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Realistic or Modern St. Andrews




-Roxie Heart: @The Dark Princess

-Thea Robinson: @xSparrow

-Liam Grottffrim: @NorbertM
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I hope you all enjoyed the last semester to the fullest. As you now know, it is Summer Break, and you are free to return home. But, if you wish to stay, our doors are always open for our students, and teachers will be passing through frequently to check on you! I wish you good health throughout the Summer, and have fun!

@NorbertM @xSparrow @The Dark Princess @animegirl20

So, guys, obviously you guys will not be returning home. You do not need a reason for this, and do not even need to mention it if you do not wish. To start the roleplay, you can begin anywhere, in your room, in the library, anywhere. Remember, you are not a new student, you know the school and its students. You are already acquainted with your roommate, so make sure you read up on their character profile!



Ash sat on an arm chair in the common room , the pendant on his necklace pressed between his thumb and finger, making the chain of the necklace rub on the back of his neck. It was early morning, eight thirty to be precise. The first day of Summer. He had nothing better to do, than to stay here. He certainly didn't want to go home; his parents hadn't even asked if he was coming home, they just didn't care any more. Ash expected that they would be off somewhere in the Bahamas or out on a yacht in the Mediterranean sea. Not that he cared. He was perfectly happy here. He could do whatever he liked. He was comfortable; he had friends, people that were there to stay. Letting go of his pendant, he ruffled his hair with his right hand and crossed his legs. The common room was pretty empty, apart from a few others, and he suspected that many more would fill up the room. The first day of Summer was a day of gossiping and chatting and having fun. He liked this room, it was painted colourfully, and those colours were calm; soothing. Warm blues and comforting yellows. He wondered where Gavin was, his roommate. Ash had come to enjoy the company of Gavin. He was loud and obnoxious but in all the best ways. He made Ash smile, which is something he treasured in a friend. Smiling ever so slightly, he watched the room, waiting for it to fill up with gossiping girls and laughing boys.

Infinity Ocean Grove

Infinity yawned and sat up her doe like eyes crusted and groggy, her pupils had grown yet again larger and she seems even fairer skinned then they day before. Her yawn ends with her hand convieniently near her buzzing Aqua vintage clock and she gently fumbles with it before finally finding the off switch and taking a sigh as the irritating ringing abruptly stopped and the droning inside her head imitated its halting action. She lifted her quilted duvet and swung her legs out of bed tugging her nightgown down as she did so. She quickly swiped the crust out of her eyes before she rose and placed the corner of the duvet back into its correct position.

Infinity picked up her sketch book amd hastily scribbled down a few words she always did this since most of her art came from her fantasies so dreams were a big part of her inspiration for all her work.
World of lies represented by hidden treasure. She then headed to her over flowing wardrobe and searched through the mass of silks, cottons and satin for the perfect outfit but she knew that perfection was never possible so she quickly picked out a beige dress decorated with a black feather pattern, she paired it with a thin beige belt, a pair of cream lace up dress shoes,a pair of gold leaf earrings and her leather satchel. The satchel was slightly stained but she just bit her lip and ignored theatre of oil or whatever it was.

Infinity headed to her bathroom and sprayed a few drops of rose scented air freshener clearing the space before she grabbed a pastel pink towel from the rack and hung it up on the side of her shower. She stepped into the shower and turned the water up to 100% heat the scalding hot water burning her flesh slightly she let out a short shriek and then turned the water onto the coldest it could possibly be before sighing as her flesh became once again cool. She scrubbed herself down with a lemon scented body wash before washing her hair gently making sure to get every strand. She then hesitantly turned of the water and wrapped Bebe the towel around her red body that was quickly fading into its usual pale colour.

The cold air hit Infinity's burning flesh with a sharp blow that sent tingles down her spine she glided over to her mirror and blow dryer her soaking wet hair and brushed it until it's fine strands looked almost glowing she always woke up with a million knots so it was a daunting task but one that she must endure to get even normal looking hair. She headed to the main space of her dorm and dryer herself off before pulling on her laid out outfit she put all her items on including her frilled socks but not her shoes, Infinity hated shoes inside homes with passion but she also hated having bare feet on her cold floor so socks were her compromise. After she had finished duetting ready she dwindled to her clock and checked her clock 6:59. She smiled and muttered to herself

"one minute early"

Infinity made her way out of the dorm careful to not wake Jocelyn and tiptoed to the common room where she saw Ashton sitting in a chair "Hi Ash what are you doing on your first day of freedom," she joked before nestling into an armchair next to him


Gavin had both ear-buds in his ears, dancing to some upbeat music while he walked in the halls of the boarding school. He wasn't going home this summer. It would be the first summer he would have that wasn't spent at home. His parents were going through a divorce and instead of deciding which parent the boy was going to stay with and all of that, they decided he was going to boarding school, using the excuse that he
needed to focus on his studies. They didn't care that he was already settled in public school, making him leave in the middle of the academic year last year, and that he would be leaving behind friends and such, still making him go to this school. He could care less about that for he was having the time of his life at this school, the school he didn't want to go to in the first place, but ended up loving. This school was his oyster and he loved just about everyone and thing here.

Slipping between a couple of students that were leaving for home in a smooth dance move, Gavin wondered where his roommate, Ashton, was. Ash was a pretty chill guy and Gavin was quite happy to have him as his roommate, though in Gavin's opinion, Ash could open up a little more. But Gavin could make Ash smile, and just that made Gavin happy that he somehow befriended the boy with his
obnoxious ways. Gavin made his way to the common room, seeing that Ashton and Infinity were in there, dancing his way in there.

"I have arrived!" He sang as he pulled out his ear-buds, a grin spreading across his face like usual. He walked over to the couch, plopping himself down on it as he stuffed his ear-buds and phone into his pocket. "Who's excited for summer!?"

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Luna sat presumptuously inside the library. Lately she hadn't found much to do, being the only one without a dorm mate. Regardless, she found majority of the other girls to be quite a suitable interest for her.

Closing her book, she shifted her blue marbled gaze towards the clock hanging tightly upon the wall. Oddly enough, it was early, and she hadn't much to do during the day. Thus, she stood up from her well seated position at the reading table, and made her way out of the library.

As for the book, it remained settled on the table, with her notes written from its contents nestled neatly inside its cover. Blowing her breath both anxiously and halfheartedly, she made her way down to meet the others, hopefully, in the common room.

Judging by what she knew so far, Jocelyn would most likely already be there. Shrugging her shoulders, Luna clasped her hands tightly together, contemplating her past actions in front of the others.

It seemed as though she hadn't had much clumsy accidents of hers, which made her all the more happy and relieved to see them all. With summer vacation being here, she would hope for them all to be able to cooperate on an activity of which to do all throughout their vacation.

Once reaching her destination, she was alarmed to find Gavin bursting out in front of her, running into the room just as she was turning the corner. Stumbling to an extent before catching her balance and composure, she couldn't help but deliver a light giggle and raise her hand in response to his quizzical question.
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Jovelyn Lynette Belrose

Jovelyn had woken up in the middle of the night after a terrible nightmare where she was being chased by wolves. Jovelyn was careful not to wake up Rosie. Jovelyn had known Rosie for a while and although they were quite different, Jovelyn still saw the best in her. Any other night Jovelyn would have nudged Rosie and begin talking to her, but for some reason tonight Jovelyn needed to be anywhere but that bedroom.

Jovelyn had been roaming the halls for a few minutes until she decided to go to the one place she can calm down, the library. Jovelyn stayed up for the rest of the night laying on a sofa with a book in hand. She would often take a break and stretch but for the most part it was non stop reading. Reading the library was the perfect remedy for Jovelyn's uneasiness due to the nightmare. The story she was reading made her mind drift from the wolves to a castle ball and a handsome prince. Slowly, but surely, Jovelyn was taken into a far away world where she too attended the ball and met a handsome prince.

Jovelyn woke up to the bright morning sun. She looked around trying to remember how she got to the library. The memory was hazy but she was able to put most of the pieces together. Jovelyn sat up on the couch and had a nice long stretch. In the middle of the stretch the book she had been reading fell to the floor from her lap. Jovelyn picked up the book and smiled remembering her dream of the ball and the prince. Jovelyn stood up from the sofa and gave a twirl as she clutched the book to her chest. She hummed a little tune and began dancing.

It took her a few moments to realize that she was still in pajamas and people might be waking up soon. Embarrassed, Jovelyn put the book down and hurried back to her dorm to shower and change. A smile was still on her face as she rushed through the halls. She would have made it back without being noticed had there not been anyone in the common room already. Jovelyn turned red when she saw Ash, Infinity, Gavin and Luna already dressed. "Oh my!..Umm Hi!..Hows it going?"

Lloyd Fredricks

Lloyd rolled over in bed and almost instantly -and violently- ripped the power cord to his alarm clock out of the wall. With a low groan he wondered why he had put an alarm on. It's the holidays Lloyd. God damnit. He thought to himself. He wasn't going home this summer. Even if he'd wanted to he wasn't allowed, not this year. That was his punishment for not quitting smoking yet. His uncle had gotten tired of dealing with his smoke smelling up the house, so he was banned from the house until further ado.

"Uuugh.." He moaned as he rolled off the bed and landed on his hands and knees on the cool floor. Grabbing his nightstand he pushed himself off of the floor and took a couple of tired steps towards the window. In nothing but underwear he bathed in the morning sunlight for a few moments before staggering a step backwards. He'd stayed up way too late, and was more tired than he thought he could be, but for some reason he didn't want to go back to sleep. He'd just gotten out of bed, after all. In his daze he walked back to the cupboard and opened it to find his neatly sorted clothing. As per usual he got a pair of jeans on, and then just left it at that. It was warm outside, after all. In a sweeping motion he grabbed his pack of cigarettes from the top of the cupboard and slid the door out to the balcony aside.

The air was pleasant as he threw the pack of cigarettes onto the small table and leaned over the edge, looking over campus. Some of the students were already up and leaving the grounds, heading home over the summer. A group of guys Lloyd hung out with sometimes noticed him shirtless on his balcony and whistled loudly at him, which Lloyd promptly responded to with a raised middle finger. He looked down at the pack of cigarettes again and pulled one out, placing it in his mouth. He started patting down his pants looking for the lighter, but couldn't seem to find it. He backed up a couple of steps and put his head in through the balcony door. "CONNOR!" He shouted to wake him up. "Have you borrowed my lighter or something?"

Roxie slowly woke up, she sat up, yawned and stretched out her arms. She turned around to say morning to Jovelyn. But she realized she was gone. "Must have been a nightmare." She yawned again and got out of bed. She then went to the bathroom to brush her teeth. While doing that she though about what she might do today. I wonder where she went. She thought to herself as her mind drifted back to her roommate.
Natalie lips had slightly parted to release a quiet groan as she was awoken from her slumber because of the sun. Her eyes were tightly shut because of the unexpected light on her face before they had slightly opened squinting. Her arms quickly covered her eyes as she had then quickly sat up, she let a quiet yawn escape her lips as she had sat up.

Natalie ran her fingers through dirty blonde hair before reaching for her phone on her nightstand. She had quickly turned it on and squinted at the bright light before looking at the time. It was eight thirty if you wanted to know the precise time. She sighed and looked around the room, "Wonder where Thea is." Natalia had said mumbling under her breath before getting up and walking though slightly stumbling to the bathroom still half awake. As she walked into the bathroom her arm had reached out to the wall to search for the light switch, her hand had quickly found a switch so she turned it on. " Ah Fuck!" Natalie had said cursing quite loudly from the bright lights and quickly closed her eyes tightly.

After a few seconds her eyes had somehow adjusted to the light. She slowly opened her eyes, blinking a few times before fully keeping them open. She sighed and walked to the mirror. Natalie looked at herself in the mirror. "Looks like Hair Karma got me today, isn't that just lovely." She had mumbled to herself running her fingers through her hair again and getting her tooth brush. She quickly got the tooth paste and put it on the brush and began to brush her teeth.

After a minutes of being in the bathroom, Natalie had stepped out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body and fully wet hair. She sighed feeling clean and had quickly threw herself a outfit on the bed. She had quickly grabbed the outfit and went back to the bathroom. "Don't need Thea to see me naked do we cause, that would be such a delight to see."Natalie had said sarcastically to herself before entering the bathroom. After a few minutes of getting ready Natalie was ready to head out. She left the bathroom, grabbed her phone from her nightstand and left her dorm ready to head to the common room. As she entered she had noticed that most people were already here. She shrugged and sat on a couch by herself and began playing games on her phone.
Connor Genin

"WHAAAAAA?!" Connor screamed as he was awoken by Lloyd's shout. In the process, he had fallen of the bed in a hurry and face planted against the cold floor. Connor sighed and tilted his head over too Lloyd. He laughed slightly, realising how stupid that must have looked. Connor lifted himself up, using his arms and legs. He was still half-asleep, and his muscles were throbbing from all the sudden action.

Once he was stood up, Connor reached upwards for his own small table and grabbed for the lighter that both Lloyd and him share. He then swiftly threw it to him and said,
"Good Morning, Lloyd!" Connor smiled slightly, nodding his head in a sort of sarcastic manner.

Connor, still in his blue checkered boxers, walked over to the shower and closed the door. Lloyd and Connor were good friends, but Connor is not really like him. Pretty much, the only thing they have in common is their dangerous addiction to cigarettes, and that they both have dysfunctional families. It was only now that Connor realised it was Summer Break. He sighed slightly, remembering how his Mother hardly ever cared for him now that she was successful and rich.

'Just don't think about it...' He thought, already feeling the anger boil up his body. Quickly, Connor stripped down and entered the shower. He then fiddled with the hot and cold turning cogs, but still he could never get it just right. He tilted his head forward, letting the medium temperature water fall down his head and onto his feet. For Connor, the shower was the only place he could actually think and scroll through all his memories without losing his temper. That's why whenever he gets out of the shower he's always slightly quiet.

The water began to get cold, signalling for Connor that it's time for him to get out; Which he did. He covered his body with his towel, as he was a complete hater of the cold. Soon enough, Connor was dry and he then began to fix his hair. He didn't care what other people thought, but he did have to admit that he was in love with his hair. Eventually, after like 15 minutes, Connor got his hair just as he liked it. After that, he brushed his teeth until he was satisfied. He then opened the door of the bathroom, not entirely caring if Lloyd sees him naked as they had both seen them in their birthday suits.

Connor then walked over to his wardrobe, taking out his usual style of clothing. He then looked down at what he had chosen. It was a grey hoodie that said: "That's what." - She. It was one of Connor's many hoodies from his collection of hoodies with quotes. The bottom clothing was just a black sweatpants. Nothing really special here. He then put them on, followed by a red pair of Vans.

"Bye dude! Going to the Common Room!" Connor shouted, opening the door and exiting.

Connor then strolled through the hallways, occasionally saying
"Hi" or "Hello" to some people he knew. Soon enough, he entered the room which was the place everyone hung out. He wasn't surprised too see Ash, Infinity, Gavin, Luna, Jovelyn and Natalie. Jovelyn was still in her pyjamas, so Connor just smiled slightly and patted her shoulder slightly as he entered behind her. "Morning, Jovelyn!" He smirked, trying to reassure her that to be honest nobody probably cared that he was not dressed. "And Morning to everyone else too!" Connor tilted his head towards the group on the couch. He then walked over to the television, switching it on and looking at the news channel headlines. Connor sighed, walking over to one of the empty sofas and sitting down on it.

Even though Connor knew everyone here, he always felt awkward around them. Almost as if he was an outsider. And I guess in one way or another he was...
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Charlie Mellet

Charlie walked along the corridors, stopping only to check his phone when he heard the familiar tone from his pocket. It wasn't like anyone had texted him, - well, apart from his mom - most of the notifications came from Twitter. In his spare time, instead of going to find friends, the boy would simply sit in his room reading, or constantly checking his phone for notifications. Since he had finished reading the pile of books he had taken from the library a week before, he was going to return them.

When he entered the library, he was surprised at how empty the room was. He wasn't complaining, but he found it strange how there was a significantly smaller amount of people staying over summer this year. Despite the fact that the room was near enough empty, he decided to go to his normal seat in the corner, placing his bag there before returning the books.

He sat there for a while, before he realised he hadn't picked out anything to read. It wasn't as if he had forgotten - it was more like he was just lost in his own mind. He ended up sitting on his phone, as he had read all of the books he could see, and he really didn't want to get up. He wasn't even sure how he walked all the way to the library, after getting up early to avoid talking to Sean.

It wasn't as if he particularly disliked Sean, it was just that he disliked people in general. And the faint smell he could only recognise as drugs had also put him off, although he was too shy to even mention that. Charlie had managed to avoid Sean as much as possible during school, but of course, he wouldn't always be able to. Charlie couldn't talk to teachers after lessons to avoid talking to anyone else in the summer, he wouldn't be able to rush off to the library because 'I need to do homework!'.

And that worried him. He didn't want to talk to anyone.

After only a short time, Infinity arrived in the room. He gave her a slight smile as she sat down beside him. He liked Infinity, she was calm but interesting all at the same time. He watched her as she sat on the chair next to him, his eyes following her. Her mouth opened, and she asked a question. "Probably nothing much," He spoke, in his usual not too posh West End accent, "Perhaps a little bit of drawing, here and there. I've got a project to-" He was interrupted by the sound of Gavin, singing about his arrival. "Ah, Gav!" Ash grinned, turning his attention to his roommate. "Oh, who isn't. Endless days of drinkin' and partyin'." He put on a terribly fake American accent. "But seriously, I am. I'm especially glad that I get to spend my Summer here. Away from the assholes that I call my parents." The statement would have sounded awfully tragic if he hadn't have added a laugh at the end.

Before he knew it, both Jovelyn and Luna had arrived. Jovelyn was in her pyjamas, looking rather red as she was. Ash tried to hide his laughter, knowing how awful the feeling of embarrassment is.
"Jovelyn, how are you, this fine morning" He leaned forward and clasped his hands together, his jacket tightened around his shoulders. And then Natalie arrived. He watched her walk in and avoid the group. He wanted to say something to her, to let her know that she was their friend, but he had started a conversation with Jovelyn, and he could not interrupt the conversation.

Just then, Connor interrupted the conversation, and saved Ash a job. He stood up and walked over to where Natalie was, but shouted behind him,
"Morning to you too Connor." He sat next to Natalie, putting his arm on the couch. "Morning." He spoke.
Liam Grottfrim

One line after another, one hair strand after another, Liam quietly drew the girl across his table in the school's cafe on his blue stained sketchbook.
His cup of fruit tea was standing proudly next to him, strands of hot steam dancing on top of the cup, like they were in a continuous live-show of dancing where the only spectators were the eyes of those curious enough to stare at a white cup of tea. And, as if the cup wasn't enough for Liam, not far away was his bowl of colorful cereals, a spoon hidden deep under the colored milk, only the handle visible, only the handle spared from the depths of the mysterious bowl of cereals.

But neither of them were attended to, they haven't been touched by Liam yet. Not like he didn't want to, but he was so focused on drawing the mysterious girl that he could not move his hands anywhere but on his pencil and his sketchbook, constantly drawing line after line, strand after strand, slowly bringing the drawing to life. Or so he believed. His drawing skills were not exceptional, hell, he wasn't even above your average drawer, but nevertheless, it was an activity Liam enjoyed, as it calmed him down, pulled him away from the daily garbage he has to attend to, the never-forgiving thoughts that keep circling inside his fragile mind, like a racing car in a circuit, with each lap, making the thoughts more present, more alive, more real than they should be, as he thought of them.

But good things, always have to end. And in just one move, one innocent, magnificent move. One, beautiful move, Liam's concentration faded away as his victim stood up, straightened her clothing and walked away, walked away from Liam. With a gentle drop, Liam's sketchbook fell on the table, echoing it's pain to those who would hear it. And with one big yawn, Liam scratched his bearded chin, the unmistakable sound it made, relaxing Liam further more. Or, should he say, making him feel proud of his beard. And his hair. His pitch-black hair, all tighten up in a messy bun. Perhaps it was a perfect time to begin eating. And to drink the tea he had. Yes, he'll definitely do that. For the sake of his stomach.
Lloyd Fredricks

Lloyd couldn't help but chuckle slightly when Connor jumped out of his bed like that. While they didn't share many traits, Lloyd enjoyed Connor's company. So light-hearted and enthusiastic, it almost made Lloyd jealous of him. With a swift flick of the wrist Lloyd caught the flying lighter in midair and nodded a thanks to Connor, before returning to the balcony and lighting his cigarette. He inhaled deeply, and kept the smoke in his lungs for a while. He'd severely cut down on the smoking, but starting his day without one was tough, almost like how caffeine addicts had trouble starting their days without coffee.

He heard that Connor went to the shower, came out again, got on clothes, and finally left without ever turning his attention from the large campus. Finally, when he heard the door close he put out the cigarette against the railing, and then flicked it off the edge before stretching his shoulders. He was finally going to have some use for all that liquor now that they were practically alone on campus. He turned and re-entered his room again, put on a red shirt below his almost trademarked hoodie. For once, he skipped the shades, and let himself out the door only with his rings and armbands.

Once out of the dorm he stretched his arms high above his head again and looked around the corridor. He wasn't sure where he should go, but he figured to common room was as good as any place. Walking casually into the common room, he found that a lot of the people he knew were around. He didn't really want to get in the middle of the mess of people right now, he couldn't handle the social pressure, so he looked around for a smaller gathering. Ash and Nattie were sitting on a couch over to the side, so Lloyd shrugged and started walking over.

He waved to Ash as he walked towards the sofa, and then slid in behind the couch and crouched down, placing his head on the backrest between the two and looked at Natalie. She was one of those few who shared the music lessons with him, so he was positively disposed towards her. "And if it isn't my favourite girl in the world. How are you doing, Nattie?"

@SpectroVector @Brynn
< Thea Robinson >

Thea yawned pleasantly and slowly blinked her eyes, revealing their warm hazel color. A tiny frown appeared on her pink lips, as the girl almost thought she had to attend classes yet again that morning. Upon realizing that it was summer vacation, a slow smile crossed her lips, and she exhaled a breath she did not remember holding. Sitting up in her bed, the brunette lowered the quilt covering her entire body, glancing toward the empty bed beside her. She raised an eyebrow in seeing Natalie's empty bed, wondering where she could have gone at this ungodly hour. Nevertheless, Thea swung her legs out of the bed, fixing the T-shirt she wore, which had ridden up slightly in her sleep. Turning toward the bed, she made it quickly, humming lightly as she did so.

The eighteen-year-old female grabbed her shower things and walked toward the bathroom. Thea turned on the lights, hissing softly when the bright light met her hazel eyes. She blinked a few times, trying to ignore the irritating feeling, while her eyes adjusted. She set her things down on the stool outside the shower, undressing and turning the water up pretty high. Sighing in relaxation, she let the water run over her for a few moments before washing her body and hair with cocoa scented body wash. When she finished this routine, she reached for the royal blue towel lounging on the stool, drying herself off before wrapping the material around her body. Her hair would just have to air dry until she got back to the room.

Exiting the bathroom, Thea clutched her towel tightly and made her way back into the room she shared with Natalie. She set her things down before moving toward her wardrobe for something to wear. The brunette wanted to be festive that morning, considering it was the first day of her summer at St. Andrew's. It was a hard decision not to go home, though she was excited to stay at her beloved school for some more time. After a few minutes of deliberation, she decided on a black romper that was both comfortable and cute. She paired it on witth a yellow and black polka-dotted kimono and tan gladiator scandals. Thea noted to only apply a thin layer of makeup, given that it was summer and the sun would simply melt it away. Working on her hair, she dried it carefully before using a curling iron to create soft waves flowing down her back.

After this routine, Thea exited the dormitory, sharing smiles and smirks with a few people that she recognized in the corridor. Another wave of tiredness hit her, though she pushed it away, as best as she could, when she came up to the common room. Upon entering, she spotted quite a few students she knew, wondering how they had gotten up at an earlier time. Her warm brown eyes scanned the room, only to be disappointed when she noticed Sean was not among the group gathered. She tried to mask this mischance with a soft smile, eyeing Natalie and Ash on another couch, as Lloyd leaned on the backrest behind them. A small smirk appearing on her pink lips, as she chose to sit in a lone chair between the two sofas. "I don't understand how you all manage to have so much energy at this hour." She huffed in her usual British accent, speaking to no one in particular.
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After Roxie brushed her teeth she took a quick shower. When she was done she wrapped her ls elf in a towel and went to her closet and looked inside. "What should I wear today?" She scanned her closet then smiled. "I think I will wear this." She took out her clothes went back in the bathroom and got dressed. Then she went to the mirror and fixed her hair. "Done"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.c98fd3fae890bc713057ff8626935655.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37958" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.c98fd3fae890bc713057ff8626935655.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She walked out of the bathroom and headed to the commons. "Maybe she's in there." She said her mind drifting back to her roommate again. While walking some of the students would move out of the way to let her walk through. She made a little smirk, she was amused by this. Once she reached the commons she saw Jovelyn in her pjs? She also saw Ash, Infinity,Gavin, Luna, Natalie, Lloyd, and Thea. She walked over to the group and looked a Jovelyn. She then raised her eyebrow at her. "I'm not even going to ask just go to the dorm and change now." (@NessieAlways ) She then looked at the others and said, "Morning." She knew them but only because of Jovelyn. She wasn't really sure what they thought of her. Considering she bullied people, pulls pranks and gets in trouble a lot. She then notice Conner sitting by himself, she bully him sometimes she found it quite enjoyable. Well maybe tease was a better word. Either way she knew it would irritate him. She walked over behind the couched leaned over and said, "Well well if it isn't little Conner. What's wrong not fitting in with the kiddies?" ( @FlipperDaPenguin )



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Connor Genin

Startled by the sudden voice behind him, he spun his head around and faced the familiar Roxie, smiling.
"Morning Roxie! How are you?" Connor asked, simply ignoring her tease as he knew it would irritate her even more. This would happen a lot, but not usually. Roxie was actually pretty cool when you get too know her, but only after you ignore her seemingly 'scary' appearance. Connor has never ever needed to remind himself about this as to be honest he doesn't care.

Connor patted the seat next to him, gesturing for her to seat next to him. Over the last semester, Roxie and him had actually made a quite tight relationship, but that didn't stop her teasing him. But silly teases and such were like water on a duck's back for Connor; If it gets serious, well, that's another answer.

"So, Are you going to go the party tomorrow?" Connor asked, smirking at Roxie slightly. "I probably will, but I might leave early." He nodded his head at his statement. Connor wasn't really one for social events; But you never know, he might actually enjoy is one!
Luna Alexander

Luna blinked, attempting to process the steady growth of figures gathering in the common room. She parted her lips to greet everyone and bid them all a good morning, but inside released a soft sigh, before directing herself ntowards a single chair in the back.

Once settled in the back of the room, she simply allowedbher beautifully lit irises to caress and examine the new figures in the room of which had arrived after she herself showed up.

Not to her surprise, it wasn't much to see.Roxie , Thea Lloyd, all the late ones as usual. Shrugging her shoulders, Luna began to toy with her loosened curls of which had finally decided to annoy her and crowd her facade.

It wasn't much of an issue to her own accord, but when it came to others, they would mistake her for being upset. Shifting her attention to all her conversating friends, she couldn't help but allow a small smile to begin t tug at her thinned pink lips.

Lately everyone was getting along as far as the eye could see, which of course was good enough to satisfy Luna. Overhearing Connor's topic of conversation, she began to contwmplate her own attendance. Even if she did go, who would she go with? Titling her head in a counterclockwise manner while being lost in her thoughts, she began to mumble to herself.
Natalie had looked up from her phone a couple times as students had quickly filled the room. " Eager much?" She had said sarcastically under her breath before returning her attention to the White Phone in her hands. As Connor entered the room Natalie slightly looked up before returning her phone to her gaze, she sighed somewhat bored before Ash had made his way to the couch she was sitting at.

She looked up and turned her attention to Ash as he sat next to her and greeted her. " Well if it isn't the British Giraffe." Natalie had said smirking at Ashton before chuckling lightly and greeting him. " Hi Ash." She had said slightly waving before Lloyd had made his way behind the two. Natalie slightly turned over rolling her eyes at his greeting. " I thought I told you to stop calling me that." Natalie had said, her Russian accent more noticeable since she was slightly blushing. She sighed and greeted Lloyd. " But, I'm doing good." Natalie had said waving her hand at him, before quickly running her fingers threw her hair.

@Prizzy Kriyze @SpectroVector
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Grinning cheekily, Ash pushed Lloyd's face away with his palm, rather forcefully as he turned his attention to Natalie once more. "Giraffe?" He laughed, "That's a new one." He put his other arm on the backrest, blocking Lloyd's face and almost putting his arm around Natalie. He noticed Thea had arrived and he looked over to her. "British giraffe," He shouted, "Ever heard of that one Thea?" He liked Thea's accent. Her parents had always said the Scousers (People from Liverpool) were commoners, even peasants if they were feeling particularly judgy. "Anyway," Ash began, raising his voice so the others would hear. "There's a jock party tomorrow, are we going?" He raised an eyebrow and looked around. He knew who would go and who would rather not, but they were pretty much a gang, and if the majority was going to a party, everyone would have to go.

Ash nearly laughed at his own voice, saying the word jock. Back in England, no one would ever use that word. He had tried to learn the ways of American football, but it was simply too complicated. He hadn't enjoyed playing or watching football-or soccer as he must call it now-back at home. The girls here were different too, he noticed. Anyone who was considered a 'slut' wore ten tonnes of make-up and a full bottle of fake tan, back home. But here, a slut could be anyone. He had mostly heard the cheerleaders be called sluts, but they seemed free of make-up and hair extensions. Sure, some of them looked like barbie dolls, but it was completely natural. Almost laughing at himself, he turned his attention back to the 'crowd', waiting for a reply.
Connor Genin

Whilst waiting for Roxie to reply, Connor took a lingering glance at Luna. 'God, she was beautiful...' He thought. Connor couldn't help but admit that he was in love with her, but he would never have the guts to confess his feelings to her; But maybe one day. Some people would say that she was anti-social and secretive, but Connor had his own mysterious fantasies about that answer. From a under-cover agent, to a scared vampire; He had thought of it all.

Suddenly, at hearing Ashton's loud voice, he stopped staring at her and turned to the crowd. It seemed that Ash had asked the same question that he had asked Roxie. But the word 'jock' stopped him from replying. Does that mean that it was only popular people invited? I mean, Connor would still be able to go, but barely. It wouldn't be as stereotypical as that, would if? No, it shouldn't be.

Hesitantly, Connor, still red from his long stare of Luna, shouted out.
"Yeah, Ash. I probably will!" He smiled, trying to hide the face that he was blushing heavily.
Lloyd Fredricks

Lloyd smiled at Nattie as she blushed. "Wasn't this the first time? Oh well, don't pretend like you don't love i-" He was interrupted by a palm to the face, delivered by none other than Ash. He wasn't on any bad terms with Ash, quite the opposite, he respected him quite a lot, but that was uncalled for. Ashton should know Lloyd by now, how he was always flirting with girls, and even though it seldom was serious he didn't like getting interrupted. He quickly gripped onto the hand that had pushed him away and stood up. "Oi, what are you doing to my face shorty?" He said with a faked hurt voice. The statement was highly sarcastic, Ashton was a pretty tall guy, it's just that Lloyd was the only one who beat him in height, and he liked to joke about it. "It's like you don't even love me anymore!" He joked, and raised his hand holding Ash's hand so that he got into a uncomfortable position.

"Oh yeah, Ashman. I've gotta talk to ya. Can ya lend me your ear for a lil' bit?" He said, and let go of his arm, and indicated for him to come over to Lloyd. Much like he'd expected, there was going to be a party. Sweet. He thought to himself.


@Brynn (sort of)
" Why so loud British Giraffe, its still in the morning calm down." Natalie had said playfully hitting Ash in the chest. She had then adverted her attention to Lloyd as he had finally responded to her comment. "Oh just shut up." She had said muttered before chuckling as Ash had cut him off. She had then turned around and put her phone back in her hand.

A text from my dad? That's weird he never checks up on me ever since I came here to St. Andrews." Natalie had said mumbling to herself not really caring who heard at this point. She shrugged and opened her phone and went to text messages and looked at the text her Father had sent to her. " Happy 1st Day of Summer, I hope to see you vist me this summer. Natalie rolled her eyes at her Father's text before texting back a quick reply by the lines of "I'm staying here for summer." She sighed and turned her phone off putting it back in her pocket.

Ash twisted his body into an uncomfortable shape as Lloyd kept hold of his arm. Smirking at hid friends comment, he snatched back his arm and said, "Pretty sure I didn't love you in the first place, and please, you're like two inches taller than me." He stood up. "What is it? Do you need some Motherly advice? I'm sure Gavin would be much more suited to that role." He laughed and nodded towards Gav. Regardless of his previous statement, Ash hopped over to Lloyd. "Do go on." He had his hands on his hips, waiting for the boy in front of him to tell him what was so important. He needed Lloyd to hurry, because whatever he wanted to speak about, the others would surely want in on it any time soon. "Oh, and don't call me Ashman ever again. There will be consequences, now go."

< Thea Robinson >

Thea looked toward Ashton and raised an eyebrow at the term 'British giraffe.' "No, I think that's a first for me. However, I might try using it back home and see what it gets me." She smirked lightly, a small chuckle escaping from her mouth afterwards. The 'home' she was referring to was Liverpool, of course, where she lived for the first fourteen years of her life. At times, she was irate that her father accepted the position in the states, having to pick up and move the entire family to Delaware. It was during these times that she remembered the brilliance of the institution she attended. Thea liked that she and Ash had a common interest and knowledge of England, as it reminded her of her beloved country. She knew that people from the countryside did not always care for the city dwellers, however this rivalry seemed to have diminished between herself and Ash, considering they got along well enough.

"Jock party?" The word 'jock' sounding foreign, as it left her lips. Her warm, hazel eyes shined at the announcement of a celebration, given there would be plenty of fun and alcohol. "I'll be making an appearance if they have enough... refreshments." She replied to Ash's question to those in the common room, lounging in her chair and choosing her words carefully. She chose not to comment on Lloyd's proposition to talk to Ashton in private, internally wondering what that spat was all about. She raised an eyebrow when Natalie muttered that she had a text message from her father, given that they were not in close contact. Thea enjoyed talking about her family when there were in their dormitory room, sensing that her roommate had a somewhat estranged relationship with her father soon enough. "He's a funny fellow, isn't he?" She commented offhand, looking toward her roommate for a moment.
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