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Realistic or Modern St. Andrews

Natalie was trying calm Luna down and tell her that she would be ready and on time before Infinity had busted through the room and was ransacking Luna's closet pulling out a couple of dresses with floral prints and another set embedded with patterns. Infinity had then quickly told Natalie to find Luna a outfit. She had nodded quickly and began to look for a dress and a pair of shoes for Luna to wear for her date. "Okay which one this one

or this?"

Natalie had said holding up the two dresses up to Luna, waiting for her answer while Infinity did her hair and makeup.

Lloyd gave her a genuinely surprised look. He hadn't expected it to go by so easily. He managed to compose himself, and smirked his usual smirk at her, and said "Great... I'll see you tonight, then." He reached out and grazed her hand as she turned to walk off. He followed her with his eyes. She's a peculiar girl... He thought. He returned to the room he and Connor shared and took a look inside the cupboard. He removed a loose board from behind it and pulled a large duffel bag that made a clattering noise from behind it. He threw it on the bed and then returned the board to it's original position, then sent a glance out of the window. It was summer break, and pretty warm outside. Lloyd smiled. They would HAVE to go to the beach one of these days.

He put the fancy cigarette in his mouth and lit it before inhaling deeply, and then panicking. The cigarette was rough, and he didn't want to exhale in the room. He quickly threw the balcony door open and started coughing out a thick cloud of cigarette smoke. "Shiiit." He said and looked down at the cigarette. It almost made him wish for a real cigar to smoke, but alas, there were none of that quality around here. He stayed on the balcony until he'd finished the smoke, and then returned to his room again and hung the duffel bag over his shoulder. It kept clattering, so he reached into it and restacked the bottles much more neatly, so he would attract attention from everyone, and then headed out.

He wasn't sure where he was going anyway, so he headed for the common room. He felt a little about the situation, now that Natalie had agreed to follow him anyway. That happiness was however blown away when he entered the common room and found himself alone with Flora. His neutral expression fell into a slight frown. Nonetheless, he walked up to the couch and dropped the duffel bag in it, and then stood there in silence for a few seconds. Eventually he couldn't hold back anymore, and looked up at her. "Flora." He said in an overly stern voice, and then stopped himself. He wasn't that upset right now. "I need to know." He said, and then turned towards her. "I need to know what everyone means when they say I should say sorry to you."

He just looked at her for a moment, and then continued "Because I never really understood..." he stopped. He didn't actually want to start shit at this point. He might've said too much already. He looked down at the floor from her, and said "Nevermind..." before sitting down on the couch next to the duffel bag.

As soon as Gavin left the bathroom, Ash had confronted him. "Do you like Infinity?" This caught Gavin off guard and a nervous chuckle left him. His eyebrows furrowed and he wondered where in the world he got that idea. Then he felt his heart skip a couple of beats, his ears redden a bit, and his hands starting to become a bit sweaty. Ash must have thought that the way Gavin acted around him was because of an attraction towards Infinity when it clearly wasn't. When he was about to ask what made Ash think that, Ash said he saw it in his face earlier and that he knew him better than he thought.

Gavin put his hands up and he shook his head again. "Trust me, I don't like Ini," he said and quickly added, "She's a nice girl and all, but definitely not my type." Gavin picked up the bitten apple he had placed on the dresser when he was helping Connor with getting ready. He took a couple of bites from the apple before tossing it into the trash bin, quickly chewing to get rid of his mouth full of apple.

Gavin could feel the trust between him and his roommate starting to tread on thin ice, and all because he couldn't tell Ash that he thought he was attractive. He put his hand up to his mouth so he wouldn't talk with his mouth full. "To tell you the truth, I don't really like anyone. Now, let's get ready. It's almost time to party!" He went to his wardrobe, grabbing a white button-down shirt, a black vest to throw over it, and a pair of dark skinny jeans before quickly heading into the bathroom.

I'm sorry, Ash, but some things have to remain secret... Gavin thought to himself as he locked himself in the bathroom before he started to change. Once changed, he emerged from the bathroom just to quickly leave the room. "See you at the party, Ash!" He quickly said, the door slamming shut after he left the room. He sprinted down the hall before Ash could stop him, and started to head to the common room like he said he was going to.
Luna sat tentively, allowing her hair to be done by Infinity while Natalie picked out clothing. Whilst waiting, Luna slowly took deep breaths, calming herself.

She was truly glad to have people she could call on during these types of situations. With the party getting ready to start, and herself having neglected to keep her promise to Connor, she released a stressful sigh.

She hadn't the time to mourn, for Natalie had picked out some clothing. Glancing at both dresses for quite the equivalent amount of time, she nodded her head in direction of the floral dress. "That one."

She thought for a few moments, before shifting her gaze back towards the closet. "You two have got to get ready too! It starts in a little while." She knew she couldn't keep holding them up, or else they wouldn't be able to have enough time to ensure their beauty as well.

With all of them being girls, and being friends, she surely understood they both had boys to look good for too and try to impress. Although, Luna as quite sure she could never impress Connor to her satisfaction. Even so, she stood to her feet, shooing Infinity to go get dressed. "Hurry, huryy."

Infinity shook her head and pushed the hurrying girl back onto the bed gently she loved spending hours on getting ready but she knew Luna stressed herself into panic attacks if she wasn't perfect in every way and her friends mental Heath and safety was more important than her punctuality. Infinity quickly grabbed her emergency makeup kit and applied a natural look accentuating Luna's doe like eyes before applying a small coat of strawberry scented lipgloss.

Infinity took the dress from Natalie's hands and handed it to Luna before gently speaking to her

"Sweet heart get changed in the bathroom and I'll be here with a matching pair of shoes and a bag which will have the same makeup that your wearing so it can be even and the same, remember slow breaths in-out," she smiled softly at Luna before hurrying around the bedroom finding a pair of red shoes that matched the flowers tone and a bag that was a simple black number she quickly stuffed the promised makeup as well as Luna's hastily forgotten phone.

Infinity knocked on the bathroom door "Sweetie I need to get ready so are your ready to come out yet," Infinity hated being late and she was self conscious but her friend was more important so she herself took the suggested breaths and closed her eyes as she waited for Luna

@The Dark Princess
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Connor Genin

Suddenly, Connor was pushed out of Ash's room without having the chance to say thanks and good bye. Had he done something wrong? He'll talk about it later with Ash, but he did feel sort of offended. Connor thought about taking back the things he had thought about the two guys, but stopped as it was only one experience that they were sort of rude.

Connor, satisfied with the way he looked, flipped out his phone and texted Luna back:

Connor Genin: Hey Luna. I'm ready now, so I'll meet you by the tree. :3

Connor smiled as the memories of their tree began to flood his mind. Last semester, Connor didn't have much friends. This trait was shared with Luna and therefore they would always retreat there to just hang out when there was no one else to hang out with. This was when Connor's attraction to men and woman started as they would talk about their sexualities, but Connor would never admit too Luna or anyone for that mater about his bisexual mind.

Slowly, he started walking too the tree, sitting down under it. The seconds turned to minutes, and the minutes turned to what felt like decades. She couldn't have ditched him. She did seem interested after all, but maybe she had just faked it to not upset him. That was probably the reason. Sadly, Connor stood up and began walking to his dorm room.

"Everything I thought was everything...Was nothing." He mumbled, looking down at the floor.

Flora had been sat at the table for almost half an hour now, and having gotten bored she puled out her book and began to read the gruesome tales of Dracula once more. She heard some rattling above her, bottles clashing, but this book was too engrossing. She was just getting to the good bit when-"Flora." Her eyes whipped up. She met the not too disappointing face of Lloyd and sighed. He was here to tell her off for her behaviour, she knew it would come soon enough. "I need to know." He said. And Flo squinted her eyes. "I need to know what everyone means when they say I should say sorry to you." He carried on. Flo almost put her head in her hands, but she knew it may possibly make him feel stupid, and ultimately hurt his feelings. Before she could open her mouth, she simply heard the words, 'Never-mind'. Flora felt terrible then, for a slight second, looking at his somewhat lost expression. And then she didn't, because she remembered that Lloyd had cheated on her. "It was nothing. You don't have to apologise." It felt good. Somehow, Flo's shoulders relaxed and her soul felt a little lighter. She had to let it go. She knew that she had made an awfully big deal about it, and now, she did feel terrible. "Would you like joint?" She said, as she pulled off her backpack once again and rummaged through for the last bit of the herbs from Amsterdam. She didn't know if this would cheer him up, but at least it was, in a way, an ice breaker.


Ash stood there as Gavin dismissed his accusation. He was quick about it, too quick, as if what Ash had said was completely wrong. He suddenly felt ridiculous for even mentioning the matter. Before Ash knew it, Gavin was changed and walking out the door, whispering a half hearted goodbye. He felt something being torn between the two of them, as if Ash had crossed a line by asking such a question. Ash stood there, bewildered, feeling rather stupid as he went back to his t-shirt drawer. He peeled off his leather jacket and began rummaging through he t-shirts. He decided on the 'Tea O'clock' one. Quickly, he peeled off his current, plain black t-shirt, and sprayed himself with deodorant. He ruffled some wax into his hair and pulled on the shirt.
Roxie had been at the skate park and now was heading back to get ready for the party. Then her cell phone rung. "Hello.,........yeah.........in heading back now to get ready........" While heading back to her dorm and talking on the phone she noticed Conner just staring down at the floor. "Hey I'll call you back." She hanged up the phone and stuck it in her pocket. Then she walked up to Conner. "Hey Conner you alright?" She said holding her .skateboard in her right hand.

Luna stumbled to her feet as Infinity instructed, a pitiful 'Thank You' look wiped upon her once distressed face. Once getting her clothing removed and replaced, she stumbled out of the bathroom hurriedly.

"Alright! Infinity, your turn! I'll meet you guys at the party!" Shuffling her feet to get her shoes on, she grabbed her purse, before hugging both Natalie and Infinity tightly for a few seconds due to her lateness.

With a bolt of energy, Luna sprung out the door, and hran hurriedly down the corridor. She knew she was already an hour late, any later, and he'd be sure to think she ditched him. Who was she kidding? He already thought that, didn't he?

Slowly her sprint to a jog, then slowing her jog to a speed walk, then again slowing her speed walk to a slow, mourningful walk, she shook her head. It was all her fault. He most likely was angry with her, and she couldn't dare see him like that.

The twinkling, shivering sensation of tears pushing at the back of her irises and makeup, caused her to abruptly stop. She couldn't, she wouldn't. If she made Connor feel bad, she didn't deserve to attend the party, did she?

Changing her direction, she headed towards one of her many favorite locations. The courtyard. It was one of the few places she allowed herself to cry and get it all out. Upon reaching her destination, she allowed herself to sit on the edge of the flower surrounded fountain. Wiping her teary face with a tissue from her purse, thanks to Infinity, she allowed a select few sniffles to escape her nose. Mumbling to herself in a small, delicate whisper "I'm so sorry Connor."
Gavin slowed down when he came close to the common room. Before he entered, he heard two familiar voices. He peeked into the common room to see it was Flora and Lloyd. Then his eyes shifted over to the platter of brownies that Flora had made. His mouth began to water; he smell the special deliciousness from where he was standing! So tempted to just waltz into the common room and grab one of them, he decided not to, wanting to give Lloyd a chance to talk to Flora. Also, it would have been awkward if Lloyd told Flo that Gavin told Lloyd that he should apologize.

Slinking away from his spot from outside of the common room, Gavin decided he would go for a little walk since no one had arrived to the party yet. He also liked to be fashionably late anyhow to make his appearance. The courtyard was in sight and thinking it would be empty of any student, it looked like it wasn't. Luna was sitting on the fountain and it appeared to Gavin that she was crying.

Uh-oh, what did Connor do? Just moments ago, Connor was up in his room, wanting to look good for his date with Luna tonight, and now Luna was out in the courtyard, alone and crying. Though Gavin wasn't the best of friends with everyone at this school, he had a whole list of numbers. Slipping his phone from his pocket and staying out of sight from Luna, Gavin went to text Connor.

Gavin Harper: Yo, Conrad! Your girlfriend is out in the courtyard and looks like she's crying. Get here. ASAP.
Connor Genin

Connor briefly looked up and realised who it was, looking down again. He paused, unable to let the words form from his mouth. "She...she ditched me..." Connor finally managed. Obviously he was referring too Luna. He sighed. Maybe she was just late. "C-Could you maybe...No, that would just mean..." He stopped as he didn't want to feel like he was pushing her, even though she basically broke her heart. Connor faked a smiled at Roxie. "Listen, I'm okay. I'll see you at the party." And with that being said, He walked off in the direction of the male dorms.

The ground then turned too pebble and, because his head was dow and he wasn't looking, he accidentally bumped his head on the edge of the fountain.
"Ouch...!" He shouted. Rubbing his head, Connor looked up at his surroundings. There was a figure sitting by on the other side of the fountain. She was dressed really beautiful, but he couldn't see her face. He slowly walked closer to the person, his hand still on his head. "L-Luna?" He gulped, stopIng immediately in his tracks.
Lloyd looked up from the couch at her, and felt the atmosphere of tension loosening up just a little. When he was offered a blunt, he even smiled a little. He let out a small chuckle, and said "You're still into that stuff, huh?" before rising off of the sofa and walking toward her. "Yes, if there's anything I'd love right now, it would be a joint." He pulled out a chair and sat down at the table she was at, waiting for her to finish it. He wasn't familiar with rolling joints himself as he always bought his cigarettes finished. The one time he'd tried to roll one, he was amazingly disappointed at what he could create with his own two hands.

Infinity let Luna leave the room in her hurried state of distress making a note to calm her at the party and see if everything went well.

Infinity quickly headed into the condensed bathroom and sprayed some deodorant before applying a small coat of foundation, blush and concealer on her blemishes and then a cherry pink lipstick and a eyeshadow. She squirted on a few drops of her favourite perfume and quickly exited into the main room

Clothes were strewn around the room as Infinity threw everything she owned out of the wardrobe until she found an outfit she loved a sheer crimson red dress with a pair of Black pumps and a matching studded clutch. Infinity hastily pulled the clothes on and paired them with a leather jacked an amulet necklace and a studded bracelet.

Infinity once again headed into the bathroom and began to style her hair she carefully pulled the different sections of hair together before waterfall braiding them into a double connected braid that made her look like an imitation of a goddess.

Infinity grabbed her clutch and stuffed her phone, Wallet and emergency kit into it before heading out of the dorm and hesitantly walking to Ashton's dorm room she knocked on the door softly before gently calling "Ashton's do you want to walk together or are you not ready yet,"

Roxie watched him walk off she new who he was talking about. "Yeah see you...............Looks like to me he is being overly dramatic." She started walking to her dorm then thought to herself, 'I wonder what he was getting ready to ask me to do?' She shrugged her shoulders went about her business. "Now what should I wear to this little get together. Haha man crashing parties are the best."
Luna blinked her irises, quickly and hurriedly wiping her face with her arm before slowly twisting her upper body to face who she thought was one of the girls. "Don't worry I'm -"

She stopped pronouncing her words, once her gaze trailed up to meet the figure that made up Connor. "C-Connor?" Immediately, she felt an entire wave of guilt bury her spirit. "I'm...sorry."

She knew he was angry with her, and she didn't blame him in any way at all. Shaking her head, she shifted her gaze downward, fumbling with her hands while the area around them both went silent.

After all the work Infinity had put into her makeup, it was all dissolved due to her salty tears. With another sniffle, Luna wiped her face again, this time refusing to allow any more tears to fall. "Sorry."
Connor Genin

He stood there for a few moments in silence, trying to push away the many emotions that was raging in his mind. Such emotions include ander, sadness and just plain regret. She did look really cute currently, so maybe she was just late. But then why was she here when he had asked for them too meet by the tree...

Connor only only realised now that Luna's eyes were red and was obviously crying prior to their awkward meeting. He immediately sat down, pulling her into a side-hug. He didn't really want to say anything, but still wanted to make her feel that he was okay. "It's okay." He eventually said. "You look really pretty." He added quickly, letting her go from the hug.

Minutes of silence passed, and Connor felt that he needed to break the silence.
"You know, If you didn't want to come with me...You could've just told me." He had decided that the reason as to why she didn't come was because she didn't want too. After all, she did escape to the fountain after all. "I was waiting." Connor reluctantly mentioned.

"Of course I'm still into it." Thankfully, Lloyd accepted, and as she rolled the skin together, she handed him the joint. "Here. The teachers won't see, and there's no one around." The side of her mouth twitched into a smile, as she rolled one up for herself. She pulled out her lighter from her back pocket. It was decorated rather tackily, but it was cheap, and she thought it was interesting. She flicked the top a few times before the flame shone, and then lit the end of her joint with it. She put it to her mouth and handed the lighter to Lloyd at the same time, before breathing in a mouthful of the smoke. Already, she felt a warm glow inside her, the same feeling she had when she had drunk alcohol. Smiling, she blew out the smoke and wafted it away. "Let this last, it's good stuff, all the way from Amsterdam." And then she started laughing to herself. "It's funny, earlier today, we were arguing and kissing and now we're smoking weed together." She giggled uncontrollably. "What the hell is going on in my life?" She said almost tragically as she took another drag and blew it out after a few seconds.

@Prizzy Kriyze


Ash decided against putting on his jacket, and pulled his pendant out from under his collar, letting it hang over his t-shirt. A knock came at the door, and Ash flinched. He knew it wouldn't be any of the guys, most of them would just walk right in. "Ashton do you want to walk together or are you not ready yet?" A voice came. It was Infinity. He widened his eyes. He was ready, but he was ready, ready. He hadn't even asked her, and he didn't know if she ask her. Either way, walking to the Common Room with her, when she was expecting him to ask was going to be way too awkward for him to handle. He gulped and walked to the door, pulling it open. "Hey, Infinity, um, I'm ready. Lets go." He forced the words out of him, convincingly. He sincerely hoped Gavin was already in the Common Room.

@Allina Auburn
Luna shook her head, brushing the bottom of her floral dress off. "No. I wanted to come...I was coming...but..I saw your text, then I scrambled to the room! I tried to text Infinity, but she didn't show up for a long time, then I texted Natalie and Flora! Flora didn't show up, but Natalie did. Then soon after, Infinity arrived! They both helped me get ready and I was in pure panic!" Luna hurled these words from her thinned lips, before lowering her voice to a soft whisper.

"I wouldn't ditch you...I like you too much for that." With a soft sigh, Luna shook her head again, before standing to her own two feet after being released from his hug, she took in a deep breath, before turning to face him.

"Try again? The party is about to start...." She felt terrible she caused such pain to come to Connor, she could see it clear as day in his face. She didn't want to talk of the disappointment she brought to him, but knew she couldn't avoid the consequences. She had lost his trust, and now she wanted to gain it back.

"I still owe you an escort to the party...." With a small, nervous giggle, she lifted her right hand, pointing her index finger at his shirt. "Nice shirt."
Gavin saw that Connor had already made it to the courtyard. That was fast. He shrugged and slipped his phone back into his pocket. Deciding to give the two of them some privacy, Gavin slipped away from the scene to head back to the common room. Those brownies were sure on his mind, and though he knew Flo probably put extra in those brownies, he still wanted some. There wasn't a doubt in his mind that Flo put a little extra-extra in them.

When Gavin reached the common room, he saw that they were already getting their high on. "Partying without the rest of us, huh?" Gavin said playfully as he entered the common room and walking to where the platter of brownies sat, picking one of them up before sitting in an armchair.

A satisfied sound left Gavin as he popped a piece of the brownie into his mouth. "Oh, Flo, I love you so much for making these!"

Flora stopped giggling as Gavin shocked her with his entrance. "You know the party hasn't begun yet, Harp." She winked at him. She had always liked Gavin. He wasn't the sort of guy who would cheat on your, or be disrespectful. Sure, he wasn't quite a gentleman, but he sure as hell wouldn't ever intentionally hurt someone. She remembered when she once thought the same about Lloyd, but then again, she was starting to feel that way about him once again.

"Looks like you're resigned to the brownies Gavin, I'm all outta stuff." She smiled, and took another drag. She was feeling positively bubbly and she desperately wanted to get up and dance, but it was only 7:30, people weren't going to arrive just yet.
"Don't speak of it so casually!" Lloyd said with a laugh as he felt the gas-happiness filling his lungs. He leaned back in his seat and sighed happily. He leaned his head over and looked at Gavin. "Oh, hello there Gav... Don't hog all the brownies, man." He couldn't help but laugh. It was almost embarassing, but every time he got high he got incredibly bubbly, and laughed almost constantly. He leaned in on the table again and looked at Flora. "This is... good stuff. From Amsterdam? I meet a guy from Amsterdam once. First and only time I ever tried cocaine. That was a bad idea, not going to do it again, but admittedly it was kinda fun." He said and chuckled. He looked down at his seat and loudly philosophized "Wonder who invented chairs. Probably someone who severely underestimates the comfortability of floor tiles." upon which he let himself fall of the chair and landed on his back on the floor with his feet up on the chair. "Yupp. This is life." he laughed to himself.
Charlie would be lying if he said he was looking forward to the party. Unlike many of the people in his year, Charlie was a complete introvert, preferring to read books as opposed to going to see people. But his parents had told him to join in with any activities, and the boy knew that the few people who didn't dislike him, or think of him as strange, surely would if he was the only one who didn't arrive at the party.

He didn't rush to get dressed, or have a shower. The book he was reading sucked him in, and he forgot about the time until the alarm that he had set (because he was pretty sure he would get lost in a book) went off. He jumped at the sudden high-pitched sound, calming down as soon as he realised it was his phone. He wasn't calm for long, though. Charlie ran to the bathroom, realising quite quickly that he probably wouldn't even have time for that, before opting to get in anyway. Which, he soon realised, was a bad idea, as he would always take ages to turn the water to the right temperature. He decided that the cold temperature would have to do, as he quickly washed his hair and body.

The boy was used to taking extremely long showers, so the shower he thought was short had actually been on for almost fifteen minutes. The shower hadn't been his biggest problem, though. He didn't know what to wear! He hated suits and, after all, had no reason to wear one anyway. But all of his other clothes were strange.

He finally opted for a simple blue T-shirt and jeans, hoping his damp, unstraightened hair would be good enough.

Jovelyn Lynette Belrose

Jovelyn was in the middle of her book when she heard her phone chime. She sat up on her bed and put her book aside marking the spot she had left off in. Jovelyn reached for her phone and noticed it was an alarm for the party that was supposed to happen that night. Jovelyn frowned a bit hating that she'd have to stop reading the book right when she was in the best part, but there was a party she had to attend.

Jovelyn was never one to refuse an invitation. If the person making the party took time to invite her then she should take time to make it. Jovelyn jumped out of bed and headed towards the restroom to shower and get ready. "I don't even know why I go to these things. I bet if I didn't show no one would notice." Jovelyn said as she hopped out of the shower and into her bathrobe. "Most of these things are stupid anyway. Just a bunch of students getting high or drunk...or both if that's possible fight about who get the girl." Jovelyn walked over to her dresser and picked out a simple yet stylish coral colored maxi dress. "This'll do." Jovelyn went back into the restroom to change into the dress and put on some makeup. "I don't even know why I try so hard to fit in with these people. Maybe because they're the only family you have for the summer Jovelyn. Yeah, but they're all in their own worlds with their own dramas. That's what you get for being so shy woman."

Jovelyn got ready as she talked herself out of going to a party where she could clearly see the outcome of, but like always her reasonable side lost and Jovelyn was going to the party. She grabbed a light jean jacket before heading out the door hoping it wouldn't get too chilly on a summer night. She walked down the halls with her arms crossed over her chest looking down at her feet. Jovelyn walked into the common room to find, in her opinion, a very disturbing scene. Llyod was on the floor seeing God knows what, Flora was giggling like crazy, and Gavin was popping a brownie in his mouth which she was more than sure was laced.

Lovely. Just lovely.

Natalie had sighed as she made her way to her room. As she entered she had noticed Thea wasn't here to get ready for the party, Natalie had raised a eyebrow at this before shrugging her shoulders. She had quickly went to the bathroom to take yet another shower today. Minutes later Natalie was finally out of the shower. She had shivered from the cold air hitting her warm body as she had a towel wrapped around her body. She ran her fingers through her hair before quickly drying off and making her way to her closet outside the bathroom.

After Natalie had made her outfit she had checked her phone to see what time it was. "
I'll be early, but better than being late." She had mumbled to herself before quickly getting ready for the party. After she had finished putting lotion on and her outfit on she had made her way to the bathroom to put some makeup to at least look presentable. Natalie had then made her way to her bed and picked up her black satchel, she doesn't really wear satchel's but at parties she can loose her phone easily along with many other things surprisingly. Natalie had checked to see if she had everything she left, before she had actually left her room.

She had made her way to the Common Room to see Lloyd was on the floor, Flora was giggling like crazy at god know's what, while Gavin was popping brownies in his mouth and lastly there was Jovelyn inspecting everyone like they were crazy. Natalie shrugged her shoulders and decided to go talk to Jovelyn. "
Hey Jovelyn, looks like we're the only sane people here for now." Natalie had said slightly chuckling at her comment.


Jovelyn Lynette Belrose

Jovelyn had been trying to decide if it was too late to leave and not come back to the party. She made an appearance. That was the important part right? There was no rule saying stating how long she had to stay. She had really been looking forward to the party in the morning, now it just seemed like a bad idea. With three high people in front of her Jovelyn resisted the urge of jumping on their cases and lecturing them about the consequences of abuse.

Shaking her head Jovelyn was ready to make her retreat when Natalie appeared. Yes! Someone that isn't wasted...yet. Jovelyn smiled at the girl. "I'll say the party isn't even in full swing and they're already half way done with the brownies. I wonder if there'll be any left by the time it starts" Jovelyn rolled her eyes playfully. Could she really blame them though? They were all young and alone for the summer. It was normal for all of them to want to have a good time. Except that Jovelyn's definition of a good time was a bit different. Either way, Jovelyn just smirked.



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