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Fantasy Spirit Animals 2.0

[QUOTE="Right okay then]Have a good sleep! School has just finished in Nz xD

So that's why you're 12 hours away from my zone! I'm in Europe. Been trying to figure that out :)
DaManofWar said:
hey. What is this merging?
Are you talking about Zoe's and Eos's? Well, since the animals are spirit animals, Leo thought f a creative way to make the animals different from regular wild animals besids them being connected to their partners and they're able to talk.

So in Eos's case, he merges with Zoe as his special ability, boosting Zoe's strength ad together they merge as one. (Leo can describe more!)
Calibutcher said:
Minotaur response incoming.
Guys the post I put up was actually incomplete I was writing and then i looked at the time and realized I was gonna be late for work so I pushed Post cause I panicked. You can still respond to it but there was supposed to be more...
Calibutcher said:
Guys the post I put up was actually incomplete I was writing and then i looked at the time and realized I was gonna be late for work so I pushed Post cause I panicked. You can still respond to it but there was supposed to be more...
Don't worry about it, I can hang about till you come back.

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