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Realistic or Modern St. Andrews

Connor Genin

Suddenly, he felt tugging against his shirt which resulted in him being dragged away. Connor tilted his head to see that the culprit of his dragging was Luna. "Hey..." He said quietly as he was pushed into her dorm room. She seemed angry, or maybe it was irritation. Connor then adjusted his postition on the bed, looking closely back at Luna. Gradually, he could feel a slowly growing feeling of pressure in his pants. He then leaned forward and gently pulled Luna so that she was lying ontop of him. Connor lifted his hand up and began to stroke her head. Suddenly, a thought came into his mind which made him quite serious. "U-Uh...We could do something..." He stopped in his tracks, not daring to say anything else.
Layla blinked, only to be pulled to lay on top of him. Her own crystal blue irises twinkled with the lighting of the room. Obviously she was nervous, and as much as she wouldn't mind having Connor to herself, she couldn't bring herself to do such a thing while he was intoxicated. But, she may as well have a little bit of fun. What harm could it possibly do? Nodding her head only slightly, Layla lowered her face to his own, gently allowing her own lips to brush against his, while a soft breeze blew through them. After doing so, she again lowered her head to his neck, gently rubbing her thinned lips against its surface. After a few seconds of doing so, she sat up and shook her head, crawling off of Connor. "You're high. So no."
That was a reaction Gavin was certainly not expecting from Ash. He was expecting more of an angry response, one that didn't hold a lighthearted laugh. Ash was pretty much relaxed about Gavin's suggestion, and it made Gavin wonder about his roommate's sexual preferences. If anyone were to tell him that Ash could possibly be gay, Gavin would be the one to laugh. Ash just had that charm with the ladies, though Gavin couldn't recall a time when Ash actually had a girlfriend, let alone seriously talk about girls before Infinity.

Gavin held his breath when Ash started to speak, his sentence beginning with the word that made his heart skip a beat, the small flicker of hope igniting in him, "Maybe-" Then Lloyd had to walk in on the two of them, right when Gavin assumed Ash was going to confess. He had to look away from Lloyd for a moment so he wouldn't glare at him. Perfect timing, Lloyd, perfect timing...

"I'll have some," Gavin said as he took the bottle Lloyd offered though he had two pot brownies that made him relaxed, yet not relaxed enough, and his mind was constantly on the go and he just wanted to stop thinking for a moment, and that itching thought in the back of his mind that was the ever growing thought of Ash being gay was seriously annoying him. He couldn't let his hopes get too high, not just yet. The farthest thing he needed tonight was far from a clear head. Taking a large swig of the hard liquor, shivering a bit as he gritted his teeth as air passed through them in a hissing sound before taking another swig and handing the bottle back to Lloyd. "That hit the spot." He chuckled, shaking his head as he felt the warmth of the alcohol already coursing through him, seeping into his muscles. A lightweight, Gavin certainly was, but he was thankful for that, not wanting to drink so much just to achieve a buzz.
Connor Genin

He sighed slightly as he realised that Luna had crawled of of him. He did respect her for doing that though, but it couldn't help but hurt him slightly. Instead of releasing his anger, he decided to look at it in a different angle; But sometimes that would only half-work. Connor adjusted his position again and sat up on the edge of the bed next to Luna. "Yeah." He simply said. There was something he needed to do now that he was drunk, before he would never have the guts to say it.

"I need to tell you something." Connor said, with a hint of nervousness in his voice. "I mean, I am extremely attracted to you...*hiccup*" He paused, placing a hand on her thigh. "But I think I like guys as well." Connor announced, but this time extremely casually as if it was nothing serious at all. He yawned. "I mean, Lloyd is pretty cute...and Gavin." Connor yawned again. "I'm gonna...go to..." And with that, Connor collapsed on the bed.
(Oh my. I will respond when I get home from school)

Layla was sitting in absolute silence. He had just confessed to her his feelings towards boys, which of course brought confusion to her mind. But of course, she couldn't say anything, for he was already asleep. Sighing, Layla slowly rose from her seated position on the end of the bed, only to disappear into the bathroom. She closed the door behind her, slowly flicking the lightswitch in the process. She didn't know what to think, or what to do. Connor was stoned and asleep, and she was left to deal with the remaining damage. With a slight blink of her irises, small tears trailed down her cheeks. She felt absolutely lost, having not even the slightest clue as to how to respond or what to do. 'Why did he tell me?' She couldn't help but question his morals, but all in the same feel sense of happiness he told her something so deep and secretive. Slowly, Layla leaned against the door, slouching down, only to eventually be settled on the bathroom floor, dozing off to sleep.

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