depends entirely on how much 'energy' the host is willing to put in. The energy they put in is lost once the bolt has been summoned, regardless, if it is used or not. At his current 'level', he can only throw two bolts. After summoning the second, he will have moments to use it before he passes out. He can, if he wishes, instead summon a single bolt with all his power for a much bigger boom.

- The Thunderbolt does not discriminate, it only penetrates. The longer he holds it in his hand, the more it will harm him as it starts to 'eat' away at his body. While he can use it in melee and hit someone over the head with it, the Thunderbolt would still detonate... and, well, there is a reason grenades aren't used as a melee weapon. Its not something to be used lightly, the Thunderbolt is a weapon, an incredibly lethal weapon which means the only combat option he has is the 'nuclear' option.

Why Were They Chosen?
Doesn't rightly know, Zeus claims its because he 'lost a bet' although the person he claims to have lost the bet to, and what over, seems to change whenever Zeus retells the story.


Arthur was the second born child of Clara, a struggling single mother. His sister, Piper, was six years older then he which meant they weren't ever 'friends' growing up. Instead, their relationship was more akin to an aunt and her nephew or a kid and his hero. Piper was always so 'strong', always confident and sure, and when he was hungry, she'd always make him fried bologna sandwiches because, well, they didn't have much else as their mother worked two jobs just to keep a roof over their heads. Life wasn't easy, but as long as they were together, it was good... But nothing good ever last forever. Like most teenagers, Piper entered a rebellious phase, she wanted to live her own life, wanted independence, was tired of having to never see her friends because she had to watch her brother, to sacrifice her own childhood so he could have one.. This rebellious phase took her to dark places and into the wrong crowd. Through her... friends, she was introduced to drugs and from there it spiraled. Piper would shop lift, steal money from their mother's purse, pawn things she'd take from the house.. do whatever she could to earn enough money to get her next 'fix', to feel like she was good in the eyes of her 'friends'.

Clara did her best to help Piper, counseling, therapy, even sent her to rehab for a year when she was sixteen, and finally, moved to Nevada, on the other side of the country, to try and help her. If nothing else, the change in scenery and people may be what she needed to recover. For a few months, things looked good, like maybe, just maybe, they could put it all behind them and start fresh. But they were wrong. Piper had found a new group of 'friends', willing to trade narcotics for favors. She had her own 'secret' place, under a bridge a mile away from home, where she'd go to wait it out before coming home and Arthur and their mother was stupid enough to believe she was staying at a friends house every time. When he was twelve, he found her there, under a bridge, laying on a dirty, stained mattress with a few other people. She begged him to not tell their mother, that this was a 'one time' thing, that it would never happen again, that she could and would change this time.. And during her speech, Damien, her 'boyfriend', threatened what would happen if anyone found out about their 'place', if anyone found out about his 'supplies'. Between wanting to protect his sister, and his fear of the larger man, the twelve year old Arthur kept his mouth shut... And a year later, Piper went missing. They hadn't seen her in three days, Arthur had a feeling, a sick pit in his gut, and so after school went to the bridge and found her. Alone, in rags, just laying on the same bed he found her at a year ago, but this time, she wasn't going to be waking up. He called the police, curled up next to her and cried. The funereal and aftermath was a blur. A blur of tears, of 'its not your fault', of 'she's in a better place', countless platitudes and empty words designed to either get attention or make the speaker feel better about themselves. During his free time, Arthur took to cleaning the spot under the bridge, of removing the.. filth and putting flowers. It didn't really do or change anything, but it made him feel a bit better, like even though he was too late, he had always been too late, at least he was somehow doing something now, but Piper's 'friends' eventually returned. Returned to their spot. Damien taunted him, said some.. things about his sister, their relationship and what she used to do and Arthur doesn't remember a lot of what happened afterwards. Just the pain, the screams and all the blood. When he was finally pulled off Damien, Arthur had stabbed Damien six times, broke the orbital bone of Damien's friend, Wesley, and severed the tendons in the back of the knees of Leah, the third member of their group. All three of them survived, Arthur was arrested for aggravated assault and placed in a juvenile detention center. They never found evidence of drugs or possession on the trio. A month after his sentence, after he was taken away, Clara took her own life.

Arthur was taken to the 'Nevada Center of Juvenile Rehabilitation' where he was to spend the next four years of his life. It was a center that prided itself on its very intense and developed physical classes, to teach the children boxing, wrestling, jujutsu and other activities to 'ingrain in them integrity and discipline'. The center, along with a few others, even established something of a 'competitive' scene, to let the students 'spar' against one another to let them have a 'feeling of achievement'. In truth, it was just a way to get kids to beat each other down so they could watch and take bets on the outcomes. To get the kids to 'police' themselves... They'd use positive reinforcement for those that did well, make the kids feel special and unique, like they were important and mattered to get them to do what the staff wanted... and made pariahs and outsiders of those who resisted, Arthur.. didn't resist. He adapted to his new life because he didn't have much more to do, he had nothing, and even the glimmer of affection, fake as it was, was more then enough to get the teenager to do what they wanted. One of the great 'rewards' they could get was a slice of cheesecake for desert. All they had to do was win their weight class in the 'tournaments'. They got no trophies, no little pieces of paper with their names on it, instead, the victors would get the cheesecake. It wasn't particularly good, it was something cheap and store bought, but it didn't have to be. It was something they got that no one else could. A great, true symbol that they weren't better, that someone loved and cared about them... Arthur had his fair share of the cheesecake. When he was eighteen, his felony charge was dropped to a misdemeanor and he was released. The center prided itself on having 'a 100% success rate with getting their kids jobs upon leaving'... Which sounded nice, but really just meant they had a few contracts with various labor intensive industries that they could pawn the new adults to for a nice finders fee while making themselves look good at their state review boards.

The job Arthur was given was working as road construction on the highways of Nevada. Working on long stretches of empty roads in temperatures well over a hundred degrees in the middle of the Mojave desert where it could reach 134 degrees Fahrenheit in Death Valley. They money was good, it had to be, but the workers consisted of the 'dregs' of society, those that could get no other jobs, mostly, convicts. Arthur didn't have a 'home', wherever he was, whatever cheap roadside motel that was closest to the job site was 'home'. He made a few 'friends', mostly coworkers and one odd friendship that grew with a biker gang on I-40. He had his fair share of girlfriends as he was extremely handsome, a gift from his mother, and had a 'dark and mysterious' past he didn't talk about... but those relationships never went far. Arthur had a 'type', he liked to pick 'damaged' and 'hurt' women. Those struggling with addiction problems or had a history of abuse, those that were co-dependent and a tendency to break out into toxic spirals... Because Arthur didn't like them. He never felt anything for them, they were never his partner, never his confidant, his lover, they were always just people to be saved, 'projects' to be fixed. In some ways, he was still that teenage boy trying to save his sister through proxies. Because of this, every time, every single time, the relationships would crash and burn quickly after starting and, many times, they'd take some of his money on the way out. His life was going nowhere... Part of him understood that and that part didn't really care, he didn't really have anything in the first place, so what was the point? That was what he believed until one night a very hearty voice exploded in his mind.

Zeus had picked him as his host... and Zeus loved nothing more then the sound of his own voice. He talked. Constantly. Constantly tried to back seat pilot Arthur and he quickly thought he must be going insane until, a week later, a woman showed up at his motel door to explain what had happened and offer him a chance to go to some... island where other 'host', because, as he found out, the mythological gods were real and were living in host, would gather to learn how to control their power and decide upon their future. Arthur immediately thought they were lying because, of course he did, who would believe that nonsense? It was the plot to a bad movie or a YA novel. But what did he have to lose?
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