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Realistic or Modern St. Andrews

Jovelyn Lynette Belrose

Jovelyn was a little surprised to see Roxie leave that fast. Did I say something to upset her? Or is she just being anti-social again? Jovelyn mused about why Roxie had to go and were she was going as she finished her breakfast. Jovelyn was a slow eater. She took time to savor every bite as if it was her last. That was a trait she picked up from a character in one of her books. Jovelyn took the last bite of the yogurt and stood up to gather her trash and Roxie's. Jovelyn went over to the trash can and noticed Ashton, Infinity and a guy she only vaguely remembered. I think his name was...something with an I...no L...Leonard...Leon...LIAM! Jovelyn waved towards them before exiting the cafeteria and returning to her dorm.

Jovelyn was in her dorm laying in bed while texting her father wanting to know everything about his trip. Jovelyn and her father were really close. They had a bond stronger than anything or anyone. Last summer Jovelyn's father had been obsessing over a car convention that had been traveling the country. It was suppose to be an annual thing. Apparently every summer the car convention traveled around the states visiting old junk shops and creating a brand new, functioning car out of scarps. At the end of the day, they would raffle off the car to one of the members of the audience. Jovelyn's father heard of this from one of his mechanic buddies and dreamed about going, so on his birthday Jovelyn gathered up her savings and bought him tickets for the convention in six different states. Sure it meant Jovelyn had to stay alone for the summer, but she was happy to be doing something for a person she loved.​
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Roxie went back to the commons and sat on the couch. That conversation made her think back to middle school. Those were some of the worst years of her life. She lean back trying not to think about it. Instead she decided to think about the party to night. Her and her gang were planning on crashing. "Haha this is going to be one fun night." She took out her phone and started texting them about what time they were all going to meet up.
Connor Genin

At hearing Lloyd's comment, Connor raised his eyebrow. It seemed sort of sarcastic. Maybe something was happening in the background, that Lloyd didn't want to share with him. It sort of hurt him about this. After today's meeting, Connor came to realise that maybe his roommate and him weren't even friends...

"Luna?" He paused. Connor wasn't even sure if anything was happening between them, apart from the fact that he was in love with her. "Um, Well, Good. Not really as I had planned, but good." He smiled back at him, but then he turned too a more serious note. "And I did tell you about her..." He trailed off, a little annoyed that He had forgot.

Connor smirked and sprung up from the bed, suddenly realising how much he wanted a smoke.
"No need to wait for tomorrow!" He walked over to his small cupboard and took out a small box. Connor winked at Lloyd and walked back over to where he originally was sitting. He slowly opened the lid and sniffed the aroma that came from it. "This is basically cigarettes filled with a...well, overly excessive amount of nicotine." He paused, not wanting to make Lloyd think that he was some junkie. "But I only use this on needed occasions." Connor smiled and picked one up, offering it too him. "Want one?"

"Oh, shit." Connor said under his breath. "I just realised," He said too no one in particular. "The party is tonight, and I am still meant to have a date with Luna!" Quickly, he jumped of the bed and reached for his phone. He then typed on s conversation with Luna:

Connor Genin: Hey, Luna! I just realised that we might need too move our date a bit earlier because of the party. See you later hopefully! Xx

Connor smiled at the username that he had created for Luna. It was: Luna♥ he had made it like that when he had first figured out his love for her. He sat back down with Lloyd and waited to her response.
Luna had finally reached her peaceful destination. She grabbed the exact same book she had before she left the room earlier, which was nothing but a fantasy related book.

Yes, she was an intelligent one, but that didn't mean she wasn't one to read fairy tales. With a delighted giggle, she settled down upon on of the plush couches, crossing her legs while she did so. Placing the book studiously upon her lap.

Within a few moments of herself sitting down and beginning to read, the phone she held in the pocket of her skirt began to vibrate. Which only brought her attention downward, bringing it out of her pocket. "Hm?"

Upon reading the message, she took a moment to glance at the identity of the sender. With a blink of her irises, she began to send her own text back in return. He was had a pretty valid point. The party was coming up soon, and they did arrange to do something beforehand.

With a simple nod, she twindled her fingers, texting her response in the white box of which shone of her screen. 'Oh. You're right. When do you want to meet?' She did her best to keep her composure, making sure not to seem uninterested but not too excited or else he would be waited out, right?

Shaking her head, she shifted her attention back to her book, placing her phone carefully in the middle of her lap.
Natalie was feeling quite uncomfortable by how Flora was slowly creeping into her personal space. " Someone save me from Flo. Anyone?" She internally sighed as no one had came to rescue her from Flo. " Guess I'm going to have to deal with her again." Natalie had said rubbing her temples and slowly back away as Flora had crept up to her. Natalie's eyes had slowly widened a bit when Gavin had came to rescue her. "Ladies," Gavin had said putting his arm around her shoulders, before he had added something else not giving Flora anytime to respond. "Sorry, Flo, I gotta steal Nat here for a second. You should make brownies!" Gavin had said before he had took Natalie to the closet exit.

" Thank you for saving me Gavin." Natalie had said mentally thanking Gavin. As they had arrived outside, Gavin had took his arm off her shoulder.

" We need to talk about Lloyd." He had said as they were outside. Natalie's eyebrow's had furrowed in confusion. " What about Lloyd?" She had asked tilting her head slightly to the left in confusion. " I have a feeling its about Flora kissing Lloyd." Natalie had thought internally sighing once more.

Gavin rubbed the back of his neck, trying to figure out how he would word what he was going to say carefully. "Well..." He started slowly. "It's obvious that everyone knows that Flo kissed Lloyd just a moment ago, and I figured I'd say that it was all Flo. Lloyd didn't want to kiss her." He took a breath before continuing, thinking he should lay everything on the line right now, not leaving anything out.

"Look, I offered Lloyd that I would come talk to you about him 'cause he's taking it pretty badly and it really isn't fair that that happened. He thinks his chances with you are ruined and all because of something he had no control over." Gavin shrugged and walked over to the door. "And so you should consider still going to the party with Lloyd tonight 'cause Lloyd is a pretty fun guy."

With his hand about to push open the door, Gavin looked over at Natalie to say, "And you're welcome. Flo did say she had some pretty strong stuff, if you know what I mean. Maybe why she's acting so weird today," and then he headed back inside. A breath of air shot out from his mouth as he rubbed his face and walked down the hall quickly. He hoped she wouldn't get mad at Lloyd for telling the guys he had a date tonight with her.

I'm totally not good with mediating people's relationships. Especially not on an empty stomach! Gavin thought as he started to head to the cafeteria, quickly turning into a different hall. He didn't have any breakfast today for he was too busy celebrating the start of summer by dancing through the halls to a playlist of his favorite songs. He figured he would grab something quick like an apple or something before heading back to his dorm room to get his outfit for the night ready.


Ash gulped. He didn't want to seem awkward, so he put a smile on his face and raised his hands, spreading out his fingers. "No interrogation, aye?" He smiled. "Sure." He looked to Infinity, for what he supposed was help, but how was she supposed to help? He want the man here, were they supposed to laugh about girls? Or drinking? This sort of man to man conversation came easily with Gavin and Lloyd. "So um, what's your opinion on-" He searched the room for something to talk about. His eyes went to the serving hatch. What was he supposed to say? 'What's your opinion on lunch ladies?'. No. The water cooler? Nah. Time was ticking on and so his eyes went to the clock. "Clocks?" He cleared his throat, realising his stupidity. "I mean, time, like, how do you spend your time?" He smiled to himself. Nice save.
Natalie had stood there bewildered at what Gavin was saying. After he had finished and walked away, Natalie had watched him leave before sighing. " Is it mating season or something." She had thought to herself before running her fingers through her hair and biting her lip looking at the ground deep in thought. " Should I really consider it? I mean it wasn't really Lloyd's fault the Flora had kissed him." Natalie had internally groaned. " All these thoughts are giving me a headache. Love or whatever you want to call it just doesn't work for me." She had thought to herself slowly giving herself a even worse headache.

She sighed. "
I should probably go clear things up with Lloyd, But how am I suppose to explain this. Maybe I could say it doesn't matter, don't worry about- no that wouldn't work." Natalie internally groaned once more. " Maybe I could just have Gavin tell him. But then again, this is a problem I should solve." She sighed and decided to just go tell Lloyd that she would still go to the party with him. She had quickly walked to his dorm room and briefly knocked on the door frame loud enough for someone to hear. " Erm Lloyd, I need to talk to you for a second." Natalie had said slowly entering the room and showing a hand signal to tell him to get up from his bed.

@Prizzy Kriyze

"Time seems an odd subject to speak off. Clocks seem more interesting, but yet again, speaking about clocks will eventually lead to time." Liam spoke, calm and softly. He grabbed his spoon and raised it to his mouth, filled with cereals, and devoured it. He quickly began chewing the cereals within his mouth and while doing so, he pointed his spoon at Ashton. He waited to finish swallowing the food in his mouth before he said something else.

"I spent most of my time wondering what's wrong with this world, aye? 'Tis strange indeed." Liam's eyes lingered towards his sketchbook. His left palm gently pressed against the sketchbook and slowly pat it. "I capture the souls within this world. Oh, the beauty in this world. It can make you think the world is perfect. The only thing that is perfect about it, is the poison behind the beauty."

Liam leaned forward, letting go of his sketchbook and his all-mighty spoon, he leaned forward, resting on his elbows. He looked Ashton in the eye and smiled. "The beauty of a man or woman is the equivalent of his or hers cunning. Aye, either of them would smile at you while pushing their knife deeper in your back. Gotta be careful, mind you." he said. "What about you? What do you do?" he asked him, before returning to his cereals.
"Oh shit, sorry dude. You know I've got shitty memory." He said and looked over at Connor as he dashed up out of the bed. He raised an eyebrow at the box, and then copied Connor's smile. "Wait, have you been holding out on me Connor?" He said with a slight chuckle, and then formed a big smile when he was offered one. "Oh, hells yes!" He responded and snatched it from his hand. "Dude, you're the best" he said and triumphantly held it up in the little sunlight that crept into the room. "You've got dibs on anything from my stash tonight." He said, obviously referring to the many bottles of alcohol he was keeping.

He gave Connor a pat on the back. "Still though, Luna, nice. I hope you'll work out better than... Every girlfriend I've ever had and me have." Just as he was about to light the cigarette a knock was heard on the door. He flinched as he heard Natalie's voice, and looked up at her when she signaled to him. He hesitantly took the cigarette from his mouth, but faked a calm expression. He stood up and gave a quick wave to Connor before joining Natalie outside the room and closing the door. He bit his lower lip thoughtfully before he spoke up. "Hey, Nattie." He said quite casually. "So... What's on your mind?"


Connor Genin

At seeing that the person behind the door was Nat, Connor glanced at Lloyd. This seemed pretty tense, even if he tried for it not to be. He realised that the two love-birds probably needed their space and alone time to sort things out. Connor nodded his head at Lloyd, sort of giving him good luck and all. They would be a pretty cute couple...

When they left the room and went out on the balcony, Connor glanced at his phone. It seemed that Luna had replied to his text. He then replied back to her:

Connor Genin: How about 3:30?

Connor nodded at his text, pressing the send button. 3:30 was only in about 1 hour, so he wuickly went over to Ashton's contact and wrote up a quick reply too him:

Connor Genin: Hey Ash, Can I pop down to your dorm room now? The date with Luna has been moved earlier.

Whilst Ash listened to Liam's very confusing reply, he asked Ash how he spent his time. "Looks like we have something in common, huh?" He forced a smile, "I like to draw too, so does Infinity, here." he tried to push away Liam's attention, considering he had just felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, and he didn't want to seem rude by pulling out his mobile in mid sentence.

It was from Connor, reminding him of the plans he had made earlier. He simply texted back, "Sure." He wasn't one for texting long paragraphs.
Before stuffing his phone back in his pocket, he stood up and said, "Infinity, Liam. I have some...business to attend to." Then he tipped his non-existent hat and left for his dorm room.

As he got back to the room. He remembered that he had forgotten to tidy his bed. He knew that Connor would think nothing of it, but he felt an obligation to make sure that he and his roommate did not seem like slobs, although that is what they were. After tidying up the bed and kicking some stray bits of clothing under his bed, he fell back onto his mattress and put his hands behind his head. The balcony door was open, so a slight breeze was coming through which soothed him. He still hadn't asked Infinity to the party, and he didn't have much time.
Later, he thought.


Flora put out her smoke and ran a hand through her hair. Gavin had taken Natalie what seemed like two minutes ago, but it had been a couple of hours now, and Flo had been sat on the steps of the fire escape, reading Dracula to pass the time. She had gotten up to chapter thirteen, and her eyes were straining, having looked at the same light for the past three hours. So, she stood up and went back into the Common Room, making a point of ignoring anyone in there, as they had done to her before. She made her way to the Cafeteria. Her eyes wandered to Ash, who was walking out of the other exit, and then to Liam and Infinity. She waved at them in an extravagant manner, and then made her way into the kitchen. There was two lunch ladies back there, both of them looking particularly glum, until Flo arrived, of course. You see, both of these lunch ladies had 'arthritis' and, seeing as Flo was known to make her special brownies, these lunch ladies would take one or two of them without saying a word, meanwhile, Flo would get a spacious cooking area. Plus, Flo found it funny how the lunch ladies were such pushovers.

So, she set to work. She made up her regular brownie batch, before pulling out the bag from earlier, and sprinkling a nice amount in, along with a little bit extra. This was a party after all.

Connor Genin

He smiled to himself as he lit up his cigarette. Connor moaned slightly, feeling the warmth and the craving slowly fading away. He took a long puff of it and his expression changed to a more sad one. There was litterally nothing else that Connor could do to get the addiction to go. He had tried the fake cigarettes and the nicotine patches, but they all didn't work. But maybe now that Luna was involved in his life, things would change...

Light emitted the room as he saw the reply back from Ash. He scrolled down and read the simple text. Straightforward, That's what you would describe him and his seemingly meaningless texts. I guess that meant that he was to go over to their dorm; Which he did immediately.

Cigarette standing limp from his mouth, Connor knocked averagely on the door. "It's Connor." He simply said, not wanting to barge in.
Luna hummed to herself, only to be interrupted just as she prepared to flip and change the pages of the book of which held her hostage. Being freed from the books undying dazed spell by Connors reply, she jumped to her feet and began running her fingers through her hair.

"3-3:30? That's.....Oh god!" Luna scrambled to grab the book of which she was reading, scattenting everything else across the floor. Immediately picking everything up and stacking it neatly, she rushed her fingers to pick up her phone and text Infinity.


'Infinity! I need you to meet me in our dorm room. This is semiurgent. I have to meet Connor soon and I have no idea what to wear! Please help?'

This had grown to be a situation of which she needed Infinity to be there and help her with her clothes! In complete and utter panic, Luna rushed and hurried her way out of the library, making her way in complete and utter confusion to the dorm room of which she shared with Infinity.

Once inside, she tossed her book down on her bed, before allowing her own body to fall down upon the same bed just moments after the book itself landed safely but with a tumble.
Gavin entered the cafeteria and quickly headed to the serving line, not bothering to grab a tray. "Not an apple, not an apple... Oh that is definitely NOT an apple!" He had come across something that looked quite revolting and thought it was quite odd how a rich boarding school like this one could have food such as this. Though this school was close to top notch, it could have had better lunch ladies than these glum chums working behind the counter. And about those said glum chums, they were nowhere to be seen.

Coming across the basket of fruits, Gavin grabbed an apple. He breathed onto it and rubbed it against his shirt before taking a bite from it, a satisfying crunch sounding from it. He looked around the cafeteria as he swallowed and noticed that his roommate wasn't there, and so he quickly walked to the door of the cafeteria before breaking into a sprint to his room.

"Hey, hey, Connor!" Gavin greeted the boy, who was standing outside of his and Ash's room, walking toward him. He patted Connor on the back before opening the door and ushering him inside. Gavin saw that Ash was in the room, lying on his bed. "Ash, there is no time for dilly-dallying! We gotta help Connor-boy get all pretty for his date toniiiiight!" Gavin sing-songed and then went over to his wardrobe, which was kept all tidy and neat. The difference between Gavin and Ash, aside from their personalities, was their organization.
Roxie stood up and stretched out her arms. "Time to head to the skatepark." She walked over to the dorms feeling much better then she did earlier. She put her headphones in listening to music. She made it to her room and opened the door. If Jovelyn was in there she didn't noticed. She was to involved in the music. She grabbed her skateboard and left heading to the skatepark.

As Ash had just laid down, a knock came at the door, and only moment after, before Ash could even get off of his bed, the door had opened, revealing the jolly faces of Gavin and Connor. "Ah, you're here." He sat up. "Gavin has some pretty okay things, but if you're looking for style, I've got what you need." He stood up and opened up his bottom drawer. This one was for t-shirts, and boy did he have a lot of them. He searched through them, before finding a navy blue t-shirt, with the words 'Tea O'clock' scrawled across the front. It was a sort of inside joke with himself. He had missed his home country, and this was something that cheered him up a lot. Even though he didn't actually like tea. He shook his head, he wanted to save this one for himself. Then he pulled out another, more fitting one. He almost burst out laughing when he handed the shirt to Connor. "This'll definitely make her like you." He grinned.


Flora entered the Common room, a bag of her special brownies tucked away in her backpack. The Common Room was fairly empty, and so she decided to make the room fit for a party. She put out the brownies on a table in the middle of the room, not caring that someone might smell them. Besides, she knew that all the teachers would be in the other building, in the teachers lounge, and that at night, only the janitors remained, and just like the lunch ladies, the janitors could be shut up with a little persuasion. Then she pulled out a bottle Jaegermeister, a bottle of liquor that she had acquired from a nice man in Germany. He said not to drink too much in one, so she also arranged little shot glasses around the bottle, and poured in a tiny bit of liquid in each of them. She knew that the others would bring more alcohol, especially Lloyd. Oh. Lloyd. She supposed she should apologise to him, he seemed pretty pissed earlier, but then again, he had never apologised to her for what he did. So, she decided to speak to him at the party. She looked at the clock. 3:00. Sure, she could have one now. She picked up a tiny glass of the spiced, herbal liquid and swallowed it in one. It burned her throat, but she shook it off and fell back into the chair behind her. She needed the time to go fast. She liked to party.
Gavin was looking though his wardrobe, finding absolutely nothing for Connor could possibly wear. "-but if you're looking for style, I've got what you need." Gavin heard Ash say and looked toward Connor with a nod. When it came to style, Ash did have a great sense of one without a doubt. And he had the most hilarious and witty shirts Gavin ever did see. "Yep, it's true. Even I wear a couple of Ash's things here and there," he confessed, though he did ask Ash if he could wear a shirt here and there.

"Yes! You've got to go with that shirt!" Gavin exclaimed as he saw the second shirt Ash gave to Connor with a laugh. "She's definitely a keeper if she can laugh at that." Gavin then quickly went to the bathroom to retrieve a bottle of men's body spray and then went over to Connor. Spraying the boy with just a bit of the body spray, he said, "Well, I think you're ready. Wait, no!"

Gavin reached into his pocket to pull out a peppermint and placed it in Connor's hand. "When you kiss the girl, of course," he said with a wink before going to put back the body spray where he found it.
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Connor Genin

Connor smiled as Gavin came over and greeted him, which in return he did back. He opened the door too reveal Ashton standing in front. "Hey Ash!" Connor smiled. Even though they weren't the best of friends, he still respected Ash highly in ways that was sort of silly: For example, Ash was very popular yet he still isn't a snob about it and takes advantage of the rather less popular people like Connor. Even though Ash probably didn't think of Connor like a good friend, he did to Ash. The same applied to Gavin, of course!

Connor nodded his head at Ash's remark, smiling all the way. He watched intently as he took out some t-shirts, and offered one. Connor read the writing on it, and raised his eyebrow. He couldn't help but laugh, but sort of felt hurt inside. They weren't really taking this seriously. Or were they and they just had a very obscure sense of fashion...? Connor was about to say something when Gavin cut him off. That did actually make sense. Slowly and hesitantly, he nodded, "Fine, but if shit happens...I'm blaming you guys!" He laughed jokingly.

Suddenly, He was sprayed with something that smelling sort of...manlyness. Connor coughed slightly as he didn't really go well with new smells. He laughed, realising the importance of what Gavin had just done, and the thing he did after. "Thanks, but I don't thi--" Connor was cut off again as he glanced at his watch. "Oh crap! It's already 3:15!" Quickly, he grabbed the shirt and took off his own one. Surely it wouldn't really matter. They were all boys, but then again...He had always suspected that Gavin was a bit different. But then again, Connor was as well. The thing is, even thought Connor was completely in love with Luna. He couldn't help but feel attracted to boys as well. But that was something he would never tell anyone...

He then put the novelty t-shirt over his head and into his chest. Connor glanced in the mirror and sighed playfully. "No, no...I look to much like Ash!" He teased, sticking his tongue out. Conner again dug in his bag and took out his
beanie and slipped it on his head. No, his outfit was still missing something. Quickly, he turned too the wardrobe of Ash's and swung out a light men's denim jacket. "Can I where this too?"
" How am I suppose to explain its not his fault Flora kissed him. I knew I should of thought this out before I came here, to late now." Natalie had internally sighed. "Ill just get straight to the point." She had thought to herself before taking a deep breath and looking Lloyd straight into his eyes. " Gavin had talked to me, and well I don't think it was your fault that Flora kissed you." Natalie had said before continuing on. " Surprisingly , you didn't ruin your chances with me. So don't worry, I'll still go to the party with you." She had said patting Lloyd on the shoulder and smiling slightly, before walking away.

Natalie had began to make her way to her dorm room. She clearly had a bad headache, and it seemed like it wouldn't go away unless she treated it. Natalie had made her way inside her dorm room and went to the bathroom to run some cold water for her wash cloth, to put it on her forehead. She had quickly gotten a wash cloth and ran it under the water before wringing it out and putting it on her forehead. She sighed happily and began to walk back to her bed to lay down.

@Prizzy Kriyze
Luna sat in absolute silence, just as her gaze hit the clock. 3:20....In ten minutes, she's supposed to meet Connor. She can't..not like this...she isn't pretty enough.

Shaking her head in dissatisfaction, Luna once again picked up her phone, this time sending a text message to Flora. She hadn't usually relied on or even turned to Flora for help, but this was her only option. Flora HAD to be up.

If not, shed have to turn to Natalie. Better yet, she decided to message them both. This was a huge girl problem that needed to be solved.

Texting :

Flora...help me. Please? I have a date with Connor and I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what to wear. Extreme emergency!

Natalie :

Could you...help? I'm in need of a 411. E!regency requiring immediate assistance. My date with Connor is in 10 minutes.

With a small huff of her breath, Luna stood up, ripping open the closet door. In a crazed manner, she grew confused and began rummaging through the closet and its contents. She needed something, anything to wear before she was late.
Natalie was just about to drift off to sleep until he had heard her phone vibrate in her pocket. She sighed and took it out. 1 text message from Luna. Her phone had read, Natalie's eyebrows had furrowed to why Luna would need her for. She had shrugged her shoulders and opened the text message.

TEXT MESSAGE: Could you...help? I'm in need of a 411. E!regency requiring immediate assistance. My date with Connor is in 10 minutes.

Natalie had quickly got up from her bed ignoring her headache and put the wash cloth on her night stand next to her before turning her phone off, and putting it in her pocket rushing to Luna's room. She had knocked on Luna's door briefly yet gently waiting for her to open it. " Its me Natalie." Natalie had said slightly yelling so Luna had heard her.

Luna froze upon hearing the sound of a hand contacting with the door, creating a knocking noise. With teary eyes, she stood up to her feet slowly, releasing her hold on the clothes of which she pulled out the closet.

"N-Natalie?" She took a few moments, before it finally broke through to her. "Natalie!" She fumbled and tumbled upon stumbling to get to the for, landing on her bottom, but still reaching up and opening the door.

Staring upward to look at Natalie, she blinked her irises, a pure look of panic and anxiety shading her once cheerful manner able look. "Thank god! I'm already late!" She fumbled to stand to her own two feet, but instead decided to crawl back over to the closet and wait for Natalie.
Infinity has tuned out as her head became warped with fantasies and colours minutes flew past in the realm before she was interrupted by a sharp tinkling sound from her pocket she nearly jumped and faced Liam an I'm sorry face plastered on "Im very sorry Sir but I need to help my dormnate with an emergency," Infinity quickly pushed away from the table sprinting through the cafeteria and rushing down the corridor before she burst into her bedroom where Luna and Natalie were she quickly apologised to Luna before ransacking the closet she pulled out a couple of dresses with floral prints and another set embedded with patterns. Infinity sat Luna down and quickly became braiding the strands as she barked ours at Natalie "Madame please help Luna choose an outfit while I do her hair and makeup," she then resumed her braiding as she stroked luna's head whispering "It will be alright lets reserve perfect for the movies,"

Ash watched as Connor went into his wardrobe and took out a jacket. He looked at Gavin. Ash hated when people took his things without asking, but, as usual, he didn't feel like confrontation. With a stiff jaw, he said, "Of course!" He smiled and patted Connor on the back, "Go get 'em tiger! Good luck!" he ushered Connor towards the door. He wanted to ask Gavin what was wrong with him earlier, and he needed to do it now. He pushed Connor a tad too forcefully out of the door, closing it behind him. He didn't have the time to apologise; he supposed that if Connor was offended, he could clear it up later.

Turning around, he stood with his arms folded.
"Do you like Infinity?" He looked at Gavin. He had no looks of anger and portrayed no feelings of betrayal, but he thought that this was the only thing that could possibly have upset him. "I saw your face earlier, I know that look." He walked over to his bed, unfolding his arms and sat down. "I know you better than you think." He raised his eyebrows. "I'm not mad, there is no reason for me to be, I mean, I don't own her, I don't even know if I like her. I just feel a little hurt that you didn't tell me." He tried to speak as calmly as he could. It's true, he wasn't angry, but he felt as if his roommate didn't trust him. If Ash had ever liked anyone, he would have told Gavin.

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